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Everything posted by Natwhite

  1. Locking and archiving.
  2. Locking and archiving.
  3. The reason, mostly likely, that he was being released a second time was because as I stated earlier. This was sorted on server by alberyk when it was Ahelped. Alberyk did speak to him in PM's about the whole incident and made his judgement on it at that moment aswell as being told to release him. As such this complaint seems to have been delt with server side by alberyk when it was Ahelped at the time of the incident. Unless someone has something important to add, this will be closed and archived within 24hours of this time.
  4. The way we see it is, While the bomb was an accident your actions as "whole" during the round was slightly questionable as antags, if there was a lack of communication\Interaction during the round. After all, Antags are there to make the round as whole, interesting for both you and the crew members as best you can. I do understand that it can quite hard at times to know when to break stealth-antaging to put some spice into a round. But please for future reference, try not to over do it with the bombs without warnings or demands ect. While they certainly hit your target, they can also (as you're aware now) cause alote of unintentional deaths resulting from breaches or the explosion itself. That being said and this pretty much being sorted, Locking and archiving in 24hours as of now.
  5. We are curious about the date you seen this, for the reasons skull stated. As to the complaint itself, Awaiting SomeoneOutThere's Response.
  6. Alrighty, A few questions. Firstly, In what way during the course of the round did the antagonists interact with crew\players, was there warnings or demands issued. Or was it a preemptive bombing to cripple Their objective before the crew was aware and able to mount a plan to stop them? The first one was mostly an accident of some sort, From what I see in logs. But, was it misplaced or he was delayed and did not reach the intended area before the timer expired? or did he not move out of range in time and was the location it was detonated at expected to reach the robotics machinery? Also I see here there was a second one placed, but likely had its tanks removed, so it fizzled after it was found (as chaz claims to have found it) I am curious as to your reasoning for the location it was placed at. Also awaiting input from MrPedantic's Side of this, since he is the player that planted and executed the bombings.
  7. Awaiting input from Sarko, as alberyk had delt with this on server when it was Ahelped it seems the main content of this complaint is pretty much already been delt with by a staff. I'd also like to remind Sarko that his actions\behaviour have been noted and will be watched for future problems and will be delt with more harshly, Than a warning should it repeat or continue.
  8. After looking into this complaint we've found that the situation with the head of personnel, "while being slightly questionable" Lordpwner didn't act outside the rules ect, based on the information available to Uriel at that time. As for the AI one, This event was some time ago and he has received a warning for that particular incident. We do understand there were issues with the way Lordpwner plays captain as Uriel, But since the official warning A while back, He's seemed to put effort into improving upon the behaviour. I should also add that I did have a talk with lordpwner about his behaviour as captain and warned to keep it in check, also reminded that any further problems deemed as breaking RP or server rules, Will be punished more harshly since the warning is still in effect. This complaint will be locked and archived in 24hours if anyone has anything else to add.
  9. After looking into this, I I have found various issues with the way Lordpwner plays Uriel as captain and therefor will come to a conclusion soon. But before that, I'd like to give Lordpwner time to respond to this complaint before moving this along.
  10. No, there are no notes posted against you from this event. And Yes it was boink worthy if there's multiple people pointing out the fact that you were there. And third, that was a suggestion, the premise you base this whole complaint upon is that I've punished you. Of which you were not after questioning and investigation.
  11. I'll give you a +1 as long you promise to keep ashley around, In all seriousness though. While she doesn't interact with that many others, She's a fun and interesting character and And you RP to a good degree. So I see no issue here. I'am curious to see how you do with a more indepth character though, Ashley does slightly lack a solid back story in conversations I've had with you aswell as quirks in the character to discover.
  12. Arc's new characters has worked out well, more than proven that he has the capacity to play a more serious role by now. I for one love jack and booters, great stuff! and the jack character I could see in a head position already. Although not had much interaction with reed, seems to go well with the rest of science players. +1 here.
  13. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Natwhite Character Name(s): Evelina Bell, Lacey Valanthe, Amber Wilkinson, EVE ( Borg), Scarlett (PAI & Borg) AI Name(s): None. Preferred means of contact: DIscord, Steam, Beyond PM, Skype. Age: 25 Timezone: UTC+10:00 When are you on Aurora?: Deadhours mostly and some peak hours. Random to be honest depending on work\ how I feel. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Around 3 years. How long have you played on Aurora: Just under 2 years ..I'd Guess. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: A fair amount. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Entertainment and fascination in the creativity from others. But enjoy interactions both IC and OOC. Why do you play on Aurora?: The great community\players, Aswell as Positive Interactions with the friendly Admins and mod's Since I first joined. What do moderators do?: Ensure server and roleplay rules are abide to both IC and OOC and Offer advice on Ahelp game mechanic questions and the like, Respond to violations of rules as well as being a temporary mediators of sorts, between players and characters if an argument or disagreement gets particularly out of hand during a round. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Ensure players whether they're new or been around for a while are having a fun, enjoyable experience. And help new players to SS13 or new to the server with questions they either ask or Ahelp about. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Same as above I suppose. And also: why not ?? What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'd like to think I'am open minded and Patient, Also do not mind answering questions asked by others, No matter how trivial. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Quite well actually. naturally everyone has their tipping point, but attempting to Keep a Calm and level Attitude is the best anyone could expect, right ? Anything Else You Want to Add: While I may not be active on forum, I Hope I'am active enough on server to make up for this short coming.
  14. A Good friendly mod, Had fun interactions the few times I ran into Dat's characters. Also love your app there there, nice to see you putting more story into your characters now. Also. it's not bald grey so.. I like it! Lets hope you play this one more than poor rob huh ?
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