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Everything posted by Dumplinz
I rather hear your Opinion After you get the logs, Because It doesn't seem to me like you were reading what they were saying based on your response. What I would Rather you do is rather than focusing on what you think you know, focus on the Opposing Argument, Namely Assuming that Science was in the extreme negative of being really shitty to the HoS. Would your opinion be different? If a department Repeatedly acted disrespectful toward you, A head of Anything, and there was no way to change that behavior because that department didn't have a head, how would you respond? I didn't Respond in a Verbal Manner, Though I believe I called the Lab Assistant a Special One, Which Realistically, It's basically an Intern Who disrespecting the HoS, But I didn't even initiate a Aggressive action Before that to that person. BUT EVEN THEN, even if your boss, or some department head is a jerk ( I was Attempting to do what I'm asking you to do, And go Full on the other side to see their view, Thus pushing the Vindictive element) where is the problem as it is concerned to the Rules. Interpretation of Loyalty Card? we already Agreed that's definetly Ambiguous Brig Time? Beyond not Intentionally wanting Jun to stay in that long, There was a Reasonable, Arguable way to make it that way. Demands I had no right to make: I have still yet to see an Explanation to this, I didn't Take away anyone's research toy. This MUST be an either outright lie or communication error (not by you, but by whomever accused it in the first place) Who Decides the Brig Time and Charges if not the Head of Security? no overstepping seen there (unless I'm wrong, But there wasn't a captain to be deciding this either) The Charges? This is also Confusing, Besides me Not charging Jun with anything, There was verifiable Reason to Go with Mutiny, Hostage, Assault, Disobeying Order, Misuse of Communications, etc. I DID tell security to take them to Solitary for Question, But that was Namely to question them AGAIN in private.
If I Argued the Detective was an Officer, let's Pretend I was 100% on the side of Detective can do whatever the hell they wanted (which, no, I don't believe that obviously) I would just be Wrong. That's it, No rules broken, Obviously A Clarification would have to happen, But no rules broken seeing as how I never Ordered the Detective to do any such thing, much less arrest someone. I can't see your Point to the SSD walking guy. I literally Accepted his "RP" Excuse, Attempted to free him and got attacked, What do. I get the Warden accidentally caused this, Big misunderstanding, Yadda yadda, He Reset the Timer as I was about to open the door, No conversation was able to be had however. No, I didn't release him right when he was brigged, I had other stuff to deal with, Asking jun what the hell was going on, But there was no plans to Demote him for that, That was just Dealing and Reacting to his RP. I'm glad you see the point, or at least I hope you do, that i'm making with the freeze gun, Firstly it's a item in the game that you can make Every round. If Denied Access to it that round, Oh well, Next time. Game isn't destroyed, Their Actions in acting shitty to me (even if i'm wrong in how I interpreted their language, which if you look at the logs, it's pretty obvious how aggressive they were being) caused me to react to them. I don't see this as being this insane issue, I can Obviously see the fun and the research involved in it Icly, But the Character i was Portraying was going to react to their comments in this way as being Vindictive. If this were not a RP server, Whatever, I don't care, Everyones there to do what they want, but we were suppose to be acting these people out, or at least's that is the impression i had, Not NO fun, but not Unlimited Sandbox fun either.
I tried to Copy Some of the Chat, But alas it was to far to scroll up regarding the Situation and important Textlog. Who is deciding whether or not You get to act like a jerk? You? You aren't wrong in the sense that Self Moderation is good, I can Definitely Say this in a Nicer way, Absolutely. I did choose to be a jerk, but I did so reactionary. in the Warning he Claimed I should read the corp regs further, I am by no means a Steel cage of information concerning this, But this was clearly meant to be insulting, if not just by itself, by the Conversation Leading up to the warning. I believe all my choices were done within Reason. That's it, End of story, that's my argument. I cannot Argue i couldn't be wrong, because I could be. Today My choices weren't stacked against Reason however, Just Hearsay, Myself not seeing what i was accused of, the only specific being to take away the Mutiny charge (which again, is within reason if you just glance at the Corporate regulation page!) I think the Argument you COULD have is "hey man, we see your point, But it's not FUN if you charge him with Mutiny just because he/she attacked you and tried to arrest you" Which cool, Understand, But it seems to me the Staff is acting like this is some Insane stretch of imagination, and Mental somersaults are being done to come to this crime. No, This is just what I saw in the book, if the Admins want to Clarify "Only Sentence the Minimum sentence because is rule" Fine, I can easily point to that and agree, But that's not what happened here.
