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[Denied] Kramperino's CCIA Staff Application

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CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: Kramperino

Character names: Peter Hill, Trent Smith, Steven Finlay, Markus Stough, Joseph Josita. However, I usually play Peter Hill or Markus Stough.

Age: 17

Timezone: AEST

What times are you most available?:

On weekdays: 4PM - 9PM

On weekends/holidays: All day


How long have you played SS13?: Around six or seven months

How long have you played on Aurora?: From my first session to my latest, six months.

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I'm not particularly active on any but upon receiving the position I will be on the server for, at the very least, half an hour a day, and I will constantly be on the Discord and forums.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have not been banned however I have been given a notice to not ghost in the middle of hallways.

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I was a moderator - I stepped down due to internal drama - on the Outcasts HRP (now MRP) server for around a month. I was one of the most active moderators and would be on for upwards of six hours at a time, for most days of the week. I have also been staff on numerous Discord servers and was even the owner of a server with upwards of one hundred members. I am also a moderator on the Australian Spessmen server although it is extremely inactive and is being taken down in September.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: None that immediately spring to mind.


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Apart from simply being a fantasy I have, it's a fun change of pace and a role that I feel I will be able to fill adequately. It would also give me experience I can use in other positions, either on this server or another.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Aside from a level-head and cool attitude, a CCIA agent should always keep Central's best interests in mind and enact them to a T. This is, of course, besides the default requirements that every CCIA agent must meet, such as knowledge of the SOP and corporate regs.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: A CCIA agent's main responsibility is to handle evidence, conduct interviews with and take reports from witnesses and those involved and also to be Central Command's hand and representative on the station.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: In addition to following up reports, the CCIA works with other lore teams and the administrators to give players an interesting and fun experience. The CCIA also develop IC policies and regulations that affect every round.

How do you handle stress?: Very well. I don't buckle under pressure at all and I'm decent at managing time so that I get periods of rest between sessions.

How well do you work autonomously?: As stated above, I was frequently the only moderator on Outcasts for up to seven hours at a time. During these sessions I didn't have any administrator to guide me and had to use my own wits and judgement to give people fair rulings. In short, yes, I can work autonomously.

Additional Notes:



Interview with the applicant:

[1:05 AM] Krampus: Alrighty

[1:05 AM] Krampus: Let's start

[1:06 AM] Synnono: Alright. Most of these are prepared questions. Just answer with the information you have. You can ask questions about any of it as we go.

[1:07 AM] Synnono: To begin, what is your idea of an ideal conflict for a given antagonist round?

[1:13 AM] Krampus: An antagonist serves to bring spice and action to a round. They create mystery and involve players who'd probably be audience members rather than active participants. They turn the game into a story that the players tell. I don't think the main goal of an antagonist should be a high body count. They bring a fresh perspective to rounds that the players may not have personally experienced before. So, in short, antags should get people involved and kill as few people as necessary (if possible)

[1:17 AM] Synnono: Alright. That's an answer to a slightly different question, but I think it's close enough.

[1:17 AM] Synnono: How do you feel CCIA staff members should be perceived by the playerbase? Does this differ significantly from how you feel CCIA characters should be perceived in the world of our setting?

[1:18 AM] Krampus: If you don't mind me asking, how was my answer different to the question you asked?

[1:19 AM] Synnono: I asked what your idea of an ideal conflict was in a round. You told me what you feel an ideal antagonist is.

[1:19 AM] Krampus: Ah

[1:26 AM] Krampus: So, how do I feel the CCIA should be perceived? Well, in short, they increase the quality of RP and help players with any questions they have about the in-universe lore. But as to how they're seen in the world, they are the bastions of law, justice and order. They keep the station like a well-oiled machine and resolve any disputes between station employees

[1:33 AM] Synnono: I'd say that last bit is the domain of on-station Internal Affairs. Though they can do that when absolutely necessary.

[1:33 AM] Synnono: Speaking of absolutely necessary:

[1:33 AM] Synnono: In your opinion, how much of a role should Central Command play in the affairs of the station? When is it appropriate for them to directly intervene, and how much should they attempt to shape the round when they do?

[1:37 AM] Krampus: When the station is physically unable to handle whatever they're being threatened by. If the security team is able to handle the threat, the medbay is still operational and the engineering department is able to fix or replace any pieces of equipment that get damaged, the situation is under control

[1:39 AM] Synnono: CCIA doesn't directly affect those teams even when they do intervene. What do you mean?

[1:39 AM] Krampus: Give me a sec

[1:41 AM] Krampus: Alright, back

[1:43 AM] Krampus: Sorry, I'm a little confused. I mean that Central Command shouldn't be sending anyone if there are departments that can handle the situation on their own without help. Does that clarify things?

