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Everything posted by PigVomit

  1. *Hits the gavel* Court is adjourned.
  2. To each his own. Nuke has potential, but as every round it's up to the players themselves. Usually plans are made to raise hell structurally. I find that to be suitable if not necessary. The real threat should be postponed in favor of calculated surgical strikes, which create a sense of eeriness amongst the station. Not being able to communicate efficiently with each other is one of the best parts. People resort to problem solving and investigation. They use teamwork to secure their workplace from an unknown and mysterious threat. I would recommend to virtually any nuke team: disable telecoms and turn off the power. Let people sweat. Then slowly breach tucked away areas. If you can sustain it, there's a good 2 hours of entertainment. If you can't, well at least the station got to feel like heroes for defeating the redsuits.
  3. It's pretty simple. You chose the role. No one's forcing you to do anything. But see that's the problem: people decide not to do much at all. I don't want to vote for extended every time, which lately has been the norm even when there's a changeling. Antags are literally there to ensure the round will be entertaining, yet we consistently see them fail to do even that. The player "opts out" to do their character. If you really feel uncomfortable with the responsibility, then at the very least ahelp it so admins can select someone else. Or better yet, toggle the option off so people who are actually going to try get a chance. Now can a peaceful antag make a round interesting? Sure. Lately though, we rarely notice there was one.
  4. Maybe I'm just non-robust and I'm letting all the salt do the talking, and maybe using a wi-fi connection is insufficient to handle the fast pace of 2D spessmen. But when I'm being targeted in the hallway during a pursuit and am put into crit while running away unarmed...there's a play to win attitude happening here. Lethal force should be a last resort. I mean for crying out loud. There's no enjoyment in the hunt when you straight up shoot your prey. That principle goes both ways. Both sec and antags should keep this in mind. Threat assessment and probable cause should be briefed by the HOS at the beginning of a shift. As for antagonists, when in doubt ahelp the question. Admins are more than willing to weigh in.
  5. There's a difference between OBSERVE and REPORT versus scouring maintenance shafts, searching every room of every department, and detaining and searching people on code green. Even if you've got the code blue, this is troubling for the round as a whole because it doesn't have a chance to develop. So people who go "Oh antagonist murderbone all the time so it's only fair". No. That's metagaming.
  6. Not trying to be passive aggressive..I was agreeing with you lol.
  7. Oh wow! Yea we're definitely talking about two separate rounds. Like Gestapo vs. Flower Children in terms of sec behavior. If they can meet somewhere in the middle, that'd go a long way in the "making the game enjoyable for others" department. Otherwise, why should cultists hold back at all? Their attempts to roleplay can easily be traded for an energy sword, beat cops into crit, capture their souls and turn them into constructs. Of course, I tried to be mister nice guy and you saw what happened with that. The other tags didn't have much luck either, converting only one more person the entire time.
  8. Hmm..I may have been one of the cultists that round. The general experience was: 1) security rushes through the process of gaining IC knowledge; 2) they brig you for possessing "contraband" and "suspicious activity" even after citing religious purposes (which in real life is a non-starter; cases get thrown out based on prejudice like this) and 3) you get implanted just because you refuse to cooperate after interrogation. I'm sorry but unless you personally witness some sadistic shit like ghosts, energy swords, and gibs, it's METAGAMING to automatically assume something is illegal just because it's "foreign". No one knows what the tomes/runes/scrolls say because they're in an ancient, untranslated language. The soul shards can easily be dismissed as relics or symbols of a faith much like the holy cross. Hell, even blood on the floors is circumstantial at best; the officer has to, again, personally witness the events take place. The bottom line is we need people who know about basic police procedure to teach folks. Otherwise, many rounds regardless of gamemode will be ruined before they even begin. That's why I stand by my original statement. Be the instrument of that change and lead by example. I feel that's the only way anything will get done.
  9. You're right. Communication is a necessity for the main departments (except for research, which is kind of just there). A vocal security team performs far better than a silent force. Sure, kids still chant "SHITCURITY!" Every chance they get, but at the end of the day SEC gets the job done. But let's be fair to both sides, here. This problem occurs in all departments. I don't need to cite examples, because fuckwits exist on many games on many servers. You can't change people. On the other hand, you can take action yourself and be an instrument of change. Be the security officer that upholds protocol through even the most hopeless of sec teams. Eventually one becomes two, and two becomes a whole squad of model RPers.
  10. I'm surprised more people aren't citing rounds where there are no geneticists and no CMO. Usually cloning is completely abandoned as an option at that point. The bodies just get stacked outside. Yes, you can spend 5 minutes getting increased access (if the HOP isn't off doing something else, which happens). Yet this is unacceptable. All medical doctors should have access to cloning. Think of whatever lore requirement suits you: maybe every Doctor of Medicine degree includes courses in this area, but the bottom line is cloning shouldn't be so inconsistently available.
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