I Didn't have the Detective Arrest anyone. See, This is my problem. Random crap being added on to be blamed on me. I Get it's a communication Error, But no one even asked If I allowed it, They just assumed it was my call to pile more random complaints on me on No basis. as for the OOC comment, I was Not Denying you were at all wrong in the IC version of the game, Just I was saying (from Jun who was the Detective) I saw their point of view (or mistake in this case) as it being percieved as an Officer. Not to be confused with Challenging the rule, Not my intention, But people were at that point looking for ammo, so they shoveled this in? I even went out of my way to say it in OOC, but unsuprisingly people Grabbed that and shoved it into my IC argument, Of which I didn't fight. He Wasn't Demoted for Being SSD, He wasn't Demoted for any sort of verbal argument. I Attempted to FREE the guy, and he attacked me, That's grounds for Demotion, It's in the Rulebook, What is the miscommunication here? I'd Argue Back An Easy way to Interpret the Loyalty chip can be viewed as not wanting to support Research's Action with a Weapon. There? done. I can totally see the disagreement, But it's within the HoS call to Deny service to his Brig. I absolutely was Aggressive with the Science department, NOT randomly, but in reaction to how I perceived myself to be treated (asking who allowed the gun to be built and being told no file or request had to be made, Which I conceded) This Aggressiveness I didn't even care about, I was just Rping Back and Aggressive stance to the Science Department, No rules Broken. There Crux of what you Seem to be saying is Assaulting a Head of Staff isn't that big of a deal Regardless of the rules, And you are entitled to that opinion and maybe the majority of people agree with you, But why can't someone Disagree? Why can't I View an assault on a head of staff as something serious? Like Real life, you attack someone you are liable to get killed, I didn't touch Jun, I didn't attempt to Fight Jun even when she grabbed and tried to table me, Because My Intent was not to Fight. Reason Seems to be losing today to a Vocal Majority, Mutual agreement between people, but no substance in their argument.
My Tone is the Result of an Unjust Argument Based on no Evidence, No Reference, No facts. Am I being an Asshole in my tone? By all means, Sure, Jerkish, Whatever. I'm not denying that, But I have a Right to React this way, Because I wasn't Given a Trial, A fair Account, Just an Anonymous Accusation with no Rules Broken. I'm not calling this Guy An Idiot, or any other Derogatory Name. I do not believe he IS one. What I believe is he Did not factually read the Rules that I have Proven, By a simple link. And to Speciify, the "You guys are the problem with RP servers". That was in Reference to the issue with the Science Department, WITHIN their rights to argue Icly of my choice, Not outside of it. I'm Asking for a Fair Assessment, People are tired of Moderator or Admin seemingly walking over them without just cause. I don't think any of you want that, but that's how it comes off to myself, I'm Convinced the Moderator in Question was Unquestionably Biased, As proven with him Not reading the Link I provided on the Crimes I provided.
BYOND Key: [/b] Dumplinz Staff BYOND Key: serveris6 Reason for complaint: Got a Warning on a Vague Accusation, Regarding Brig Time on something very Specific, This Mod Handled the Situation Terrible, Was Obviously trying to be Vindictive (which you will be able to tell even in the Warning Posted further down). Claimed moderation but was Influenced on people sending the Ahelp as opposed to actual Facts. Evidence/logs/etc: I will start by Posting the Ridiculous warning. Spoken to concerning supporting/instating absurdly long brig sentences as a head of security for minor-moderate offenses. Encouraged to review corp regs further. Absurdly Long Brig Sentences? Well lets take a look at the fact's. Officer Jun was being talked to by myself, The head of Security, In the HoS office. Jun was in the office Because she was reportedly going to Charge a Scientific Freezegun in the Security Area after being told not to. Jun decided to do this why? Because Jun believed Protocol Demanded she help the Science team in any way she could, regardless of orders. BEFORE this could happen, I was informed by another officer she was planning on doing this, So I called Jun into my office. I asked Jun if this allegation was true (I was attempting to avoid any demotion, brig time etc.. I just wanted a confession.) Jun Agreed, Yes, This was what she was going to do because of the aforementioned reason. Continually stating "protocol" "regs" etc. Again, this being in the Logic of "Research station = DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO ENSURE RESEARCH PROGRESSES NO MATTER WHAT" So The Issue i saw was, you have this officer who doesn't care about orders, They follow their own code, And will just say "regs" over and over with not substance, no: Code4476:Help Research. Nothing. Just "regs" as a defense. But maybe she was RPing? it matters not, she still disobeyed a Lawful Order. So as of Now we have Failure to Execute an Order 5-15 minutes, ya? (note, she was not told she was being demoted or charged with anything as of yet) So as we are talking about this "regs" argument to be able to justify Filling the Freeze gun, she decided to go on Public radio and says "Guys i'm being Terminated!" "The HoS is power crazy!" At this point we are in the HoS office with the blinds down, Clearly a private conversation. Reasoning being I didn't want this to go beyond the brig ( as far as disagreements go) So at this point I say Stop, Attempt to remove the ear piece when it is clear Jun is not going to stop. Jun decided at this point to Table me, Then cuff me, and take my Radio. Jun