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TheAbsoluteMadMan's Antag Ban Appeal

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BYOND Key: TheAbsoluteMadMan

Total Ban Length: Antag-Ban

Banning staff member's Key: Shadow7889

Reason of Ban: Failure to adhere to the rules of antags in general. I.E. Driving a story/Obeying proper escalation rules considering antags.

Reason for Appeal: To give you a rundown on the events of the round, I was a cultist, in security. I started off by starting a conversion rune in the construction level, in the aft room. I first lured a security officer, using IC discussion, and converted him, rinse and repeat, a few conversions later, we lured a medical intern to the conversion chamber, stating we required their input on an odd case we were working on, we lured them up there, and proceeded to attempt to convert her, despite all multiple tries, and informing the intern to simply give in, they refused, which resulted in their death, and soul-sharding into a construct. This is when I got bwoinked regarding a "lack of roleplay." To continue on, we ended up with three individuals in the construction level, surrounded by cult, after playing ignorant, myself, and the many cultists with me than stunned the three individuals with us, which we successfully converted two, the other dying to an injury from a non-cultist in their axe-swinging(I think the conversion rune didn't help either.) anyways, fast forward, we ended up assaulting the medical bay, and taking the CMO into our custody. Another cultists took them off, and I presume they were killed.


Anyways, to summarize, I do not have a clear, exact reason to dispute as to why I was antag banned, so I will leave this here, and allow the banning moderator to post their evidence, so I may counterpoint and reply as needed.


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Sorry for the delay on this response. I was the staff member that issued the perma ban for antagonistic roles. 

I made this decision based on my own findings as well as the staff that were online at the time. We had gotten a few PMs about your behavior as a cults and overall lack of RP towards the all too inevitable sword fighting and such. When I spoke to you, you seemed to have an issue understand my reasoning. I based my findings on four things. 

1. Your notes, which you have already had the chance to look over and understand. 

2. Your gameplay as an antag earlier in the day. Two changeling rounds, in which you failed to RP with crew while extracting DNA. It was to the point that you were extracting from SSD crew and people just coming out of cyrotubes in medical. Literally. The first instance Drago, the mod had stated they talked to you. And then I had spoke to you on the next instance. 

3. The collective opinions of at least four other currently active staff on the server at the time. I do not issue permabans lightly. They're a means to an end most of the time. I try to avoid doing so unless I have a very good reason to do so. 

4. The actions taken in the round. There we are least two to three ahelps concerning your RP and drive of story. After investigating the round and doing some digging, the ahelps were valid. 



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"1. Your notes, which you have already had the chance to look over and understand."

Very few of my notes partain to poor roleplay as an antagonist, so I cannot see such a leap being justified.

"2. Your gameplay as an antag earlier in the day. Two changeling rounds, in which you failed to RP with crew while extracting DNA. It was to the point that you were extracting from SSD crew and people just coming out of cyrotubes in medical. Literally. The first instance Drago, the mod had stated they talked to you. And then I had spoke to you on the next instance. "

Most of the individuals I extracted DNA from where engaged with discussion, and roleplay, apologies for extracting DNA from individuals in medical, that is shit of me.

"3. The collective opinions of at least four other currently active staff on the server at the time. I do not issue permabans lightly. They're a means to an end most of the time. I try to avoid doing so unless I have a very good reason to do so." As stated previously, few notes state anything on poor antagonist roleplay.

"4. The actions taken in the round. There we are least two to three ahelps concerning your RP and drive of story. After investigating the round and doing some digging, the ahelps were valid."

Every individual I converted was engaged in IC discussion, and lured to the conversion spot to engage in the conversion, which interaction during the conversion process it's self. I asked Skull for his opinion, and he stated he could not see it being ban worthy, however, to be complete, he did state as he did not have the complete picture, his opinion was murky at best (Paraphrasing.) 

So I'll leave this here, and see what other individuals would like to chip in.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize for the delay. Work has been eating up most of my free time as of late. 

Let me jump back into this with two notes. 

1. Your notes, while they do not reflect exactly on poor antag RP, show poor escalation and build up. This affects your ability to drive a story. This is the main concern.

2. I got a second opinion from Flim, an Admin on this ban, and a suggestion. 

I'm going to see this antag ban lifted as of 06/24/19 due to the time it took for us to sort this appeal out and the time you've been banned for is considered reasonable. 

I will end this appeal with a bit of advice. Please be careful from here forward as an antag. Your notes and previous warning/bans are hefty at this point. If you fail to keep to antag rules, you may lose the ability to play antag period. Thank you for your patience. 

Please ahelp an admin/mod when you log into the server and link this appeal to them so that the ban can be lifted. 

If there is no reply to this appeal within 24 hours it will be locked and archived. 

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