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  1. I dont really like this change. Now we are going to see Dionaeas in security or always giving explanations in OOC of" why their Dionaea character killed/hurt someone" IC and people complaining it wasnt enough reason to do so. It became a pacific race to a "somtimes pacific" which sucks
  2. I was the Dionaea this round and i think Frances explained very well what happened on the round. It was a mistake to call ourselves "Syndicate" or "pirates" and would been a better idea to call us something less conflictive for our purpose. We had no leader and it seemed like non of us had a solid plan of what to do. I tried to roleplay as a confused diona who ended up joining the syndicates being the driver and medic of the team. So we knew from start this wasnt going to be a very serious syndicate mission. We were probably the worst syndicate team ever seen yeah. But we were also unique. And that made us different from other syndicate rounds when "blowing the armory is a must and then get some hostages" . We tried to recruit members first to involve more civilian people and not only security and why not, doing some RP. I dont think this Isaac thing was "meta buddy" , When i saw him on departures he was wearing his clothes, then he went ssd and somehow after that he was naked. We also didnt leave equipment for him. Most part of the round i was trying to communicate with the rest of the team but were so dumb and funny that they ended up being lost on space or doing random things.
  3. BYOND Key: LiquidRecluse (not 100% sure just guessing from one LOOC) Staff BYOND Key: Killerhurtz (said my death was ok) ICC name: Aldabert Von Krieger Reason for complaint: - Being a dick rule. Kills a player without a valid reason to do so - Takes the HOS ID who went SSD for geting into armory and get lethal wepons just to kill me This rounds starts with the wizard "Hoang-Duong Magic" He came peacefuly with his change staff and decided to do some "Magic tricks" in hydroponics. He transformed a nymph into a Xenomorph and the xeno started laying eggs and do that purple things. Then he transformed it into a vox, monkey, borg, skrell. I was working as warden and Alabert was a security officer. When asked to him about what the hell was happening at hydroponics he said it was "Magic" nothing to worry about. I was really worried but the show continued transforming into lot of things. Then accidentaly the wizard transforms me into an Alien Larva and i decide to RP as a larva crawling into vents, hiding and evolving into a xeno. I started to lay my eggs in engineering just like the other xeno did in hydroponics. i tried to RP as a xeno all the time, and ""Me"" that was umcofortable with people around. The officer came with the wizard and the wizard decided to transform me into other things. Monkey, human, etc. He said "Bad Warden".. I didnt harm anyonne just keep standing there. Then he transform me into a cyborg and asked me to clean all the mess. I said "affirmative " and started to help removing the purple things with welding tool. Also said "procesing request" since was my first time as engineer drone so was geting used to. I was a borg for a while. But then the wizard says something like "lame" or "boring" and decides to transform me into other thing, a monkey. And says "want to arrest him?" and also "if he is a borg he has laws to follow" and then back to an alien. I was standing all the time not even moving. And the officer pulls his lethal gun and kills me. Then started to walk all around the station with my xeno corpse and finaly puting it into the brig evidence lockers. Important points - I didnt hurt or was never a threat - Security that was only Alabert at that time seemed to help the wizard all the time inspite wizard transformed his work mate into an alien. I mean seriously what was he expecting ? Me To still act like a human when i wasnt a human anymore???? - Finally decent security came to the station and decided to set to arrest the wizard for another thing i wasnt paying attention, since i was talking to staff member Killerhurtz who talked to this player but didnt resolve anything
  4. Cargo can already make all the tools from the autolathe or order them, except the nanopaste. So why not adding the nanopaste to cargo, with the full surgery tools crate that already exist? So
  5. I see your point and im agree with some of your ideas. Removing all equipment of other departments would be crazy. But there is no need to be so extremist. Im pretty sure most of the cargo techs you say that go drunk and dont do their job its because they dont have anything to do at their work place, been waiting for hours, and actually dont feel the station would give a shit about them if they do their job or not. Cargo actually has a head of staff that is HOP so in a serious server like this where we encourage roleplay the hop should make sure with QM they are doing well their jobs and if not, take their places. I love that idea. Its like ordering pizza when there is no cheff We need people to actually notice if Cargo did well in a shift or not. Because at the moment mining could gather 1000 minerals, cargo have 1000 points, answered fast their requests and there would be no diference on the station. There is not a real impact.. maybe none.
