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Incident Report 10/12/2460 (Uwasv Sidanelv/Avery Zenthir)


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Reporting Personnel: Uwasv Sidanelv

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Station Engineer

Game ID: bWN-dIsG

Personnel Involved:

- Uwasv Sidanelv (Victim)

- Avery Zenthir (Offender)

- Balki Bragisson (Secondary Offender/Indirect Victim)

- Jackie Harker (Witness)

- Asaar'Kalid M'kar (Witness for previous encounter another shift)

Time of Incident:

Real time: 10 /11 PM EST

Location of Incident: Arrivals Shuttle

Nature of Incident:

[X]Workplace Hazard: Repairs were never properly completed

[x]Accident/Injury: New engineer was shocked by not wearing insulated gloves while the more experienced one should have handled the situation

[]Destruction of Property

[X]Neglect of Duty: Failed to use engineering SOP/triage/common sense to help a crewmember and repair a breach. Should be an i221 Gross negligence. Knowingly left victim exposed to announced dangerous or possibly deadly elements. Possibly worse infraction but that is up to CCIA.

[X]Harassment: Repeated verbal harassment over comms. Both parties are guilty. Sorry.


[X]Misconduct: Endangered crewmembers and knowingly endangered a life without care.


i110 Slander: Done over Engineering radio

i111 Failure to Execute an Order: Did not follow through orders to repair breach

Overview of the Incident:

I'm not very good with paperwork or anything so I apologize if anything is off. I'm using a pAI to assist me for the most part. This will be long because this is an escalation from a previous shift and that shift will be included as well for background.

So I arrived on station the other day and began my custom mixed gas setup for the SM using CO2 and phoron and I heard the other engineer Zenthir arrive. I called out that I had the engine handled and all was good. My setup takes a while so while I was explaining to him how I usually do shields I was still working on my setup which is safer and yet still efficient with minimal maintenance for the SM. He came down and I was still working on getting the engine done which was far from bad as I still had plenty of time before the SMES ran out of power which I had to wait for anyways before turning on the input to upgrade it. He asked if I was setting up the Tesla because he was not aware that mixed gas systems existed. I offered to teach him how I do it along with the shields because he gave up on that and did it his way instead which is absolutely fine as long as they were put up its all good. At this point my boss M'kar arrived and things went to shit.

Zenthir declined saying he liked doing it his way and only followed the book which had me suspicious because it made it sound like he only knows how to do the engine from the book and is actually untrained and uncertified to work with the engine at all which concerned me. To figure it out I tried to test the mans knowledge and asked him what he knew the SM does after it has been activated by the emitter. This was mostly to only see how much he actually knew so I could either report it or if he seemed like he actually knew his stuff to teach Zenthir how mixed gas systems worked and at LEAST teach him how to save an engine with a mixed gas system for safety reasons and I told him the latter. The guy immediately got incredibly offended and accused me of accusing him of being incompetent which wasn't the case at first and I explained to him several times that I just wanted to know how much I had to teach him my engine system.

At that point I DID accuse him of being dangerously irresponsible and willingly ignorant for not wanting to learn something that could possibly save the engine were anything to happen as it is requirement to work with it and for being stubborn. I probably did use some rougher language but the worst I called him was mister by the book. I can't remember every single detail of what went on but there was an AI present and M'kar as well who was CE that shift. Neither corrected me or told me to stop outside of M'kar telling us to lighten up a little. For the most part though both the CE AND the AI agreed with me and suggested Zenthir at least learn how to save a mixed gas engine. Everyone has their preference and thats fine. I don't expect him to follow in my footsteps and set things up the way I do. Everyone does things differently and as long as it works and is relatively safe I'm good with it. But still he refused and became increasingly upset so I just left him alone after the CE couldn't get through. I figured he was just too stubborn and proud.

So now we fast forwards to the present. I'll just give an overview because it was all done over radio comms and you'll have full access to the station logs. ((This is a lot so I'm going to gloss over it and spare you the torture of reading through both this AND the logs, which I will provide and give you a more in-depth view.)) The station was hit by meteors and I was trapped on the Arrivals shuttle while Zenthir left me exposed to a potential dangerous hazard that was announced as a radiation storm despite knowing full well that I could have died if it was real and had affected essential organs. Bragisson boarded soon after and asked what was going on where I begged him to help me as Zenthir proceeded to slander me and demean me while using racial slurs and while I will admit and take responsibility that I let my temper get the best of me. In my frustration and called him a few non racial things. Bragisson then went to removing wall fungus instead and by the time he was done came to release me but hurt himself by not wearing insulated gloves. Zenthir came up to take him to medical and I also risked myself to get out because we were running out of time to make arrivals safe. During that time no action was taken by the HoP despite telling them everything that happened before the storm as I had forgotten to do so after in my anger.


Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Faysal Al-Shennawi

Actions taken: None whatsoever as far as I know.

Additional Notes:


TO: Uwasv Sidanelv, Station Engineer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Office to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 13-08:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2460


  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Uwasv Sidanelv, Station Engineer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIAA Liesel Metz (Synnono).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 21-10:08-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2460


  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Uwasv Sidanelv, Station Engineer, NSS Aurora

FROM: Liesel Metz, CCIAA, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals.

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 30-21:22-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2460

SIGN: Liesel M.~

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