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LoneTophat's Whitelist Application Mk. II

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BYOND key: LoneTophat

Character names: James Watson, Solomon Pierce

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About a month now.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I enjoy the role of Captain, and I have built a character specifically for that role. He is also a possible HoS.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I heard of it from my friend Herbert, who first introduced me to SS13 through Apollo, before it was shut down.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I have.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is the act of putting yourself into an imagined character's shoes. It is the best kind of interactive storytelling, and I have loved doing it since a very young age. I often roleplay as my prose characters, so I can imagine how they'd react realistically to the given situation. In the context of SS13, there are two main ways to play the game. There's the heavy roleplay this server promotes, and the action packed and often explosive gameplay other servers offer. Ultimately, I think the reason why I made NSS Aurora my home, and forged friendships with several of it's members, is because of my love of prose and interactive storytelling. The stories we create on this server rival many supposedly great works, surprising as that may sound. We work together, from all different walks of life, to enjoy and escape into the SS13 universe, one of our very own creation. At it's heart, roleplay is creative cooperation. The rules are in place to promote this, but participants must agree to take on the role of their created characters, and behave accordingly.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

Heads of Staff run the station, put simply. Without them, often anarchy ensues, and no work gets done, obviously. Heads of Staff make or break a round, frankly. But beyond what we all already know, heads of staff are people. They must live their imperfect lives, work in harsh conditions, and often their mask of professionalism must break to show the flawed human underneath. Their actions, however, are observed and critiqued by many, so they must strive to do their job competently, even under pressure. This has been the hardest part for me, as many of you already know. The balance between incompetence and human flaws, and the need for professionalism and (honestly) functionality. If a Head isn't doing his job, the entire station suffers, not just his department. I've realized this now, with my ample experience as James Watson. I will personally strive to balance Solomon's flaws with his IC duties. However, mistakes will be made. We're all human.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

Whitelisted individuals are trusted with a privileged that I have personally learned can be easily taken away. The line between IC and OOC is often blurred, and sometimes it becomes difficult for some people to distinguish the two. I expect whitelisted players, moderators, and admins to be decent to each other at all times, even when things get emotionally charged. We all use SS13 as entertainment, but some of us also use roleplay as an escape, honestly. Keeping in mind that we all come from different walks of life, I will personally move forward with an inclusive and flexible mindset. I want to work with each and every one of you, even the ones who I may have been at odds with in the past. I am still new to this community, and I badly want to learn from the veteran members so I can rise to their standards.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Solomon Pierce

Character age: 42

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Solomon Pierce is a grizzled veteran of many conflicts, as his previous military service to the Sol Union Navy attests. He began simply as a Marine, but quickly rose to the task of command when put in desperate straits. He was recognized for his competency under fire, being sent to train at the infamous West March Academy on Mars. This is where he rose to the top, proving his ability to lead men and women into hell's gates, while also bringing the majority of them back in one piece. Upon graduation from the Academy, he became a commissioned officer in the Sol Union Navy, being given the position of XO aboard SUS Judgement, a Sentinel-class Destroyer.

Years later, he suffered severe injuries due to an explosion aboard SUS Judgement, leading to his chronic shortness of breath. This ended his prestigious and honorable service to the Sol Union Navy. It would not be his final firefight, however. NanoTrasen had taken notice of his competency in command, and his military background impressed. They saw fit to write an open letter to him, offering employment as a Head of Security aboard the civilian research station NSS Aurora. He accepted, not willing to give up his action packed lifestyle. He had no intentions of settling down yet!

Five years of competent service later, he signed the contract to command the station as Captain...

What do you like about this character?:

I poured myself into his backstory, frankly. I will continue to add layers of content as I see fit. If you take a look at his extensive character records, (Thanks Incog for the format!), you'll see he's got a lot more detail than I included above. He's got a chronic issue (shortness of breath) which I have iRL due to my cardiac illness. I will attempt to simulate this lack of endurance IC'ly. Furthermore, I really want to get the balance right this time, on human flaws and competency. His violent past and quarrelsome attitude may remind some of you of myself. :P I think Captain Pierce can get that balance right though, and I intend on seeing his character through to the end.

