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Everything posted by Limodish

  1. Even though my opinion doesn't matter really, +1 for being headmin on archangel, even though i hate that place to hell now for deadminning me for no reason
  2. FIRSST good application, way better than mine: +1
  3. Great application, a lot of backround info and typing, +1 from me
  4. It was 12:00 am when i wrote this, sorry for the lack of information and such
  5. BYOND Key: Limodish Character Names: Anyta Richter, Eliott Zero, Van Borislav, Logan Conover Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): None Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, of course. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I feel like it would make a big difference in MY role play experience and other's role play experience. Known IPC's are rare and i think it would be great to become one of the rare IPC's. I've played IPC on many other servers and i think i'm still into it. I like IPC's mainly because I use machines A LOT, like a lot a lot. It'd be great to play them in my favorite game and server Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mainly because Human's are still working with Machine [iPC]. I feel like it'd be interesting to role play as a thing that is working with the common race. Also because IPC's are rare on the station, there are only 4 or 5 that i know. Character Name: Montgomery Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Built by Eliott Zero in the Robotics Lab in NSS Aurora. He's hated by most people he meets. The only friend he has is Eliott Zero, his maker and he's old and fragile. He was raised on the NSS Aurora and has stayed there ever since he was made. He usually hates people because they're so cruel to him. He's usually just an assistant but applies for Station Engineer sometimes. Changed hands but returned to original maker every 3 or so years. Was taught by numerous pro-synths such as his Maker or Maker's friends. What do you like about this character? The fact that he's different. He isn't like most IPC's and their behaviors, this IPC is more controlled How would you rate your role-playing ability? 10/10 ign would rate again- no jk but actually i think I RP really good, and the IPC race would benefit my RPing ability much more Notes:
  6. Byond key: LimoDish Character names: 1. N.A.M.E [borg, Janitor] 2. Van Borislav [Human, Mainly Assistant or Engineering Assistant] What times are you available? In GMT: 7:40 AM GMT [3:40 PM EST] - 1:45 AM [9:45 PM EST] Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar. I am Moderator in a G-Mod server and a few other servers on there and i have A LOT of experience, but i may have forgotten things [like 1 or 2] Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I think it'd help the server out a lot and it'd be alot more RP-ish/Fun-ish. How well can you handle stress? I can handle it pretty well, i have raged before but it was taken too far before i raged, but i can control myself and i'm pretty mature. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? It means a lot cause Aurora is one of my favorite servers. [second Favorite] and i'd like to be more active on it but unfortunately school has started and i will not be as active as i WANT to be. How active on the forums and server are you? I was inactive until today, but i will definitely be more active, I guarantee it. Anything else to add? I may not be active ALL day but i am available all day, unless im going somewhere, so most days i'll be available but not all days.
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