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About Kazkin
- Birthday 13/10/1991
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Competitive Baby Tossing
Professional Mime
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Station Engineer (8/37)
What I did as admittedly a shitty action but was still by no means gank. In the future I'll make sure to word the law differently, a better course of action would have been to add a law stating you are not to ever mention my location or bolt any doors in rooms I'm in. That would have removed you as a obstacle without rendering you useless by lawset or outright murder. I didn't subvert you in the usual way because having the AI on my side would have literally done nothing for me. I was delayed in added susequent laws because House of Synth teleported me once and winded me another time while I was editing the laws, I have the logs to prove this as well. Lastly I asked admin permission to blow the engine, which was denied, I made no other request after your initial ooc question for admin approval, I can *also* prove this with the logs.
CKey: Kazkin Banning Moderator: House of Synth Reason for ban: Repeated poor antag play as well as multiple counts of ganks and lack of involvement of crew. Ban Length: One week Round ID: bME-bmWy (Round after) That specific round House of Synth took an active issue with my method of dealing with the AI specifically. Through out the beginning of my round as wizard I took all teleport spells and spent most of the early game teleporting around and annoying security/crew. I slowly escalated what I was doing to annoy people starting with just trespassing and then moving to stealing items, flashing people, and at what point using help intent baton taser. The crew started actively helping hunt me down with security, calling out my location over the radio. I then proceeded to give myself all access and help myself to the captains equipment. At which point despite taking no lethal actions yet security unloaded the armory and decided I had to die. At which point I played evasion and kept hidden, making pills and causing problems. Later into the round a new AI joined, Katana Alpha, who immediately ignored my orders as fake captain (which is fair as I didn't make myself captain by title) and then started bolting doors and reporting my position. In addition she opened doors to let security get to me. Knowing that Katana would force me to entirely rely on teleporting and that security resorted to lethals I decided to deal with her. I stole an AI law board and built a rogue access point. I uploaded laws to ensure she did nothing except what I explicitly told her to do, thus rendering her completely useless to everyone. In addition I ordered her turrets set to lethal and her core to be bolted down and to kill anyone that attempts to change her laws or enter her core. With that obstacle delt with I moved to start making my demands but was winded by Synth who had kept asking if I had time to talk, which I replied no to every time. He claimed that rendering Katana useless was ganking despite the fact that I did not murder her, something that would have been more decisive. Security was informed I compromised her and opted to not deal with her in their current hunting for me. I evaded them at every turn before making my demands for a million credits, however before they could tell me no crew transfer happened. I admin helped to sabotaged the engines as I viewed this as them refusing my demands and Garnacus told me no. I sabotaged the escape doors (which did literally nothing) then Synth decided I deserved a ban because I failed to kill absolutely no one and rendered a particular troublesome AI useless. His reasoning of "multiple counts of ganks" is completely mute, I didn't kill anyone, the only person I did anything serious too was Katana, who actively was getting in my way. As for lack of involvement of crew I had the /entire/ crew searching and calling out my location. I also have the logs to prove this. Synth also stated he handed this ban out for my past accusations of ganks, which considering is entirely unrelated to the current situation is ad hominem.. He has no idea what happened from my previous disciplinary actions and assumed guilt because of it. I also feel his personal friendship with Sierrakomodo, the player who played Katana, affected his decision as no other staff voiced issue with my choices.