What do you dislike about this character?:

I'll be revising his childhood, detailed here: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=116&p=743#p743

GlamourChariot said it was to generic, being a young orphan who rose to prominence. I'm tempted to agree.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):



He has the IC skills to get the job done, and organize the crew with military style efficiency.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

A cut above the average, but nothing in comparison to some of the veterans I've met on this server, honestly. I am endeavoring to increase the quality of my interactions, however, and move away from dialogue driven roleplay, towards a mix between dialogue and emoting. It'll be a work in progress, like most things.

Extra notes:

I would like to thank all the friends I've made on this server. Their support for James Watson was heartwarming, despite his (and my) mistakes. It's a shame he had to be put on a bus to rehab, for a double dose of AA and sexual harassment counseling. HR had a field day with him!

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When Lone was whitelisted, he was an incredibly competent captain, able to respond to multiple emergencies and COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER HEADS! Prior to his acceptance, we had a noticeable lack in that type of thing.

The main issues we had with his captainship, the incidents, were mostly due to the character of James Watson. Since he is no longer going to be the captain, I doubt any more issues will arise. I can lend my full support for Lone.

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When Lone was whitelisted, he was an incredibly competent captain, able to respond to multiple emergencies and COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER HEADS! Prior to his acceptance, we had a noticeable lack in that type of thing.

The main issues we had with his captainship, the incidents, were mostly due to the character of James Watson. Since he is no longer going to be the captain, I doubt any more issues will arise. I can lend my full support for Lone.

I'd like to post a rebuttal - I'm very aware that the issues that arose with Tophat had to do not only with his characters, but with the way he handled criticism. Not only did he refuse to listen to staff entirely for a time, being very argumentative throughout the whole ordeal, but he kept trying to placate them over unrelated issues, trying to constantly refocus attention away from himself, and nearly resorting to blackmail (bringing up incidents staff were involved in that had nothing to do with him, whenever we'd try to talk to him about problems with his character).

Not only that, but in general a very negative attitude, and I quote, "If my whitelist is revolted, I will go antag every round or SSD", as well as constant incidents involving his captain (several times a day) make me a bit wary of granting him his whitelist back.

Especially when he does not seem to have addressed any of that, and barely even admits his faults as a character ICly in this application. Perhaps another mod/admin who was more involved in these events would like to shed more light on the situation.

Anyway, I can guarantee you that this application will not be accepted until Tophat addresses directly /all/ of the incidents that led to his whitelist strip, and explains clearly what he hopes to do, should he be reinstated, to ensure these do not happen again. (And it should be more than saying "heads should do their jobs, but are flawed, and I will try to find a balance between IC duties and flaws.")

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When Lone was whitelisted, he was an incredibly competent captain, able to respond to multiple emergencies and COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER HEADS! Prior to his acceptance, we had a noticeable lack in that type of thing.

The main issues we had with his captainship, the incidents, were mostly due to the character of James Watson. Since he is no longer going to be the captain, I doubt any more issues will arise. I can lend my full support for Lone.

I'd like to post a rebuttal - I'm very aware that the issues that arose with Tophat had to do not only with his characters, but with the way he handled criticism. Not only did he refuse to listen to staff entirely for a time, being very argumentative throughout the whole ordeal, but he kept trying to placate them over unrelated issues, trying to constantly refocus attention away from himself, and nearly resorting to blackmail (bringing up incidents staff were involved in that had nothing to do with him, whenever we'd try to talk to him about problems with his character).

Not only that, but in general a very negative attitude, and I quote, "If my whitelist is revolted, I will go antag every round or SSD", as well as constant incidents involving his captain (several times a day) make me a bit wary of granting him his whitelist back.

Especially when he does not seem to have addressed any of that, and barely even admits his faults as a character ICly in this application. Perhaps another mod/admin who was more involved in these events would like to shed more light on the situation.