Attempted to (in my opinion) Declare mutiny, interpreted by me because she was trying to have me arrested for being against protocol (that word again) My Security team was not in support of arresting me. So Jun then said "Fine, I'm not going against the entire Security team" And surrendered. (which again, Had she been able to get support, I would have been Arrested and it would have been Mutiny, But again, we have a Mod who couldn't comprehend this.) So now the Situation is no longer in My Personnel Control, I can clearly not let her go after assaulting myself. The Problem the Moderator had was This: supporting/instating absurdly long brig sentences as a head of security for minor-moderate offenses. So I will note, I had Jun sent to Solitary so I could Talk to her personally for one last chance to get this resolved (but I was unable to talk to her because I had to Debate with this Moderator). Ignoring that however, She stayed in for Roughly 40 minutes, (being Generous here). this time the Moderator had a problem with, but why? well. supporting/instating absurdly long brig sentences as a head of security for minor-moderate offenses. This Statement is just sad. http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Corporate_Regulations There's the link. Go. Look under Assault a Head of Staff. 20-40 Minutes with possible Termination. (I didn't Terminate her, I had only sent her to Solitary at this point, No charges are in place yet). We already know our Moderator friend doesn't know the Regs, Big surprise. Now I'm going to Go against All Logic and Ignore the Mutiny Charge, Because that is what the Moderator was Hung up on, So I said Fine, Ignore it. 40 Minutes + the 15 minute Maximum for Disobeying an order? 55 Minutes. Which I didn't even Want to brig the person with, But I had to talk to the Moderator, So i handed the situation off to the HoP and Chief at the time whom were at the brig. So besides being Factually within my rights to be able to Sentence the person in Question, What's the Problem? Besides Terrible Moderating, People had problem with some of the choices I made (all choices being well within the rules, regardless if disagreed with.) No One Deny's She Attacked me No One Deny's She Disobyed an Order No One Deny's I couldn't as an HoS, Deny a Request to Rearm a Weapon, No matter if made Lawfully in a Lab. You can say "hey man, let the science rearm their weapon" "be nice, be accommodating" You guys are the Problem with RP servers, You don't HAVE to be that, because you're not suppose to be Mary Sues, Your suppose to react and interpret what your Character would do. I interpreted the Science team being Assholes to myself, I responded in kind, No rules were broken on either side. you can ICly encourge ___ don't come at OOC with that... its pathetic. Encouraged to review corp regs further. This Is why You Appear not ready to be a Moderator. If you're going to claim that, At least be Right... It aint hard, There's books IN the game that go to wiki. You've All Been here as Moderators or as Security, Or as any Staff with a rank, When you are put in a Position of power, People will complain against you, It's going to happen. as a Moderator, This Moderator Should know this, And somehow escaped his mind when receiving Complaints. I'm not saying Don't Look into it. But you're looking for the Breaking of Rules, Not feelings getting hurt. Finally I leave you with the Mutiny Charge I decided to Ignore, But don't believe me, Let's look at the Wiki (moderator, this means specifically you) Mutiny: To openly rebel against or attempt to remove command staff with violent intent. (tabled, and then cuffed) Loyalty implant. Holding until judgement. Holding until transfer or cyborgification at prisoner discretion. Learn the Rules Moderator. Additional remarks: And to the misguided people who Reported the Previous arrest of a Officer because he was SSD, Stop, You're Wrong. He was Rping "walking" SSD. He tried to get in the detectives office, he was walking back and forth, Jun (the Detective) Complained about this, The Officer Didn't stop, After being Ordered By the Myself and the Warden. EVEN pretending this was a RP based action (even if it was somehow a bug, and the character patrolled while he was actually SSD) When I went to Release the Man he attacked me Based on the Misunderstanding thatI reset his time. This goes to show you, People just want someone to yell at, I'm positive the Warden did not mean to reset his time from 2 seconds to 10, But there was not explanation GOTTA RP, so he attacked me. I just wish people looked into their situation before acting.
ReBranded Player Complaint: PootisManiac
Dumplinz replied to UnknownMurder's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Apologies, I appear to be partly at fault in this case. I was the Warden, Rin did indeed Bite Him while they were in the cell together after whispering. I will point out I had no idea of her being a Vampire, I was just following orders to keep her contained as far as the virus suspicion went. However Blood work came back and proved she was not "sick". Afterwards she complained she was hungry, And I allowed the other Officer Johnson to be allowed to feed her, Which is when the Bite occurred, But as I was slightly away from the cell and didn't "physically" see it, I did not report it. -
Command Staff Whitelist Application - Jim Calhoun
Dumplinz replied to Redfield5's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've played with Jim Calhoun a couple times, Hes Definitely a Character. I understand what other's are saying as far as does jim fit the "niche" role as a Staff member, I think Jim would shape up if he was put in a position as such. So Red get's my +1 -
I Think Jen Does Really Good at RP, Always does well in maintaining his characters (as far as when I play with him) He gets my +1 vote.