Reporting Personnel: Maeve Hyrrokin Rank of Reporting Personnel: Warden Game ID: Game After: bMC-bl1C Personnel Involved: Offender(s): - Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (Head of Personnel) - Terrance Tau (Captain) Victim: - Monique Byrd Witness: - Ivy Liu Time of Incident: Real time: Location of Incident: Kitchen Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [X]Assault [X]Misconduct [X]Other: Exceeding Official Powers Overview of the Incident: During work hours Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat (who will be henceforth referred to as Rraz) was working within the kitchens as we had no chef on staff. During this time period engineer Monique Byrd entered the kitchens to check on an atmos alert in the area. Monique was given entrance to the kitchen by the captain, Terrance Tau. Rraz began to argue with the botanist over a chicken she had ordered, during this time Monique joined the argument. Words passed back and forth before Rraz began to count down without explain why, at which point he withdrew his energy pistol and fired, hitting Monique several times. Monique was then thrown out of the kitchen by Rraz and subsequently report what Rraz had down. I, as warden, ordered both of them to come to security. An order that was belayed by the captain, who claimed Rraz was defending himself from the hostile Monique. When I pointed out heads of staff are not above the law he ordered me to stand down. I continued and pointed out that either Rrraz committed and i214 and i103 or Monique committed an i101, i103, and i306. He ordered me to stand down again. At this point I felt the captain, Terrance, was committing an i214 to cover for Rraz's use of firearms against a non-threatening crew member in a non-emergency. When I expressed interest of filing paperwork to central I was once again told to stand down. However, heads of staff are not above regulation, hence my report. To further Monique's claims as to her story I can present a witness and recording of the incident. Unbeknownst to anyone within the kitchen crew member Klaus Eliade (Head of Security) bugged the room. It was he who provided the attached transcript of the event. I hope this situation is investigated accordingly as both Terrance Tau and Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat have committed cross misconduct and abused their positions as heads of staff. Were in within my power I would have issued an arrest warrant for both based on an i214 violation. Actions taken: None, as per order of the captain all hands were tied and action was unable to be taken. Copy of Transcript: [00:00] Recording started. [05:56] Monique Byrd shouts, "Oh hey Ivy!" [06:02] Monique Byrd shouts, "It cost 50!" [06:02] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "ATM." [06:05] Monique Byrd shouts, "FIFTY!" [06:15] Monique Byrd says, "Its fine! I'm not gonna steal your plants." [06:21] Monique Byrd says, "And the HoP requested me." [07:43] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat mutters something about a pity party. [07:57] Lock states, "Order bees from the cargo console? Order confirmed." [08:04] Lock queries, "Execute?" [09:27] Monique Byrd yells, "Oi!" [09:41] Monique Byrd asks, "Why dont you head back to your office and let her handle the cooking, eh?" [09:58] Monique Byrd exclaims, "I know if you showed up in the engine room and started taking over the SM, I'd be kinda peeved, too!" [10:06] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Sje" [10:09] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "She is a botanist." [10:21] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "She is assigned a task and will complete it." [10:24] Monique Byrd says, "Well, your ID doesnt say "chef" either." [10:33] Ivy Liu says, "We're done for, Byrd. He's got a degree in business management." [10:33] Monique Byrd says, "Since she's the botanist..." [10:42] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Neitherr does eitherr of yourrrs." [10:43] Monique Byrd asks, "She oughta work in the kitchen too, right?" [10:45] Ivy Liu says, "How could I possibly do menial labor better than my boss." [10:57] Monique Byrd exclaims, "But her job is closely related! I work in atmospherics when there are no atmos techs!" [11:15] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Yourrr rrreassignemnt rrrequest is declined." [11:24] Monique Byrd says, "What a jeeeerk" [11:52] Monique Byrd yells, "And hey, you still owe me 50 creds!" [11:57] Monique Byrd says, "Or 20 and Ian." [12:09] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Ivy has it." [15:08] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Chicken to kitchen please." [15:44] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Stop." [15:46] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "I will ill it." [15:48] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Get it out." [15:55] Lock states, "Animal malnourished." [15:58] Lock states, "Aid required." [15:59] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Get it out." [16:03] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "That violates health and safety." [21:47] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Captain" [21:51] Terrance Tau says, "In a bit." [21:51] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Yourrr tab comes out to 70 crrredits." [22:21] Monique Byrd exclaims, "Hey!" [22:27] Monique Byrd shouts, "Captain!" [22:32] Monique Byrd yells, "Let me in, quick!" [22:38] Terrance Tau says, "Perfect thanks" [22:45] Monique Byrd shouts, "Its important!" [22:55] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Do not." [22:57] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Get herrr out." [23:00] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "This is violating health and safety." [23:03] Monique