Anyway, I can guarantee you that this application will not be accepted until Tophat addresses directly /all/ of the incidents that led to his whitelist strip, and explains clearly what he hopes to do, should he be reinstated, to ensure these do not happen again. (And it should be more than saying "heads should do their jobs, but are flawed, and I will try to find a balance between IC duties and flaws.")


I mentioned within the whitelist application my OOC issues. I did not go into detail, because the whitelist did not require me too. I knew we could have this dialogue without me just "saying things at you" as opposed to having a discussion. I will now try to address every incident you brought up to share my side of story:

Criticism: I found it easy in the beginning to learn from moderators and admins on the server. As time progressed and the player complaints and (in my opinion) OOC grudges formed I became more and more frustrated with the way disciplinary actions were handled. This led to my sarcastic remarks that I think really spoiled everyone's image of me, honestly. And it WAS a mistake for me to be petty and spiteful, saying things like "Well I guess I'll just go antag every round or SSD" if my whitelist removed. This is not behavior that would be expected of a whitelisted member, and it will not occur in the future. I will be watching what I say very closely.

Blackmail/Lessick-Nightmare Incident: I take this accusation very seriously, as I was told by how close Skull and Nightmare were to banning me, because of "stirring up OOC drama". Let me begin by giving context to the situation. It was 4 AM, I was sleep deprived, there were four people on. I went CE with my military character, and was told this was the last straw. I understand Ggnomaz went Captain, and I made a sarcastic remark that wasn't mean't seriously, but was taken so. I believe I said something like "Well I'll go CE in spite!". I think this was less an actually spiteful remark, and more a sarcastic dig that I do with folks I consider my friends. No one 'knew' how to set up the engine but myself, with the help of the wiki. I made another sarcastic joke that I didn't have the IC or the OOC skills, once I noticed I made a mistake by not creating an engineering character. That was a real mistake on my part, and even when there's only a small pop, I get it, heads are important and have to be legitimate.

This is when Lessick job banned me from every head, and we got into an argument about it. I eventually told her that I wanted to speak with another admin because I believed (and still do) that she formed an OOC grudge against me when I witnessed the previous events of a staff complaint (that we won't talk about here). Nightmare took a very aggressive and demeaning approach with our conversation, and I did not appreciate it at that late hour. I felt like he was acting like high school bully, in some respects, honestly. After failing to communicate my side of the situation, I struck out in frustration by saying in OOC (as opposed to PM's) that I essentially questioned Nightmare's leadership and administrative ability because of another admin's confession to me that they may resign due to internal conflict. I won't name names here, as I learned a lesson that if this person wants to come forward, they will, and I should not speak for them. I want to make something very clear though: I did not attempt to use this knowledge to leverage my position. It was not a calculated move, it was a flailing blow in the dark because of my emotionally distraught situation. I was on the literal verge of tears during my discussion with Nightmare.

It may be important to note that the miscommunications may occur more frequently with my characters (and myself, to be honest) due to my extremely mild form of autism. I did not want to tell this community about my social weaknesses, as it became a tagline for me in the last community I was in, and led to much cyberbullying and harassment over it. I want NSS Aurora to be my home away from home, ultimately. It's a wonderful community and I've made friends here. I hope I haven't alienated the administrative staff to the point of no return due to this events.

Other Incidents: Willfull stupidity, and sometimes ignorance, on my part. These will not occur again, as I will be attempting to not cross the line from "funny" into "abrasive". Furthermore, I won't be throwing my important gear through the station when I get shit faced drunk and am running away from a demotion from CC. That was not a good roleplay experience for everyone, in hindsight. LOOC conversations were often sarcastic and whingey on my part with FFrances specifically, and this will not occur again either. I do hope you end up judging me on my future successes, and not my past mistakes.

