CommanderXor Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 BYOND Key: CommanderXor Character name: Sean Richter Item name: Falconry Glove, Red-tailed Hawk and a cage. Why is your character carrying said item to work? Richter took up Falconry as a hobby over the past few months. Mainly within the confines of Mendell City and the small areas of greenery that it was allowed. He was always interested in avian and insectoid life and thus took the hobby up as a way to interact with intelligent birds. Crows and ravens tend to be illegal to own, thus a red-tailed hawk for falconry being the next best thing. He regularly trains and feeds the thing. However, given the distance between Mendell City and the NSS Aurora, he has taken it to himself to bring the bird with him to keep it fed and hydrated during the long trips back and forward, and to make sure nothing could happen to it while he was away. It also acts as a sort of morale booster to himself, as even if he is working alone late in an evening shift, or in a stressing shift he can always find comfort in his bird. Item function(s): Three things. Falconry Glove: Probably a single sprite glove, similar to the power-fist as it only covers one hand. Could be used to click on the Hawk to have it land, and could either be put in a cage or carry it around without it fluttering around the place. Could possibly make it so firearms can't be used to help balance/have some fluff? Red-tailed Hawk/Talon: Pretty much just a resprited parrot that isn't able to talk. Might screech or make other noises. Able to be clicked on with the glove to be carried or put away. Falconry Cage: Just a brass cage that does nothing but acts as a container for the hawk, maybe a spawning method for round start. Item description: Falconry Glove: 'A heavy green glove. Seems padded and impractical, what could it be for?' Red-tailed Hawk/Talon: 'A large bird of prey. Seems remarkably well trained. A small tag on its leg identifies it as 'Talon', contact info is also imprinted on the tag. Contact Sean Richter if lost.' Brass Cage: 'A brass cage with a hinged door. A 'wooden' perch is visible inside along with a small container of water and bird food. A small plaque underneath the cage door identifies it as 'Talon'.' Item appearance: I do not have any sprites for the items, sadly. If requested, I can try and sprite them but I am not good at spriting and they will likely look bad. So if anyone could help/do them, that would be appreciated. Otherwise, have some reference images for them. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Interactions with the crew will come in multiple forms, and through that help stimulate roleplay. A bird is typically an uncommon sight on a space station, and a hawk even more so at that. However, Falconry is an old art that is still done to this day and thus will help provide roleplay with people inquiring on what it is, where it came from and such. Richter will be able to show off Talon, talk about them and discuss his hobby with those who are interested. He also may use it and encounter other situations involving it. Hawks are a carnivorous bird of prey and thus he can visit the kitchen and try and convince the chef to spare some fresh meat to feed his bird. He could also attempt to get synth/biomeat from botany. He may help 'hunt' with it to clear up things like mice or other minor pests. It won't be coded out but can always be roleplayed out. He may even attempt to get medical checkups for it if medical was having a slow day and willing. Overall, I believe it will allow a great amount of roleplay with the crew, and even with others outside of his own department. Cargo to order food for it. Botany or the kitchen for meat. Medical for checkups, and so on. It allows a unique and interesting exchange to happen with others, that I believe will overall drive roleplay with Richter, and others. Additional comments: I understand that the topic of custom pets/mobs is a hot one, and I'm willing to help negotiate with staff on any methods they may want to come up with to allow the Hawk/Talon into the server for Richter. Perhaps restrictions, or making it just an item instead of a resprited parrot. I am also aware I do not have sprites, and that is because I am not good at spriting, but I can have a crack at it, even if I am horrible at such things if staff want me to try.
TishinaStalker Posted September 24, 2018 Posted September 24, 2018 Absolutely not. Who the hell brings a bird of prey to work? This is gonna be a no from me, dog.
CommanderXor Posted September 24, 2018 Author Posted September 24, 2018 Absolutely not. Who the hell brings a bird of prey to work? This is gonna be a no from me, dog. I understand that it's a bit of a weird thing to apply for, and to bring to work. The IC reasoning being that it needs constant care and thus he can't leave it at home every time he heads to work. It is meant to be well trained and thus wouldn't cause any sort of danger to others, and the glove is there to safely handle it. It's brought to ensure he can keep an eye on it and care for it. The same could be said for many things people bring onboard. Military uniforms and ID? Cat carriers full of kittens? A full blown dog? Not to mention Falconry is a semi-popular thing in lore. Elyra's wiki page mentions Falconry under popular sport. I know Richter isn't from there, but he has visited there in the past plenty of times and it isn't far fetched to assume the local culture may have rubbed off on him a bit.
Lohikar Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 There is no legitimate reason to bring a bird of prey to a workplace. If it needed that much care, you just would have to get someone to look after it (or take a leave of absence from work). A kitten is not directly dangerous to personnel. Dogs are debatable. A bird of prey definitely could be a threat, and has no place in a corporate setting.
CommanderXor Posted October 1, 2018 Author Posted October 1, 2018 There is no legitimate reason to bring a bird of prey to a workplace. If it needed that much care, you just would have to get someone to look after it (or take a leave of absence from work). A kitten is not directly dangerous to personnel. Dogs are debatable. A bird of prey definitely could be a threat, and has no place in a corporate setting. The same could be said for other things. What legitimate reason could you have for bringing a cat to work? The only legitimate reason I could see for a dog would be if you required a seeing-dog or such. A bit of freedom is given in things like this to help drive forward roleplay. As for the threat it may pose, it has been trained, and while that may not eliminate all things related to it, the cage exists for a reason on top of that as an extra level of protection from it 'just in case'.
TishinaStalker Posted October 7, 2018 Posted October 7, 2018 Yeah, my final answer is definitely going to still be no on this. Application denied.
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