Hmm..I may have been one of the cultists that round. The general experience was: 1) security rushes through the process of gaining IC knowledge; 2) they brig you for possessing "contraband" and "suspicious activity" even after citing religious purposes (which in real life is a non-starter; cases get thrown out based on prejudice like this) and 3) you get implanted just because you refuse to cooperate after interrogation.
I'm sorry but unless you personally witness some sadistic shit like ghosts, energy swords, and gibs, it's METAGAMING to automatically assume something is illegal just because it's "foreign". No one knows what the tomes/runes/scrolls say because they're in an ancient, untranslated language. The soul shards can easily be dismissed as relics or symbols of a faith much like the holy cross. Hell, even blood on the floors is circumstantial at best; the officer has to, again, personally witness the events take place.
The bottom line is we need people who know about basic police procedure to teach folks. Otherwise, many rounds regardless of gamemode will be ruined before they even begin. That's why I stand by my original statement. Be the instrument of that change and lead by example. I feel that's the only way anything will get done.