  6. Hello guys. Im making this topic to show you and all the crew, how much potential does cargo have and why its not currently used. Note: This topic was made for suggestions purposes not to criticize. CARGO Cargo called my attention the first time i saw it. They order equipment and help to keep the station running. They also deliver crates and make people fill lots of paperwork. Seems really cool to supply a functional spaceship station. But that isnt true, lets talk about why the station doesnt really need cargo I have been writing up which were the most ordered items, and which werent ordered at all. My final conclusion was that cargo is just like i said before. A little "help" but sadly they are not really necesary. Lets put it this way: A station without Security would be chaos. I cant imagine a station without security, people breaking the space law and not getting punished, a station without medical would not live too long. No need to explain this. Without atmos we would probably be dead because of a little breach in the station, etc etc. And... Cargo... Well... Cargo doesnt make a real difference in the station. It just help the other department SOMETIMES. cargo's way to go to the central of the station. Needs to make an unecesary huge turn around Lets analyze the most frequently requests from cargo: - Monkey crates: This is a number one. Cheffs order this to have more meat. But most of the times they are used with bad purposes, for example making a huge amount of slimes ending in slimes over all the station. - RIPLEY APLU: Robotic needs it to make ripleys, sometimes to be send to mining other to make their own experiments - Non-Human esterile gloves: This is one of the crates that i love requesting because they really need this and it doesnt have bad side-effects and helps 100% other species. - Pizzas: Because pizzas And well that is it. There is not much more, maybe if you play 20 shifts you can get ordered one item which isnt on the list but that rarely happens. But wait... You mean, cargo doesnt help other deparments? What about security? Or medical or atmos or engineering? Captain noticing cargo doesnt have bio suits with a biohazard going on Well sometimes engineering orders an inflatable barrer crate, but thats pretty much it. Security doesnt need cargo at all, they have an armory with tons of equipment. Medical doesnt need more medic equipment, they have too much already. Plus when an emergency occurs cargo cant really help. And in extended shifts its not needed that much. Most of the times cargo techs go ssd or stay at the desk for 2 hours of shift. With only 2 requests in the whole shift. And thats when i can see there is a real problem going on. POINTS? Points arent necesary, there is never, i mean NEVER a shortage of points because of the few requests. That makes cargo techs not to have to decide or priorize equipment and ends in less fun/rp. Beautiful crates Some of you will say: "but cargo is already too powerful they can order lots of weapons and kill everyone !!!" Well yeah, but thats not my point. I wouldnt care if they removed some lethal stuff and change for more usefull stuff like radiation suits or Blood packs for medic. The point is: its absurd you can make flamethrowers, ordering from the cargo console but you cant order harmless useful equipment CONCLUSION: Cargo needs to improve, get some help. And not be the forgotten department that no one wants to play. Other departments seems to always have improvement changes when cargo needs more attention. WE NEED IDEAS. - Adding equipment that already exists on the station but improved (For example better welding tools without needing to hack the autolathe) - Adding useful crates to help the station in emergency situations. (Bio suits are a must) - Adding useful crates that ONLY cargo can order that foments the RP and communication with cargo and heads - Adding useless luxury crates for people to basicaly deny them but make cargo techs busy with something And also some that others may not agree - Removing some equipment of other deparments to make cargo more needed CURRENTLY CRATES Ideas "Piano Kit" (by Voyd2000) "Bio suits" (by madpredator) "Blood packs" (by madpredator) "fully-loaded CSI kits" (by 1138) "Clown clothes" (for clown fans) "Gift crate" (contain random cute item to gift someone) "Robotics reapir kit" ( by Jboy2000000) "Robotics mass production crate"( by Jboy2000000) "acid for circuit imprinters chem" ( by Jboy2000000) NOTE: this topic will be edited and modified in the future, any suggestion or idea feel free to post it
  7. Was really funny to watch, and people saying to others to use their pdas
  8. Totally agree with MeowMoo , people dont care a shit about their horse face . It was much better before. Maybe not letting you speak is a bit too much... But what about if every 2 words you say you have to yell like a horse so its hard to understand you but possible.