Skull said something very true to me a week ago or so, during my first player complaint. He said people won't recognize your good work or successes, they'll pinpoint your fuck ups and judge you on that. I think this community can find a happy medium between the two, use folks mistakes to help build their characters and OOC skills, and build them up for their good work and strong roleplay. I hope we can continue to talk about things in a meaningful manner, and I do apologize for the mistakes I have clearly made in the past. It is not easy for me to come out in "public" about them, obviously. I think I use my dry sense of humor to break the tension, and it doesn't always have the desired effect. :\

EDIT: Due to this being a Wall Of Text, I've bolded each "area" of interest for folks. Sorry for writing so much :s

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Blackmail/Lessick-Nightmare Incident: This is when Lessick job banned me from every head, and we got into an argument about it. I eventually told her that I wanted to speak with another admin because I believed (and still do) that she formed an OOC grudge against me when I witnessed the previous events of a staff complaint (that we won't talk about here). Nightmare took a very aggressive and demeaning approach with our conversation, and I did not appreciate it at that late hour. I felt like he was acting like high school bully, in some respects, honestly. After failing to communicate my side of the situation, I struck out in frustration by saying in OOC (as opposed to PM's) that I essentially questioned Nightmare's leadership and administrative ability because of another admin's confession to me that they may resign due to internal conflict. I won't name names here, as I learned a lesson that if this person wants to come forward, they will, and I should not speak for them. I want to make something very clear though: I did not attempt to use this knowledge to leverage my position. It was not a calculated move, it was a flailing blow in the dark because of my emotionally distraught situation. I was on the literal verge of tears during my discussion with Nightmare.

It may be important to note that the miscommunications may occur more frequently with my characters (and myself, to be honest) due to my extremely mild form of autism. I did not want to tell this community about my social weaknesses, as it became a tagline for me in the last community I was in, and led to much cyberbullying and harassment over it. I want NSS Aurora to be my home away from home, ultimately. It's a wonderful community and I've made friends here. I hope I haven't alienated the administrative staff to the point of no return due to this events.


Top, the only reason I started developing any ill will towards you at all was due to the fact that you kept bringing up the complaint after I had specifically told you I wasn't bothered by it, and kept bringing it up in irrelevant situations as if to prove that my judgment regarding your other problematic actions was wrong. In every case I've dealt with you, I've been handling the issue at hand, and it's only after you've basically attacked me, questioning my abilities as an admin, that I started to feel alienated and hostile.

One: I need you to take my words at face value. I take care to say what I mean, especially when I'm handling administrative stuff.

Two: This is. Personal for me, but trust me when I say I do understand, to a degree, what it's like. About a third of my immediate family and a few of my very close friends are on the autism spectrum. It's not a big deal, and anyone who tries to make it a big deal or bully you about that here will be dealt with harshly. But while it does help explain some of your behavior and reactions to things, it doesn't excuse them. You need to interact with people as they are, not how you imagine or project they should be, and ASK if you're not sure you caught someone's meaning.

Three: Admin PMs are not a debate forum. And asking "what would [ADMIN WHO ISN'T ONLINE] think" of staff decisions is immature, hostile, and irrelevant. Admins back each other up on decisions. It is not your place to try to undermine those decisions-- If you have issue with them, then yes, you take it to the forums. But if you get so upset that you feel the need to attack people you're talking with, then it's better to take a step back, say you're taking a breather, and resume the discussion at a later point.

I'm here to solve problems; your behavior towards me since the night me and Meow fucked up has been passive-aggressive at best and upsettingly manipulative at worst.

If the night you went CE, you had apologized and admitted your mistake, it would've been fine. However. You were already on thin ice after your previous behavior James Watson-- behavior which, mind you, garnered you multiple player complaints and forced Admins to bring in Centcomm intervention no fewer than four times, which is frankly ridiculous and a waste of our time. But after being contacted by admins for your decision to join as CE as a non-engineer, you essentially started slinging shit. You tried to, what looked like, blackmail and rules-lawyer your way out of the situation, and yes. We brought down the ban. Keep in mind that online moderators and admins can see every adminPM and everything said in LOOC, regardless of whose PMs they are or where the LOOC is said. Decisions are not made without accountability.

Getting back on track.

I don't have a strong opinion about this whitelist. Your roleplaying ability is not in question here. I do have the strong opinion that you need to clean up your act as a player.

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This is when Lessick job banned me from every head, and we got into an argument about it. I eventually told her that I wanted to speak with another admin because I believed (and still do) that she formed an OOC grudge against me when I witnessed the previous events of a staff complaint (that we won't talk about here).