Byrd shouts, "Oh no!" [23:06] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Five." [23:06] Monique Byrd yells, "Its just as I feared!" [23:07] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Fourrrr." [23:08] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Thrrree." [23:10] Monique Byrd says, "There's" [23:11] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Two." [23:14] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "One." [23:20] Unknown exclaims, "Just as I feared!" [23:21] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Checkmate." [23:22] Unknown says, "There's" [23:26] Unknown exclaims, "Phoron in the air!" [23:32] Unknown yells, "You guys better put on internals!" [23:36] Unknown says, "There's a leak somewhere in here..." [23:41] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Out." [23:42] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Three." [23:44] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Two." [23:44] Monique Byrd exclaims, "Dont worry, captain. I'm on it!" [23:47] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "One." [23:56] Terrance Tau yells, "The hell!" [24:01] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat asks, "See?" [24:02] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "I told you." [24:04] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "She's a nuisance." [25:56] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "Rrrun into kitchen. Flip down welderrr helmet when I warrn her I will use a flash. Tearrr up all the floorrr tiles. Crrry and crrreate a pity parrrty when she is stunned. Okay, Monique." [26:12] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "You poorrr, poorrr victim. I am trruly, absolutely sorrry." [29:00] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat shouts, "Morrre than one?!" [33:28] chicken shouts, "BWAAAAARK BWAK BWAK BWAK!" [39:46] chicken exclaims, "Cluck!" [42:21] Rrazujun Rrhazkal-Jawdat says, "To manage the deparrrtment." [42:41] Recording stopped.
Recently I discovered via being threatened banning that using wrapping paper to pack large items for bag carrying is apparently a bug. Examplse being: Voidsuits can't be put in satchels/bags, a wrapped voidsuit that has been packaged can be put into your bag/satchel. A mining drill can't be put in satchels/industrial bags, a wrapped drill can be stuck in a bag. A shotgun won't fit in your bag unless packaged and wrapped. Apparently this has been an issue for months and considered a bug by our admins. After contacting bay coders and people who know what they are doing apparently its a w_class confusion. A voidsuit should become a lumpy package and be unable to fit in a bag. Where as a shotgun or drill should become a standard package so it can fit into a bag. Lumpy packages are used by cargo to send large single items through the chutes, but not for much else barring hiding an item from a casual glance. My question is this, should we change it so voidsuits become lumpy packages and can't be carried around OR should we leave it as is. Things to consider: Positive: Miners and proffessions that frequently require large equipment to be used can carry their equipment without losing their hand. Positive: If a meteor/carp causes a breach people with packaged suits could avoid death from exploded lungs. Positive: Engineers could respond much faster to breaches if they had suits on hand while outside engineering. Positive: Stronger guns can be hidden easier for discrete smuggling. Negative: Power gamers taking suits out of EVA when not engineering for the armor/benefit of being suited. Negative: Stronger guns can be hidden easier for discrete smuggling. Negative: People taking suits in engineering with them and going AFK/SSD/CRYO. What do most people feel should be done?
[Accepted]The Muncorn's Head of Staff Application
Kazkin replied to Muncorn's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
This faggot spawned in via admin as a ninja just to kill my tajaran Mikhail. I nearly killed him with an acid grenade and my claws. +1 to this app for being the first person to ever successfully kill Mikhail AND have him stay dead. Even if it was admin bus that made it easier.... In all seriousness, while I couldn't say I've known him well I've spoken with him a lot in OOC and rp'd with him several times. I would say he is worthy of being a head of staff for being reasonable, even if most of our conversations are arguing over programming or making jokes in character. -
UNITY: Advocating for Synthetic Rights
Kazkin replied to NebulaFlare's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
Name: Mikhail M'Daniil Occupation: Engineer Would you like to volunteer service?: Yes If yes, what service can you provide?: Repairs and technical aide. Contact Information: [PDA contact information and a web server address.] Type of Donation:[]Monetary []Property []Clothing and Misc []Equipment Repair/Tools [X]Other: Mikhail offers his technical skills for repairs, synthetic creation, and software/hardware upgrades to existing technology. Is the donation monetary? []Yes [X]No If yes, please list amount: N/A If no, please list current market value of donation: Varies depending on job, project, and time. -
It was not handled in a timely manner, I'm not saying I was inappropriate IC. What was inappropriate was the gross amount of time Thundy took to A) Even alert me as I stated I was logging off minutes before being first messaged and B) The time it took between replies was so long I assumed the issue was settled and logged off to go to sleep. Now I've got a note stating I'll log off when delt with and a ban on my record because the staff was so slow in doing anything that sleep over took me. If the my multiple messages of logging off are missed by not one but several people then why is that my fault?
Player complaint: Kazkin and Demonofthefall
Kazkin replied to Ove's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
R.A.T. is an asshole pAI, I got contacted by an admin that round and toned it down. I'd also like to mention the pAI Trav and second master after Raf spaced RAT after (badly) attempted to concoct some sort of plot privately over the PDA system. Though he crawled through space before the shuttle left to flip them off still, since they somehow disabled his radio. That said R.A.T. is a character I try not to play often because he is an asshole, I understand some people don't appreciate being yelled at in a game meant to be fun but not every character is going to be sunshine and roses. R.A.T. himself is a personality that is "downloaded" into a pAI device. Meaning he is pulled from the internet (or galactic equivalent, I see it as a matrix web-way ala shadow run style) and as such isn't subject to incident reports because he isn't a nanotrasen employee. Hence why he doesn't give a flying fuck about what he says. From an ooc standpoint I try to keep it strictly to conversations in person or over the PDA and try to avoid public comms. Rule one states don't be a dick, but creating conflict icly isn't being a dick even if your personal feelings say otherwise. RAT's point is to create a laugh for his master and he isn't mean and crude to everyone. A couple people have just politely asked him to stop and he has. Equally R.A.T. has to be willingly downloaded and can be destroyed without violating murder rules, meaning the reasonable escalation of actions can be followed. I hold no grudges for anyone that disables/destroys RAT because they have a reason to do it. As far as the situation at hand, yes, Raf did order me to say that shit and yes I was really damn crude about it. I obviously hurt your personal feelings with how my characters personality is, I've been binging on RAT for the last few days and planned on cutting back on him. As Garn said between Raf and RAT this was likely a one time thing, though RAT has and always will be a character that rustles jimmies. -
I responded, he didn't, then banned after I state I was logging and logged off. I assumed when he didn't respond after ten minutes the issue was resolved.
I didn't realize so many people we're watching R.A.T. go about his adventure into space.
BYOND Key: Kazkin Staff BYOND Key: Thundy Reason for complaint: Waited until after I stated I was logging off because I had work in the morning to admin message me, then took so long to reply I left because irl priorities. Evidence/logs/etc: Don't have them but someone can check the server logs and the time stamps. Additional remarks: He waited until after I said I was logging off to message me about something I was ordered to say as pAI over general comms, the said statement happened roughly fifteen minutes before I stated I was logging off. He never said anything was wrong, only that I should not say what I did. I didn't reply seriously at first and after nearly ten minutes of waiting for a reply I logged off, stating in dead chat that I was logging off because I had work at 7:00 in the morning the next day and it was around 10:45 already. He didn't admin message me for the full minute after this statement as I waited in case anyone wanted to say good night and still didn't message me on byond when I was online for another ten minutes talking with someone else. He didn't say it was an issue or that I was actually in trouble so I didn't treat it seriously, and given what people told my pAI to act like, most of that round was far from serious. I can completely see why what I said may have been inappropriate for general comms but waiting nearly half an hour to bring it up /after/ I stated I was just about to log off because I had work /and then/ not replying for nearly ten minutes made me assume the issue was resolved.
Updating to baycode would balance out tajarans and unathi, which are currently have no racial downsides. Speculating on what could be down isn't likely to happen but hey, we can dream. I'm fine with either implemention really.