[1:44 AM] Synnono: Yes.

[1:45 AM] Synnono: By way of answering the rest of that little set of questions, do you believe that CC should limit itself to sending people to fix station problems?

[1:55 AM] Krampus: I don't think central command should be seen as a safety net to fall into when the proverbial hits the fan, no. That removes all sense of realism. The antagonists should always be seen as a threat and not just as a pesky fly that Central Command can swat away at their earliest convenience. So, going back to what you said, no, I don't think CC should just be the guys who fix all of the station's problems.

[1:55 AM] Krampus: Did I deviate too much from what you asked there?

[1:57 AM] Synnono: Nope, that clarifies things pretty nicely.

[1:58 AM] Synnono: The next few are scenarios. We don't expect you to know the 'right' answers so much as we want to know how you're thinking as you answer them.

[1:58 AM] Synnono: Early in a round, command staff faxes you about a Central Command Update that you did not send. The fax asks you to explain why the station is being leased to another company. How do you respond and why?

[2:06 AM] Krampus: Well, I'd conduct an investigation, as this is obviously an incredibly big move that I assume I'd know about. I would also try to keep the information out of the lower ranking crew's mind as this could lead to undue distress. Basically I'd try to keep everything calm while investigating the legitimacy of the announcement in question

[2:07 AM] Synnono: When we are supporting the Revolution game mode, CCIA can optionally choose to take a more antagonistic approach to its interaction with the crew.

The Head Loyalist of the round creates a Central Command announcement that states all Tajara employees are to be 'heavily scrutinized' due to reports of widespread terrorist acts across Tau Ceti. You receive a fax from a concerned Head of Staff asking for details about the specifics of these instructions. How do you respond and why?

[2:20 AM] Krampus: I'd recommend that the station investigate any Tajaran employees that may be on the station. I'd also come up with a terrorist attack on the spot that may spark some chaos and divide the station crew. This would lead to a fun and engaging roleplay experience that I believe would liven up the round

[2:20 AM] Synnono: Late in a round, you receive an EBS broadcast from the station AI, requesting an immediate Emergency Response Team. How do you respond, and why?

[2:21 AM] Krampus: I would check for any sign of crisis on the station that would warrant an ERT

[2:22 AM] Synnono: What warrants one, to you?

[2:23 AM] Krampus: The alert level, for one. What is the alert level in this scenario?

[2:23 AM] Synnono: Let's say code blue.

[2:31 AM] Krampus: I'd ask the captain, failing that, the Head of Security, failing that the AI itself, for information regarding the situation at hand

[2:32 AM] Synnono: Alright, works for me. One more secenario:

[2:32 AM] Synnono: You are playing in the round as the Captain. After a heated argument with your Chief Engineer, Central receives a fax from the CE asking CCIA to intervene in the dispute on her behalf. You are the only CCIA staff member available. How do you respond, and why?

[2:34 AM] Krampus: Could I know about the details of the dispute?

[2:34 AM] Synnono: They're irrelevant to the question.

[2:36 AM] Krampus: Well I'd try to fix the situation while purging all biases from my mind. I'd start by asking for information about the situation and then I'd resolve the dispute as best I could

[2:36 AM] Krampus: Is that too general?

[2:37 AM] Synnono: Nope.

[2:37 AM] Synnono: The next few are about off-server stuff.

[2:37 AM] Synnono: What do you believe is the purpose of the Incident Report system?

[2:46 AM] Krampus: It adds a sense of realism. It preserves the sense that it's in NanoTrasen's best interests for the station to run as smoothly as possible. It allows players to make complaints against players that are causing trouble without having to go through administrators. Allowing players to learn through IC without having to be punished OOCly should always be a priority

[2:47 AM] Krampus: I'm not taking too long to send responses, am I?

[2:48 AM] Synnono: It's getting quite late for me, but we're nearly through the prepared questions.

[2:48 AM] Krampus: Sorry, I'll try to be quicker

[2:48 AM] Synnono: After claiming an Incident Report to work on and sending out notices to the people involved, you realize that the players you are trying to meet with can't accommodate your timezone and schedule, and it is unlikely you will be able to meet with all of them for several weeks or longer. What would you do, if anything, to address this issue?

[2:52 AM] Krampus: If it is just down to my schedule not working for the players, I'd work with my fellow agents and try to find someone who's schedule fits with that of the people involved

[2:52 AM] Krampus: Also

[2:52 AM] Krampus: Is there a channel on the Discord the CCIA can use to communicate with eachother?

[2:53 AM] Synnono: Yes.

[2:53 AM] Krampus: Do people on trial gain access to this channel?

[2:54 AM] Synnono: They do.

[2:54 AM] Krampus: Alright

[2:54 AM] Krampus: Any other questions?

[2:54 AM] Synnono: Yep!