I've personally known Lessick for some time, and I don't know if this may reassure you, but I sincerely think she's one of the most impartial and self-conscious admins we have. Yes, some things might get on her nerves anyway, because she's just human (like all of us), but she actually took the time to examine and analyze the situation, and went to me as well as several people for counsel, to make sure she didn't react out of some grudge in the situation. So I'm fully willing to vouch for her, and am ready to give you full assurance that you're not being targeted for a reason or another, if it makes you feel better. We've always tried our best to treat everyone fairly and equally.

The rest of this issue isn't really my job to discuss, as I wasn't present, but I wanted to come back to say this.

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Blackmail/Lessick-Nightmare Incident: This is when Lessick job banned me from every head, and we got into an argument about it. I eventually told her that I wanted to speak with another admin because I believed (and still do) that she formed an OOC grudge against me when I witnessed the previous events of a staff complaint (that we won't talk about here). Nightmare took a very aggressive and demeaning approach with our conversation, and I did not appreciate it at that late hour. I felt like he was acting like high school bully, in some respects, honestly. After failing to communicate my side of the situation, I struck out in frustration by saying in OOC (as opposed to PM's) that I essentially questioned Nightmare's leadership and administrative ability because of another admin's confession to me that they may resign due to internal conflict. I won't name names here, as I learned a lesson that if this person wants to come forward, they will, and I should not speak for them. I want to make something very clear though: I did not attempt to use this knowledge to leverage my position. It was not a calculated move, it was a flailing blow in the dark because of my emotionally distraught situation. I was on the literal verge of tears during my discussion with Nightmare.

It may be important to note that the miscommunications may occur more frequently with my characters (and myself, to be honest) due to my extremely mild form of autism. I did not want to tell this community about my social weaknesses, as it became a tagline for me in the last community I was in, and led to much cyberbullying and harassment over it. I want NSS Aurora to be my home away from home, ultimately. It's a wonderful community and I've made friends here. I hope I haven't alienated the administrative staff to the point of no return due to this events.


Top, the only reason I started developing any ill will towards you at all was due to the fact that you kept bringing up the complaint after I had specifically told you I wasn't bothered by it, and kept bringing it up in irrelevant situations as if to prove that my judgment regarding your other problematic actions was wrong. In every case I've dealt with you, I've been handling the issue at hand, and it's only after you've basically attacked me, questioning my abilities as an admin, that I started to feel alienated and hostile.

One: I need you to take my words at face value. I take care to say what I mean, especially when I'm handling administrative stuff.

Two: This is. Personal for me, but trust me when I say I do understand, to a degree, what it's like. About a third of my immediate family and a few of my very close friends are on the autism spectrum. It's not a big deal, and anyone who tries to make it a big deal or bully you about that here will be dealt with harshly. But while it does help explain some of your behavior and reactions to things, it doesn't excuse them. You need to interact with people as they are, not how you imagine or project they should be, and ASK if you're not sure you caught someone's meaning.

Three: Admin PMs are not a debate forum. And asking "what would [ADMIN WHO ISN'T ONLINE] think" of staff decisions is immature, hostile, and irrelevant. Admins back each other up on decisions. It is not your place to try to undermine those decisions-- If you have issue with them, then yes, you take it to the forums. But if you get so upset that you feel the need to attack people you're talking with, then it's better to take a step back, say you're taking a breather, and resume the discussion at a later point.

I'm here to solve problems; your behavior towards me since the night me and Meow fucked up has been passive-aggressive at best and upsettingly manipulative at worst.

If the night you went CE, you had apologized and admitted your mistake, it would've been fine. However. You were already on thin ice after your previous behavior James Watson-- behavior which, mind you, garnered you multiple player complaints and forced Admins to bring in Centcomm intervention no fewer than four times, which is frankly ridiculous and a waste of our time. But after being contacted by admins for your decision to join as CE as a non-engineer, you essentially started slinging shit. You tried to, what looked like, blackmail and rules-lawyer your way out of the situation, and yes. We brought down the ban. Keep in mind that online moderators and admins can see every adminPM and everything said in LOOC, regardless of whose PMs they are or where the LOOC is said. Decisions are not made without accountability.