I actually am for this more then base racials. To expand on it each race should have innate racials (languages, fur/scales, i.e. stuff they should always have) and then the player can choose amoung a list of racial traits. Some universal and some race specific (durability for unathi, speed for tajaran, etc.) We could easily add new racial choices for IPCs, Skrell, and Diona as well. However, keep in mind, unlike copy pasting existing code from Bay this would require large amounts of work. You'd have to edit a new menu in character set up and program in variable flags for players. Which can be quite difficult to do. Equally we'd have to consider how to balance it with negative traits. Would it be better that X positive trait always gives Y negative trait or Could you choose both X and Y amoung a list? Players will try to game the system if we pick option 2. For example, If we allow one positive and negative only. Rusty the Robusty might balk at taking +25% bonus speed if he takes +25% more brute damage because its a heavy debuff for a good buff. But if he can choose he could take +25% bonus speed and the negative quality -25% regeneration. Now he has a combat boost with an after combat debuff. This situation would get even more min maxing if we allowed more then one trait. If we had a programmer go through the complex project of making this we'd have to consider the balance impact. From my point of view this system would be ideal if we had 1 positive trait that is tied with a specific negative trait, with the option of players choosing neither. Equally, racial specific bonuses should offer greater bonuses/penalties. Examples: Universal traits Fast Metabolism: +10% regeneration speed, +10% satiation drain. Heal quicker, eat more. (Diona cannot take this trait) Slow Metabolism: -10% regeneration speed, -10% satiation drain. Heal slower, eat less. (Diona cannot take this trait) Small Frame: +10% movement speed, +10% brute damage taken.Move quick, die quicker. Bulky: -10% brute damage taken, -10% movement speed.Strong but slow. Sure feet, clumsy hands: -10% chance to be knocked down, -10% to knock someone else down.Everyday was leg day. Hard hands, weak feet: +1 brute damage with unarmed,+10% chance to be knocked over.Fuck legday! Tajaran specific traits Exemplar of speed: +25% movement speed, +25% brute damage taken. The speed of mrowl. Acute Eyes: Dark vision is better, +1 second to flash stuns. Potential utility. Thicker Fur: +25% resistance to cold (stacks with innate cold resist), +25% damage from heat (also stacks). It's so fluffy! Unathi specific traits Exemplar of strength: +25% resistance to brute damage, -25% movement speed. I am Stronk. Big blunt claws: +3 additional brute damage with unarmed attacks, cannot wear gloves at allRip and tear. Thick scales, hot blood: +15% brute damage resist, +10% heat resistance (stacks with innate bonus), toxins build +25% faster. Wildheart initiative! Big, stable, and slow: -50% chance of being knocked down,-33% movement speed.You are huge! That means you have huge guts! IPC specific traits Overclock: +15% movement speed, +30% heat damage. The candle that burns twice as fast burns half as long. Low power, long life: -50% satiation drain, -25% movement speed.Who has time to eat? I've got a long road to walk. Unlikely to break, likely to over heat: Limbs are +25% harder to break, +40% heat damage taken.Getting shot is better then being set on fire... Diona specific traits Fungas: Regeneration continues in the dark, direct sunlight deals damage.There be a fungas amoung us... Exemplar of the Gestalt: +25% regeneration speed (stacks with innate regeneration), -25% speed (stacks as well). More nymphs, more problems. Stronger nymphs, weaker body: +15% brute damage resist, limbs are 15% harder to break, -20% brute regeneration speed, no toxin regeneration.I am strong, not tough. Human and Skrell choose between the universal traits but otherwise have no race specific traits. They represent the base template of a character and as such don't get as great of bonuses (or weaknesses) that other races may choose. When writing these examples I tried to keep in mind several things, firstly each buff should have an appropiate debuff. However I also considered the likely hood of said debuff being used (such as over heating) and adjusted the values accordingly. I also tried to keep it as closely as possible to what is supportive of the races physiological capabilities for the specific traits. Keep in mind this will need to be play tested. Additionally this is all talk unless a programmer agrees to take the task under way (and actually does something instead of putting it off indefinitely). Though to speak plainly this is very beneficial in both a gameplay and roleplay aspect. Traits should be encouraged to be picked based on what your character is physically or mentally like. Such as the above saying her tajaran is overweight, then take the bulky trait. It reflects your larger and tougher body. This can enhance the difference between each person by giving something a bit more distinct.
Racial mods are, in simple terms, mechanics and abilities that varies between each race. In SS13 racials reflect physical condtions each xenospecies has in comparison to humans (which reflect the base species/stats) which in theory shows their physiological differences. Actually, we already do, however we currently use a much more unbalanced system of racial. My idea is to bring back some of the base racials bay uses because currently racial modifiers feel unbalanced. The difference between tajaran, unathi, and human are largely obvious in favoring the two xenos. To give a (nerdy) analogy look at the difference between Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. In Morrowind they use racial modifiers that very heavily effect game-play, where your racial option heavily affects how easy or how hard something is. Example being a Breton is naturally more skilled with magic then a Khajiit, while both can achieve the same thing Bretons start out with a better knack for it and racials that benefit a mage build. Your choice of race can hinder or help you depending on what you want to achieve but does not outright inhibit playstyles. Eventually the khajiit mage and breton mage can reach the same level of skill, racials or not. But now look at Skyrim, where racial choice /does/ offer minor bonuses but does not hinder at all. A breton mage and khajiit mage are equally skilled starting off and progress at the same level. While they are superficially racially different the choice between them is not nearly as important as in Morrowind. This in turn makes race selection a lot less important. Below is a list of existing racials for the common race choices. Those highlighted in blue are roleplay racials, those in green are racials we use, while red are racials bay uses but we do not. Human Can perform in any job position on station. (Humans are essentially the base form for racials and as such do not posses any mechanical bonuses or debuffs, that said, they should by in large be the most powerful race choice. See below for details.) Tajaran Large amounts of crew members have racial prejudice against them. When speaking gal common, tajaran roll their r's. Tajarans speak in third person. Can see slightly better in the dark. Claws deal more damage then fist. Cannot use gloves/shoes/hardsuits not modified to fit them. They have their own language. Takes less damage from the cold (-25%) Takes more damage from heat (+25%) Moves faster, (+25%) movement speed. Takes more brute damage per hit (+25%) Unathi Small amounts of crew members have racial prejudice against them. When speaking gal common, unathi's slur their s's. They can break handcuffs through sheer strength. They can devour monkies. Claws deal more damage then fist. Cannot use gloves/shoes/hardsuits not modified to fit them. They have their own language. Takes less damage from heat (-25%) Takes more damage from the cold (+25%) Moves slower, (-25%) movement speed Takes less brute damage per hit (-25%) Skrell Skrells are treated equally to humans, as such they can obtain any position on the station. Hardsuits must be modified for skrells. They have their own language. Alcohol and animal proteins are poisonous to Skrell. Skrells are able to breathe under water. (Not reflected in the code base.) IPC IPC may face prejudice but as a whole can obtain any position on the station except HoP or Captain. They have their own language. They do not require oxygen, but will overheat. Full immunity to toxins, organ damage, and effects that require an organic body such as healing medicine or combat stims. (Since IPCs do have a storage part for chemicals this may be incorrect/outdated) Does not eat, instead requires power from the station to recharge. Cannot be cloned or genetically modified. Cannot regenerate. Limbs are easily detached. EMPs and ion weaponry will kill them in one shot. Immunity to flashes. Diona Diona are not commonly found, they generally face racism but given how their minds work will likely not give a flying fuck. That said, they are extremely unlikely to reach any head positions. Diona are a collection of organisms, as such they consider themselves as "We" instead of "I" Diona are usually very peaceful and will rarely fight. They have their own language. Dionaea must be in lit areas to survive. Darkness will cause damage and eventually death. However, light increases nutrition and nutrition is consumed to heal brute and toxins damage. Radiation will also increase Diona nutrition without ill effects. Do not require oxygen to survive. Moves slower, (-33%) movement speed. Immunity to flashes. After reading the above racials, as is, the mechanics make some xenospecies a better option then human. For all intents and purposes tajaran and unathi are more mechanically at an advantage then humans are. But lets examine why this is and go into why implementing the additional bay racials can balance this. Firstly, for both tajaran and unathi, they have no downside except for possible roleplay conditions. When matched up in a fight or even in utility positions both the tajaran and unathi are flat out superior to a human. Meaning those of us who are white listed for these races get a clear cut bonus. But what about the roleplayed racism? That's just it, gameplay modes like revolution or mutiny actually favor the unathi and tajaran as well. These game modes tend to target them based on lore reasons, which is basically a free pass to choose to be an antagonist. Humans have a harder time doing this in these game modes. Additionally most in character racism tends to be mild, additionally most racist characters tend to be assholes across the board. It's quite rare to find someone who is only specifically mean to one race and no one else. Now lets look at IPCs, Skrells, and Diona and determine why they are more balanced. IPCs lost limbs easier and are insta-gibbed by EMPs. While they can technically heal faster then humans they are barred from using medical stims or, more importantly, combat stims. IPCs can't have bones broken but can lose entire limbs or be insta-gibbed by certain damage types, none of which they can naturally heal from. For every advantage IPCs have they also major downsides. On reflection IPCs lean towards being underpowered compared to any other race. Skrell are sort of the odd-xeno-out in this discussion since they so closely reflect humans. Skrell suffer very minor annoyances at best and therefore are nearly on par with humans. Diona, for all purposes, look insanely overpowered at first glance. Diona regenerate both toxin and brute damage while in light (stick a flashlight in your pocket and you can perma regeneration) and are healed by radiation instead of slowly killed by it like everyone else. They have full immunity to flashes, organ damage, and oxygen deprivation. Literally the only way to kill a Diona and keep it down is to break its arms and legs (which it cannot heal). Diona are literally walking tanks, but how are they balanced? The speed debuff. Diona move so slowly that they make easy targets in gunfights. In a gun vs. gun battle they can potentially survive better, but can be shot a lot easier. While they will get up eventually, this doesn't stop a human shooting them into pain crit then running up and breaking their legs/arms. In a melee fight Diona are at a heavy advantage until a limb is broken when comapred to a human. They are, however, still easier to click on due to slow speed which can make them get broken bone quicker. Now to go back to Tajaran and Unathi. As is currently they are both, within gameplay, at an advantage in comparison to humans. For each other race one can look at them and see what humans can do better, however this is not the case with the slithery-dee's and catbeast. But how does giving them bay racials balance them out? Simple, unathis with a speed reduction would have trouble chasing others and within gun vs. gun fights be at a disadvantage, especially if they did not have their own gun. However, they can survive more damage then a human and in a melee fight have the claw advantage. Unathis would gain more power in a melee fight with the downside of having a harder time in gun fights. This won't make them useless in a gunfight mind, it just means they are better melee combatants then range, but they can still compete in a gunfight fairly well due to their innate resistance to brute damage. When compared to humans unathi suffer a disadvantage as gunners, but advantages as brawlers. Now how do tajarans fair with the racial changes? With the bonus speed they potentially become harder to hit, this could make them slippery as they can flee from any other race and become harder to hit. However, if they cannot flee or do get hit they take more damage which can get them killed a lot faster. Compared to humans tajaran are harder to hit and faster but more likely to die from being shot/struck. They trade base defense for the hope of taking no damage (I.E. dropping a shield in the hopes of jumping out of the way of the sword, if it hits its going to hurt a lot more, if it doesn't you get away clean). Actually, far from it, the mechanics of a race are a reflection of the lore and physiological difference between each race. Mechanics are supported /by/ the lore, in essence if you read through each races lore and history page you will see how each mechanic is a reflection of the lore. Having mechanics that directly affect a player when they pick a race adds more impact onto what they want to play. Being a tajaran isn't about being a human with cat ears, they /are/ very different from humans in both identity and physiologically. The mechanics reflecting that benefit the roleplay. This is a tough question that can vary based on a personal play style. A security tajaran might not like the potential to be taken down quicker, but they might love the fact they can run down criminals easier. Conversely, unathi security might be annoyed with the fact they can't chase down criminals, but might like that they can easily deal with heavily armed enemies better like nuke ops. Depending on what they are doing they will either perform better or worse then humans. This kind of choice adds a mindset of what they should consider when choosing race but since they already picked a race they have this thrust upon them. Some may have chosen to be a unathi or tajaran strictly because they are currently better then humans from a mechanic standpoint. With this in mind, if people think my idea to implement more balanced/mechanically changing racials is a good idea I'll make a poll in the general forums to see what the current existing xeno species feel.
Character Complaint for Player key Kazkin
Kazkin replied to Voyd2000's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I've said mutiple times in the past that I like it when people are racist against Tajaran because it follows the lore. I've also said people should be racist towards my tajaran because she's a, wait for it here, a tajaran herself. I didn't mean to offend so I apologize.