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Incident Report - 11/11/2460


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Reporting Personnel: Khaled Al-Bastaki

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security

Game ID: A round of Extended has ended! [Game ID: bXg-dhwq] A canon event.

Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other)

- Syd Picard - Phoron Researcher: Offender

- Edward Crawford - Detective: Witness/Investigator/Present on Arrest

- Simon Price - Miner: Witness/Informant

- Shawn Carson - Warden: Minor Witness

- Angela Ulery - Research Director: Minor Witness

- Cameron Fisher - Roboticist: Bystander

- Django Siulusi - Security Officer: Arresting Officer

- Shawn Carson - Warden: Assisted in Processing

Time of Incident: Around two hours into the shift. Around 12 pm mark.

Real time: 3:30 am GMT+4 11/11/2018

Location of Incident: Science hallway

Nature of Incident:

[]Workplace Hazard


[]Destruction of Property

[X]Neglect of Duty




[X]Other Terrorist Acts

Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary)

The brief summary is that the offender, Phoron Researcher Syd Picard is at the extreme plotted and tried to recruit others in a plot to bomb the PRA visitors, and in the least is guilty of severe negligence, though I'm led to believe it is the former.

The incident started when a miner Simon Price reported to me via PDA the supposed malicious intent of Syd Picard, this was during a period of general unrest amongst the crew, accidents by the tank crew that resulted in one death which seems to be attributed to medical malpractice, but I lack information on the medical side of it and a mine that was planted for the tank. So the mood was tense and only recently from memory did we drop from code red to blue, so the atmosphere tense all around and people were rather fearful. Simon Price said they supposed tried to recruit him and bring him into his plans, due to the miners ATLAS ties and previously during the day, rather inflammatory behavior towards Tajara and especially the visitors.

I called some of my security members and stayed in the robotics room with Cameron Fisher and Angela Ulery to watch for Picard. It had been reported to us by Simon Price that he was by the surface garden and then gave us general directions of his destination and present whereabouts, which we verified as true. He also reported that they had a bomb on them. Once Picard entered, we intercepted him, even though we downgraded to code blue, there was a possible threat and a very dangerous one. Once he was restrained, he was searched, whereupon we found an explosive device which the detective said and I quote "professionally made" along with signaler that was linked with it. I don't have full case information on hand so you'll need to contact the detective.

After further investigation in the brig, they were believed to be guilty and sentenced to terrorist acts, whereupon they were transferred to the NTCC Odin under restraints and escort. I'd like to note there were suspected accomplices but due to the transfer and present investigation into this individual, we weren't able to expand the investigation. There was supposed to be a meet up of those with distasteful opinions of the Tajara, specifically from other Tajara that seemed to despise the PRA.


Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I reported my findings to the Captain. He didn't disapprove nor interfere.

Actions taken: A forceful search operation which yielded results, followed by processing, interrogation and sentencing.

Additional Notes: I'd like to add that we had another incident previously where a mine was placed to disrupt the tank. It was triggered before we could fully investigate. We have been unable to pinpoint the source and we had numerous suspects. We were exceptionally spread thin handling numerous situations.

Simon Price transcript. https://pastebin.com/3xRVxmkk

In the personnel involved list. Anyone after Simon Price is a secondary witness, I added them as they may be needed but I don't think they are wholly necessary.

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TO: Khaled Al-Bastaki, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Office to review.

If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 11-00:58-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2460


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TO: Khaled Al-Bastaki, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIAA Liesel Metz (Synnono).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 18-17:28-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2460


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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Khaled Al-Bastaki, Head of Security, NSS Aurora

FROM: Whitney Foster-Liang, CCIA Bureau Supervisor, NT HQ Bldg. Mendell City

SUBJECT: 24601110 KAl-Bastaki_SPicard File Closure 



Syd Picard's employment has been terminated following his confession of terrorist activities against the People's Republic of Adhomai and NanoTrasen, as well as for making credible threats of harm toward Company officials. He has been detained and turned over to Federal authorities for criminal custody. As such, this file has been closed.

Prepare to receive additional instructions for your security team via the appropriate channels within 1-2 days.


DTG: 1-10:37-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2460

SIGN: c86f246ddb814c082c3ebf332611f400.png

Edited by Synnono
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