[2:54 AM] Synnono: After completing your investigation of an Incident Report, you find that an officer escalated to a forceful arrest when a crewmember resisted detainment. While the original reason for the arrest is determined to be invalid, the officer argues that in resisting arrest, the crewmember legitimized the detainment. How do you interpret this event?

[3:00 AM] Krampus: Well the crew member is in the wrong from the start. You should never resist arrest under any circumstances. I'd also conduct a small investigation into the officer that arrested the crew member as well, as they shouldn't be jumping the gun and making arrests that are unnecessary.

[3:01 AM] Synnono: Presumably that last bit is already covered by the incident report, but that answer works for me!

[3:01 AM] Krampus: May I ask how my responses are looking so far?

[3:01 AM] Synnono: That's the end of the prepared questions, but I have one or two regarding your application.

[3:01 AM] Synnono: Are you able to go into any detail concerning your departure from your last moderation position with Outcasts?

[3:03 AM] Krampus: Administration was falling apart, the playerbase was declining massively and I just felt like I didn't want to be there anymore. Admins were also discussing pressuring a coder into work they obviously didn't want to do which I was extremely uncomfortable with

[3:03 AM] Krampus: It was entirely my decision if that's what you're wondering

[3:04 AM] Synnono: Alright.

[3:04 AM] Krampus: If you have a more specific question about my experience on Outcasts, I'll happily answer it for you

[3:04 AM] Synnono: And lastly for now, what did you mean when you said "apart from simply being a fantasy I have" when you answered why you wanted to join the team?

[3:05 AM] Krampus: Oh I just like the roleplay behind being a corporate investigator, that's all

[3:05 AM] Krampus: Probably could've worded it in a better way

[3:06 AM] Synnono: It's the kind of thing you can more easily roleplay as a station IAA, in my opinion. Is there something specific about the staff work that appeals to you that way?

[3:10 AM] Krampus: I feel as if I could bring something of value to the team. I can't name something specific about the work that appeals to me, it just does

[3:10 AM] Synnono: Fair enough.

[3:10 AM] Synnono: That's all from me for now. I can answer your questions too, if you have any you haven't yet asked.


Since no one is going to respond for the last 10 days, I'll respond.


I'm not particularly active on any but upon receiving the position I will be on the server for, at the very least, half an hour a day

This is the only thing I'm concerned about on your application. You may have to be more active than that. I've hardly seen you sometimes on server perhaps it's probably because of our time zones. Your time zone in which you live in Australia is a bonus for us.

As for your interviews, I am mildly with your stances on many things. I even like your perspective on "What do you believe is the purpose of the Incident Report system?" better than what we usually say to players. One thing that I noticed is something that we can coordinate on together as a team is your answer to "You are playing in the round as the Captain. After a heated argument with your Chief Engineer, Central receives a fax from the CE asking CCIA to intervene in the dispute on her behalf. You are the only CCIA staff member available. How do you respond, and why?" Typically, we don't touch things that we are directly involved in and try our best to ping them via CCIAA discord to make an effort for someone else whether it be an admin liaison, moderator liaison, or other CCIAAs members. They are typically available when you ping and mention it is urgent because you are unable to respond due to you being involved. Other than this, everything appears to be good.

Regarding the last questions, I want to make this very clear for all of us. We will not make decisions based on your history or dramas on different servers nor will we ever judge you for what you did on other servers unless you made a public scandal and/or a griefer which I know you didn't. My situation is similar to you. Whatever this is, it's all in the past. We have future to look forward to.


Hi Krampus.

I've given the team plenty of time to contribute to this thread and internal discussion. At the end of it here, I've decided to deny this application.

There are two major concerns that I have, and the first is your activity. You've played five rounds in the last two months, which is low for a player, let alone a member of the staff team. Despite what you've mentioned in your application, my experience has been that team members tend to play less rather than more when they have staff obligations. Right now, I'm not confident enough you'd be around to cover the server during rounds, or do the work we'd ask you to do outside of them.

The second concern I have is your motivation for joining. People who join just for the heck of it, or so that they can RP central command, get very quickly turned off by dealing with the out-of-game side of our work and tend to go inactive quickly. While we appreciate people who want to add a little life to NanoTrasen IC, the staff work is significantly less fun than that and takes up much more of our time. You don't seem to be able to identify anything about that that appeals to you, so I imagine none of it actually does. At the end of the day, that's not the kind of staff member we're looking for, and I suspect we're not the kind of group you're looking for either. You could probably satisfy most of your RP needs by getting a command whitelist and playing an Internal Affairs Agent.

Thank you for your interest in the team. Feel free to apply again in the future if you find yourself more engaged with us here. I'll be locking this now and archiving it soon, but feel free to DM me with any questions.

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