Getting back on track.

I don't have a strong opinion about this whitelist. Your roleplaying ability is not in question here. I do have the strong opinion that you need to clean up your act as a player.

Thank you Lessick for responding. I'll take everything you've said into considerations concerning not only my character review (which as we've discussed is not the only issue) but also my OOC player behavior. I admit I was passive aggressive with you, and we did quarrel when you pointed out my mistakes as a player. I think moving forward I should try to treat all the mods and administrators equally concerning their admin PM's, and in general. Playing favorites only encourages divisiveness and disagreement. I'll attempt in the future to learn as much as I can from admins who I may not be super close buddies with, yet. :v

Also, I included that bit about autism only as an explanation of some of my past behaviors, not an excuse. I would prefer if this thread did not pinpoint that as a major point of discussion, as I have been trying to go into environments and just be "normal" and not have to mention it to anyone. I did hear what you said though.

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Thank you Lessick for responding. I'll take everything you've said into considerations concerning not only my character review (which as we've discussed is not the only issue) but also my OOC player behavior. I admit I was passive aggressive with you, and we did quarrel when you pointed out my mistakes as a player. I think moving forward I should try to treat all the mods and administrators equally concerning their admin PM's, and in general. Playing favorites only encourages divisiveness and disagreement. I'll attempt in the future to learn as much as I can from admins who I may not be super close buddies with, yet. :v

I think the key phrase here should not just be equally, but with respect. The staff here, every member of it-- we do this in our free time. Because we want to, because we want to help the server and see it grow. We deal with griefers and chucklefucks so that the players don't have to, enforce RP standards so that Aurora can stay somewhere people want to call home.

We get enough shit for doing our job already. Griefers treat us equally. Equally bad. But damned if I log on to get verbally bitchslapped and argue pedantics when I could be doing something less stressful. There was about a week leading up to your whitelist strip where every time I had to PM you or contact you in LOOC, despite doing my best to be respectful it felt like you were sabotaging and undermining everything I was trying to say, to the point that I started dreading contacting you for both IC and OOC complaints against you and your character. It wasn't fun. That's not what I sign on to deal with every day.

So yes. Listen to and learn from the modmins. And treat the modmins with respect. Because we're much more likely to be understanding and want to help if you're not second-guessing every other decision we make.

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I have been thinking about speaking about this for a while, and I believe I finally should.

A little while back, me and a few of the players on the teamspeak went to the infamous 'vore' server with the intention of raiding it. Most of the other players in our little grief team didn't actually do much wrong, me included, besides maybe beat one guy up who flashed us with a laser pointer, etc.

However, tophat started a plasma fire inside of the medical bay, injuring quite a few people and prompting a shuttle call, before the admins questioned him about it.

From what he told me, he straight-up blamed the entire incident on me. The plasma fire, the injuries and even one murder by him, the raid, he said it was all just me trolling the server. Without question, I was banned for 5 days with no appeal link. No one else received any punishment or questioning, and I believe even tophat was left off without punishment, somehow.

Anyways, I will -1 this application because of this.

Not because he got me banned, not because he started a plasma fire, not because I was the only one who got in trouble and he didn't, but due to the fact that he lied to an administrator of any server during questioning. I simply cannot trust him to make the changes he has promised to fix with his characters being perverts and the sort, as he has lied on other servers straight to admins in order to save his own skin, and he may very well be doing the same here.

I may be paranoid, or holding a grudge, but my -1 will still stand because of the fact that I simply do not have enough trust in him to believe he is telling the truth on this matter of fixing his characters.


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I was going to vote, but decided not to, as my vote may be biased due to previous complaints/round happenings.

But I'm glad you've gotten a new character, Solomon is pretty cool in my books.

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I have been thinking about speaking about this for a while, and I believe I finally should.

A little while back, me and a few of the players on the teamspeak went to the infamous 'vore' server with the intention of raiding it. Most of the other players in our little grief team didn't actually do much wrong, me included, besides maybe beat one guy up who flashed us with a laser pointer, etc.

However, tophat started a plasma fire inside of the medical bay, injuring quite a few people and prompting a shuttle call, before the admins questioned him about it.

From what he told me, he straight-up blamed the entire incident on me. The plasma fire, the injuries and even one murder by him, the raid, he said it was all just me trolling the server. Without question, I was banned for 5 days with no appeal link. No one else received any punishment or questioning, and I believe even tophat was left off without punishment, somehow.

Anyways, I will -1 this application because of this.

Not because he got me banned, not because he started a plasma fire, not because I was the only one who got in trouble and he didn't, but due to the fact that he lied to an administrator of any server during questioning. I simply cannot trust him to make the changes he has promised to fix with his characters being perverts and the sort, as he has lied on other servers straight to admins in order to save his own skin, and he may very well be doing the same here.

I may be paranoid, or holding a grudge, but my -1 will still stand because of the fact that I simply do not have enough trust in him to believe he is telling the truth on this matter of fixing his characters.


Due to the outrageous nature of this accusation, and the knowledge Hive and I have clashed in the past due to his openly hostile behavior, I took a break from responding to this. I never started a plasma fire. In fact, it was Hive who beat to death multiple characters with a fire extinguisher. When the admins asked me who murdered the crew members, I bloody well told them. I did NOT start a plasma fire, let me re-iterate. I think it's childish you're trying to blame yours and others mistakes on my behavior. I have largely left my griefing past behind, as my roleplay on the Aurora server attests.

Now let's talk about the real reason why you're here, flaming my post with nonsense:

I am very open to other folks on the teamspeak, including Skull who picked up your aggressive behavior, and I have been outspoken in my criticism towards your bullying nature. You can tell me it's just a fucking joke all you want, but the way you act reminds me of a school yard bully, endlessly jeering his peers.

I would like to invite the other members of this community who joined the infamous server and had shenanigans to share their version of the piece. Clearly you're more than a little biased due to our past interactions. This has however led me to mute you permanently on the TS, as I will not subject myself to your utter bullshit anymore. Clearly the jeering on the teamspeak wasn't enough for you, and you had to fabricate this personal attack on me.

Shall I be honest? I don't even know how to light plasma on fire without it being in the toxins lab. I've never made it a study, sorry.

I was going to vote, but decided not to, as my vote may be biased due to previous complaints/round happenings.

But I'm glad you've gotten a new character, Solomon is pretty cool in my books.

Thanks. I hope in the future we have positive interactions.

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Due to the outrageous nature of this accusation, and the knowledge Hive and I have clashed in the past due to his openly hostile behavior, I took a break from responding to this. I never started a plasma fire. In fact, it was Hive who beat to death multiple characters with a fire extinguisher. When the admins asked me who murdered the crew members, I bloody well told them. I did NOT start a plasma fire, let me re-iterate. I think it's childish you're trying to blame yours and others mistakes on my behavior. I have largely left my griefing past behind, as my roleplay on the Aurora server attests.

Now let's talk about the real reason why you're here, flaming my post with nonsense:

I am very open to other folks on the teamspeak, including Skull who picked up your aggressive behavior, and I have been outspoken in my criticism towards your bullying nature. You can tell me it's just a fucking joke all you want, but the way you act reminds me of a school yard bully, endlessly jeering his peers.

I would like to invite the other members of this community who joined the infamous server and had shenanigans to share their version of the piece. Clearly you're more than a little biased due to our past interactions. This has however led me to mute you permanently on the TS, as I will not subject myself to your utter bullshit anymore. Clearly the jeering on the teamspeak wasn't enough for you, and you had to fabricate this personal attack on me.

Shall I be honest? I don't even know how to light plasma on fire without it being in the toxins lab. I've never made it a study, sorry.

One of the main conditions for reinstating your whitelist was that you were supposed to cease taking an overly antagonistic behavior with others when approaching conflicts, and would make an effort to argue in rational and polite ways. Given that you've failed to do that on your very application, after consulting with Less over this as well as recent events, I'm going to deny it.

Please direct questions via PM, should you have any.

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