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[Denied] UntoldTactic's CCIA Application.

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CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: UntoldTactics

Character names: Adam Taylor, Ronaldo Roberts

Age: 14

Timezone: AEST ( Australian Eastern Standard Time)

What times are you most available?: Around 3-10pm AEST.


How long have you played SS13?: A few months.

How long have you played on Aurora?: Around the same time of playing SS13

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Pretty much joined forums to apply for this, I am usually on the server once every 2-1 days for usually a time amounting to an entire round or more depending on the time I have.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Nope.

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: No.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I do not have any literal experience that can be considered relevant for a position in the CCIA, but I like to believe I can write in a professional manner, consisting of advanced writing techniques.


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Well, I quite enjoy role-playing, the roles within Aurora station are great and wide, but I'd love to be able to experience such from the perspective of a member of the CCIA, as well as the fact being a member of the CCIA will allow me to aid in the shaping of the IC regulations and rules of NanoTrasen within Aurora Station, I want to join the CCIA to make a effect on the events that happen, to be able to become a part of the affairs within Aurora station, in rounds and outside rounds, as well as to help broaden my own experience in role-playing and to get a unique perspective on the world based around Aurora station, In the end I wish to be able to create a impact, and help other's achieve fun while playing, and to become one of the people behind the scene's that do such.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: I think the most important qualities of a CCIA Agent would be the ability/quality to be unbiased, and act as what their role is, an Internals Affair Agent for a very, very big company, knowledge, would be a crucial part of a CCIA Agent, due to the fact that any response they author will require something that does not represent themselves, but a company's wishes and wants, any response would have to be authored with full knowledge of what NanoTrasen, as a company requires for a response, what they need for a response, and why their response is such, if that at all didn't make any sense, by knowledge and such, I mean the quality to be one with NanoTrasen's interests and goals, so complete and total knowledge of NT protocol, rules etc. They also require patience, the patience to carry out their jobs without getting frustrated or stressed, so they can fulfill their required tasks and handle things accordingly.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Within a round, the CCIA acts and becomes an extension of NanoTrasen, responding to faxes, reports and emergency messages from Aurora Station, managing what happens down at the station, from where they are, they are also a balancing force, they have to keep a balance between involving themselves and changing the round, as there is a delicate balance between the fun, role-play experience of a round, and the ways that you can ruin a round, an example could if you be, the CCIA act as gods almost, only involving themselves when really necessary, or ONLY if a certain criteria is met for such intervention, there purpose is to really monitor, watch and observe a round, becoming an extension of one of the features of the game, such as the ability to call ERT etc, they are there to become part of the round and game itself, to help shape and make a round unique to all others in one form, way etc, they also are there to deal with reports of incidents that occur during a round, so a bit of moderation as well, they are also literally named after what they do in round's, they deal with the Internal Affairs, arguments, conflicts etc between members of NanoTrasen, resolving such events that happen within character, or OOC if it breaks the guidelines of roleplaying.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: Outside of the server, a CCIA Agent's purpose is to help form and shape the in character rules and regulations of the server, they become one of the staff in a simple manner, with higher expectations and rules to follow, they deal with enforcement of OOC and IC rules, checking that people follow them, and dealing with reports they get, in the end they act like a moderator or admin with a more 'limited' set of tasks, if you will.

How do you handle stress?: I can handle stress quite well, I usually vent it by listening to music or doing something I enjoy, I rarely let stress cloud my judgment or to affect me in any negative ways.

How well do you work autonomously?: I can quite easily work without help, intervention or otherwise if I am set with a task, or guidelines to what I should be doing.

Additional Notes:

Well, I can understand my age isn't a very good influence on this application, but I like to consider myself above and beyond the maturity level of others my age, I can believe some parts of my application make no sense, or very little in a way, but I also believe that in the end, an application is only the 'entrance' to allow oneself the chance to prove their worth, which is why I am applying, it's not easy to put answers into word's from your head, as to why I want to become a CCIA member, or what I believe they do IC and OOC, I also understand that I haven't played for very long compared to others, and this can also be a negative against my application. I am willing to learn and enjoy learning in fact, I like to find new ways to test myself and see what becomes of me, in a way I am simply asking for a chance to prove myself to you that I can fulfill and enjoy the tasks of a CCIA Agent, since simply writing down a few paragraphs or words is never a good way to prove that a person can do a job right, I also know and realize i'm probably unknown, and a random stranger to most, since I play at a time where most people are asleep, away, or not in game for one reason or another, so in the end most of this application is just to get a chance given to prove that I can do the tasks required of a CCIA Agent, I can understand and recognize if my perspectives of CCIA may be wrong, incorrect or invalid in one way or another, and I like to correct such things where I can, and for a final note thanks for taking your time out of your day to read this! :>

Edited by Guest

Hi there, UntoldTactics. Thank you for your interest and application.

I'm glad you call out your new arrival to the server, because I think that is my biggest concern at the moment. Our web interface shows your first login as being a tiny bit less than one month old on June 15th, and while it's not unheard of for people to join the community and quickly become interested in the staff team, we do want to make sure you know what you're getting into.

Keeping in mind that your primary responsibilities would not involve world-building as a CCIA staff member, what did you mean when you wrote that being on the team would "allow you to aid in the shaping of the lore?" What sorts of liberties do you imagine we have to do that?


Hi there, UntoldTactics. Thank you for your interest and application.

I'm glad you call out your new arrival to the server, because I think that is my biggest concern at the moment. Our web interface shows your first login as being a tiny bit less than one month old on June 15th, and while it's not unheard of for people to join the community and quickly become interested in the staff team, we do want to make sure you know what you're getting into.

Keeping in mind that your primary responsibilities would not involve world-building as a CCIA staff member, what did you mean when you wrote that being on the team would "allow you to aid in the shaping of the lore?" What sorts of liberties do you imagine we have to do that?


Oh sorry, yes I do hope I know what I am getting into by applying and showing my interest in becoming a staff member, and with that statement I made, it was a bit of an accident, and not directly referring to the lore, but more over to the Corporate regulations and the In Character polices, i'll fix that mistake after I post this reply.


I need to bring up the fact you have 3 active warnings presently, 2 of which show a disregard of the rules. I do not think I can support this application due to that.


Hello again Untold. After talking it over with a few of us, I'll be denying this application.

The biggest factor here is your lack of experience on the server. I don't think you've had time to really determine whether you'd like to stick around as a player with only a month here, let alone to realize whether you want to volunteer your free time on a staff team. We also would like more time to see you for ourselves; there's a significant time investment associated with being in any staff group, and we just don't know enough about you or your habits as a player to take a guess at how active or present you'll be.

CCIA specifically also needs its members to have a strong understanding of rules, regulations, policy and station directives, since we're expected to know where to draw the line between IC and OOC violations, and to address the IC ones. Your admin records indicate you're still learning some of this stuff, and I worry that you're not quite comfortable enough with it all to be applying to our team yet.

Feel free to re-apply in the future. I'll be locking this thread and archiving it shortly, but you can PM me with any questions.

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