  9. Last game people got sick and just exploded because of a disease. Captain wanted bio suits to prevent more people to die , but guess what? cargo has no bio suits. I really think we need them for Hazards and infections like this "captain noticing no cargo suits from console" Im also planning to do another topic with more suggestions and making cargo more useful in emergency situations. But i think this is the highest priority at the moment. Waiting for reply. Thanks
  10. That explains a lot . This topic can be closed thanks for replying both
  11. BYOND Key: ForgottenTraveller Player Byond Key: Alberyk Staff involved: Aqy and Tablespoon. Reason for complaint: Wizard round. I was the wizard and i was at the mining station. I decided to use my staff of change and grant some people wishes become true after doing my real objetive as wizard.. They wanted to be Xenos so i decided to make a big family of Xenox at mining station. They were friendly to me and everything was good ..when suddenly the mining shuttle arrives with 2 officers inside. I come inside to talk to them and RP but this player Alberyk peppers spray me in the face. I was blind and confused so i defended myself changing them converting them into monkeys. They proceed to attack me as monkeys with their hands and later they picked a stun baton. and stun me. I tried Xenos to help me so i said "Xenos this is your food" or your lunch i dont remember i was being attacked by the monkeys and wanted aliens to defend me. They didnt and as a last ressort i used fireball blowing the shit and the monkeys finished killing me (yeah really noob i know im bad ) The main point is this player didnt say a single word and just pepper sprayed me for the fact i was wearing wizard clothes. THey didnt even know there was a wizard at station. They arrived with the shuttle, saw some xenos at the distance and a human coming inside the shuttle to receive them aand decided to attack the Human because yolo. if thats not metagaming i dont know what is. - Later when i was dead, he said LOOC he missed click. Dont pepper sprays have a safety for that? - He didnt say it was an accident like whoops or sorry in ICC so i could RP that The monkey ended up killing me and pulling my dead body to the main station with a stun baton in his hands Approximate Date/Time: . monday, 19 October 2015. GMT,
  12. Have you been involved in this incidents? Or you just heard it from someone else ? because you have wrong versions of both. I will answer first about Zaki. Yes i was at cargo and im not sure i was a vampire, i remember i was an antag ,probably a Ling and i made a friend antag that round. I was asking what plans did he have when Zaki arrived, Zaki ordered the gloves and i was at desk, my friend was with a medical Mech at the lobby with zakki. And he Randomly shot him with a syringe. I remember his exacts words were "Oh sorry my mistake" (when he clearly did it on purpose) Zaki said on comms "He... was shot.." and security started to ask : - where? What happened? i procced to pull the body with my friend (asking what the fuck did he do anyone could see him!!!) and then closed the door from warehouse leaving my friend and Zaki alone. He took his ADN probably and it was blood everywhere so i said security will come and see this mess we are screwed so i put him in a locker and opened the supply shuttle doors to put him outside so no one would see him. But i didnt start this mess, didnt kill him. Just hide his damn corpse to help my stupid antag mate not getting caught.( i didnt have any RP with Zaki in that round) The second scene happened at cargo too in another round. And it wasnt the hop/hos. It was the captain.This time it was a cultish round and we had our base at cargo warehouse. We managed to convert many people to cultish and also our last member who joined was from security. He told us , security knew about us and was coming to cargo to get us briged. He probably told us to run but since i was the leader of the cultishs i said No!, we are staying! and procced to barricate the place with wooden barricades. That includes doors/windows. I also made some wooden bats so we clearly had no friendly inttentios. We were 4 or 5 cultishs inside the base and waiting for the security to arrive and maybe pull a fight. But no. The captain came. We told him to leave ! and yelled at him stay away!, but he started to destroy the barricades. Didnt listen us. And was trying to use all the tools to disarm the barricades and get in, took him like 10 minutes to figure out he had to just hit them. He started to destroy our base and we had no choice to stun him. I stuned him and pulled his body a bit more inside. And said this is the catain lets kill him ! (I know it wasnt a smart decisio probably would been better to take him as hostage) But we all started to hit him to death. Security finally came and briged us all perma. I got Admin PM about this and he was agree it wasnt ganking at all since we tried him to stay back and showed our inttentions werent friendly. In fact the captain rushed our base not giving a shit we were all inside with weapons and barricades and ignoring what we said to him.