BYOND key: Dumplinz Character names: Joseff Yahtzee How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Mid December, Having a blast becoming really proficient in all roles, Attempting to improve my RP on this server. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Besides thinking I would do well as a Head, There is very little Head of staff when I play. I enjoy Coordinating Staff, Getting things done on the Station, And helping others learn their role. Why did you come to Aurora?: I Enjoy Roleplaying Servers Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I have indeed! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Becoming a Person you aren't, Acting out what you think a person would be like, doing things only the person would do and not what you as a player necessarily want to do. Realizing your Knowledge is not the same as what the character you play would know. All around engrossing yourself in the person you imitate. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I imagine it would be to help other staff below you. Make sure people know their roles, and if not teaching them. Do things Reasonably, Not metagameing, Such as hiding because you think you are being targeted, when your character still has a job to do. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As Stated Before, I think anyone who has a Whitelest Status job should do what they can to help teach newer plays their role, And to help Keep others in Line with Roleplaying. The Staff MUST be the examples of Roleplaying so that their subordinates can follow suit. Thus creating a chain reaction improving everyone's experience. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Joseff Yahtzee (sometimes known as Jim) Character age: 39 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Jim measures 6'5, Large Broad shoulders and massive hands from his time working constantly. Always okay with getting Dirty, Jim build a reputation of acting first thinking later, not quite a Bonehead, but certainly Stubborn, Quick to take command, yet Loud and always willing to argue, if to a fault. The type of man where subterfuge is absent, which is more due to his terrible ability to lie than anything else. Always Blunt and to the point, Looking at Jim, he makes it apparent that his rise to Higher Management was from the support of his crew and the quality of his work, not making his friends in Central Command. Jim Was born on a planet on the outer milky way galaxy, A planet Ruled by Communism. Boys learned to work collectively for the betterment of the people, Like the Bears in the Wilderness this is how Jim grew strong, a giant in stature to most men, but where his strength is readily apparent so too is his intelligence, though not for the same reason. Jim never received a well enough education, failure never stops Jim, However, Which is why this hulk of a man grew to become a great leader to his fellow Crew. What do you like about this character?: Jim cares about his crew more than himself, and often more than he shows. His crew recognizes this however, and is the reason they respect him. Jim never asks something of a subordinate that he hasn't or wouldn't do himself. Jim feels like he comes from his fellow crew, as oppose to what he thinks is a high society of higher ranking staff. In a chaotic situation Jim would be quick to take charge if he felt his fellow high staff were weak, and as a Big Man with a booming voice he is generally listened to. Jim likes to take a hands on approach instead of sitting behind a desk as his job requires, often pushing his crew out of the way to do their job he misses so much. What do you dislike about this character?: Jim is Stubborn, Very Stubborn, Before becoming a Staff Head he would barge into his commanding officers room often, yelling about this and that on his job and working conditions. As time went by he grew out of this anger and outbursts but never quite lost the stubbornness. Quick to Argue, Quick to be annoyed, His crew stays weary and clear out on sight when they know his Space ball team loses. Jim can be Demanding, and to some plain mean and unreasonable. Jim has his reasons, but the way he communicates those reasons are fairly terrible. All around Jim is typically Jim's worst enemy when it comes to his fellow High Staff. As is almost inevitable as Hammer and Cycle become the best tools for any man, So too is inevitable that Jim brings up his crazy communistic ideas to his crew. Though Jim has gotten better at holding his tongue as he has become a leader, Jim yearns for the days when a simple man could do a simple job and never have to worry of much else. While his crew will shake their head at his ramblings of his Red-tinged planet, Jim never forgets where he came from, both in planet, and as a simple worker. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Jim cares about the crew below him, he views them as family and really the only reason he strived to become a higher class. Which is why anything the command staff does to hurt his crew he takes personally. Though hard on his fellow Heads of staff he is stern to his crew as well, pushing their potential out of them. Jim is the type of guy to make sure he gets on the escape shuttle last to make sure all his crew gets in first. Always looking for the right and just thing to do like his ma' taught him. Jim hopes that he can knock some sense into his fellow staff so they can grab their pay and go home with all their limbs at the end of the day. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I've thought about it a bunch and i've decided probably 6/10, I have much to learn, and Joseff is still somewhat being fleshed out, but he is becoming more of a specific person every time i play him, I know with a HoS role this will undoubtedly improve. Extra notes: