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Warhammer 40,000 anyone?


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Hello! General forum lurker here.

On to business, I was wondering if any of the rest of you play Warhammer 40K? I have a 14,000 point Necron army myself; and I am currently sat with their new codex on my knee, laughing at all the ways it can make the dirty imperials cry; because there are quite a few in this new edition.

Generally I play against IG, Orks, Tau, Grey Knights, Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels. Though occasionally I get to play against Space Wolves and both breeds of Eldar.

Never been in any serious tournaments; only the ones set up in my local club; which I lost due to that annoying DA player.

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I'm an admin on the Space Station 13 Warhammer server.

You guys should come on and check it out, if I'm allowed to ask y'all to come on here.

...We don't enforce any RP and have very relaxed killing rules, since people die all the time in warhammer, but people still RP a lot there. We get the occasional rule-loophole asshat who kills of the server and then says 'But I didn't break any rules' and he's okay to get away with it.

Also the guns have 150 shots per magazine, and magazines are as common as cigarettes.


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Also, onto the actual game.

I've got a small tyranid army of around Idon'tknowhowmany points.

70 hormagaunts, 40 metal (2rd motherfucking edition, woop - half of them are still in their old ass cases, pristine condition) gargoyles, 40 termagaunts, a carnifex with magnets and green stuff so interchangeable arms and whatnot, an untouched mawlock still in the box, a metal broodlord, and like, 20 genestealers.

I used to play, but there were too many god damn figures to paint for tyranids; I finally just got tired of it and stopped altogether.

I also have one squad of dire avengers that I just bought to glue and paint. Never finished them either once tyranids got boring to paint. :c

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have two Imperial Guard armies. One is Elysian Drop Troops

200x FW Model Elysian Drop Troops (20 Squads)

2x FW Model Elysian Droop Troops Command Squad (5x individual Models each)

2x FW Model Elsyian Sniper Squads (3x Snipers 3x Spotters Each)

2x FW Model Elysian Missile Squads (6x Individual Models Each)

1x FW Model Tauros Assault Vehicle (1x Vehicle, 2x crew models)

1x FW Model Tauros Venator Vehicle (1x Vehicle, 1x Crew models)

4x FW Model Elysian Drop Sentinel (4x Vehicles, 4x Crew models)

3x FW Model Valkyrie Sky Talon (3x Vehicles, 3x Crew Models)

1x FW Model Valkyrie Vendetta (1x Vehicle, 2x Crew Models)

4x FW Model Tarantula Sentry Guns - Heavy Bolters

2x GW Model Valkyrie Dropships (2x Vehicles, 4x Crew models)

The other is a Cadian Gue'vesa conversion I started and never really finished. And I've got a Warhound I'm just now getting around to

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I have two Imperial Guard armies. One is Elysian Drop Troops

200x FW Model Elysian Drop Troops (20 Squads)

2x FW Model Elysian Droop Troops Command Squad (5x individual Models each)

2x FW Model Elsyian Sniper Squads (3x Snipers 3x Spotters Each)

2x FW Model Elysian Missile Squads (6x Individual Models Each)

1x FW Model Tauros Assault Vehicle (1x Vehicle, 2x crew models)

1x FW Model Tauros Venator Vehicle (1x Vehicle, 1x Crew models)

4x FW Model Elysian Drop Sentinel (4x Vehicles, 4x Crew models)

3x FW Model Valkyrie Sky Talon (3x Vehicles, 3x Crew Models)

1x FW Model Valkyrie Vendetta (1x Vehicle, 2x Crew Models)

4x FW Model Tarantula Sentry Guns - Heavy Bolters

2x GW Model Valkyrie Dropships (2x Vehicles, 4x Crew models)

The other is a Cadian Gue'vesa conversion I started and never really finished. And I've got a Warhound I'm just now getting around to


Many vehicles.

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  • 4 months later...

Time to revive this thread because I've recently started playing tabletop again after two years.

I used to have a multi thousand point tyranid army, but now that I've started playing again, they're really... Not my style, anymore.

I'm thinking of starting Dark Eldar, now, because they're the only race these days that really calls to me.

I mean, look at their fukken models!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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