They were the HOS for a round of Mercenaries where I played a Security Officer. They opened the round with a training exercise which I really enjoyed, it's rare to see HOS players actually engage with the team somehow. The only issue I think I have is with the character. They quickly departed from SOP, seemingly without exigent circumstances, and when informed they were violating SOP they issued illegal orders to arrest my character. I think that a fast and loose Head of Security can be done well, I just don't think it can be done by a veteran police officer with a degree. I do recognize that non-canon rounds present circumstances which sometimes render SOP and the Corporate Regulations impractical or impossible to follow. However I think that part of a HOS' OOC responsibilities is to uphold a standard of behavior. Really it's a nitpick because if I don't like it I could just, you know, apply for whitelist myself and do it how I think it should be done. I think the IC behavior definitely rose to the level of CCIA (were it not a non-canon round) but not to the level of a player report.
Overall, still good! My major points are these:
-Improve IC adherence to Regs and SOP when able
-Alter the character's backstory if they will be fast and loose. I would probably go with an ex rent-a-cop/military contractor instead of a career police officer.
-Remember that non-canon rounds are not necessarily an excuse to go crazy with what your character does IC as the Head of Security. (Also, canon rounds aren't necessarily a signal that you should be a complete angel!)
That said, +1. I would absolutely love to see this character (and player) come into their own as HOS and other heads if they wish to play them.