  13. Hello, i will try to do my best to explain myself and answer in order each reply... But first please understand im stil learning from this server and its really hard to me to understand some things. And like i always say. Sorry for my english if it sounds rude. And please let me know if i say something you dont understand so i can correct it OOC conduct 1- Early game mode votes: I remember this happened to me since i was new (at first i didnt even know there was a voting system working). I decided to try it and got pm by admins saying it was wrong because that way it wouldnt delay the round. 2- Early transfer votes: Same thing i did call it not knowing it wasnt suposed to be called before 120minutes of round. How was i supossed to know this? i didnt see anywhere saying so. As the result everyone in OOC was blaming me like i had done the worst thing in the world 3- Restart votes: I didnt know this button worked, most of servers got it disable. And one day NSS Aurora went down. When it came back a few people where online when the round started (i think me and other 2). And later on more people joined. I thought it would be a smart idea to restart the server being everybody online. (Again i got pm by admin and people complaining at me in OOC) Couldnt you just disable the call votes when they arent suposed to be called? It shouldnt be so hard. Or maybe it is i dont know. But its anoying for new people who doesnt know about this Ghost being AI: I cant seem to find what is so wrong about this.. or why you are using caps to write this complain?... One round i decided to try the AI, and did horrible, it was too complicated for me so i decided not to play it again for not ruining other crew experience. But in other round i picked this character slot again by mistake and i started being the AI. I did AHelp it and admins told me i could respawn. So i did it Ghosting being caught as antag: This happened a single time and it was my mistake.This answers to. MeowMoo , ForgottenTraveller, and EvilBrage I was going to be briged, because Zahra told security about my intentions as Antag so i decided to go to mining and scape. Security was after me and i saw a miner coming at EVA. I decided to take him as hostage but since im noob and i didnt know you need to have Light and actually see walls or rocks to walk around them in space. My hostage scaped. Later i went to another mining station. I saw a RIPLEY and knew it was from security who was chasing me (later i knew it was QM) since i lost all my stuff throwing it at space in order to survive i was desperate and decided to attack it wiith which was my only item left. A stun Baton. It attacked me back and drilled me. I was critical and without oxygen . There was no way i could survive. I waited a minute. And since my dead was inminent i decided to ghost. My mistake since they could save my body. The contraband: I was doing some RP with a janitor , we were selling happy pills and warlock velvet (which is not lethal im pretty sure. You might wanna do some tests if you dont believe me) to crew and people actually did pay us with space cash. I dont know if this is against server rules(none admin did pm about this) , but i havent done it again. Its not appropiate for QM since he could lose his job. And in fact i did lose my job and got briged for even more than 30 minutes. This happened 2 weeks ago, almost the second week i joined the server. I did gank a miner once as one of my first times as changelling. And it was the worst thing ive done in this server so far. Like i said before im really sorry for that. I got warned by an admin and we talked a lot about this. It was just a single time and some time ago. Ive never ganked or received a complain about ganking after that, so i dont know which other cases you are talking about of "powerganking." .Maybe you could explain us. could you explain more about this? You dont say much and i dont remember doing that Finally, I dont want people to hate me for my previous actions, im not the best RP player i know but i learn from my mistakes. You are all old players with high experience but im not, i joined this server a month ago and i only know how to play cargo and botanist. I also hope you guys dont make this something personal since i didnt want to ruin your gaming experience at all .. but if admins think im just not made for this server. Its your decision
  14. Yes it was an hectic round i agree . Thanks for your quick responses Xelnagahunter and Garnascus now i can keep playing extended
  15. Next time what i have to do is, let him attack me or call an admin and not defend myself. Am i right?
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