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Contextual's Character Feedback

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As the title reads. Was asked to make a feedback post, so here we are--Don't be afraid to give negative feedback, either. I'm always open to criticism.

Pennant - pAI/Stationbound Software.

Wesley Jesse - CMO/Paramedic

Keegan Rader - Captain

Danny Wiles - Security Officer


Wiles is a good kid. I enjoy the mentorship of sorts we have when I play my detective. Solid rp and a believable character. Hes a goof and paints security in a positive light.


Guest BoxWulf

Oh yesssssss!

Pennant is one of my absolute favorite stationbounds and I love it.

There's just something with the minor nuances that Pennant does, as a regular stationbound should, but when you have the knack for it, it's done organically for a synthetic and it's extremely immersive.

Jesse and Wiles are both amazing characters too. I enjoy how Jesse is such a serious, yet playful, character and how he can switch between the two almost within breaths but it still feels natural. He's a strong leader, keeps the Medbay cohesive, and is extremely easy to interact with.

Actually, that's a compliment to you as a player. I don't have to pull teeth for an interaction or scene, it's seamless. It doesn't even have to be a positive encounter, you just have such a way with roleplay that even getting threatened for a cow somehow materializing in the Medbay is a fun time.

Wiles is a dork, but he's a good lad. I haven't had much interaction with him personally, but I've observed a bit of him communicating with other members of the ISD. Haven't seen much on your ability to escalate properly with antags, but that might be on me because I haven't seen him on lately. He is very different from Jesse and, as another bit of feedback, if I didn't have you pegged by how fast you type, I never would've figured out that you were the player of Wiles after interacting with Jesse.

Your ability to switch between characters and have minimal bleeding between personalities is awesome and I'm really glad you play!


I don't think I can say much about Keegan Rader, since I haven't observed them or interacted with them at all.

Danny Wiles is an absolute joy to observe, even to simply listen him talking to others (and specially Lance Brody). The sheer amount of "bro"sage that goes when he's around is almost unbelievable for me, which makes it hilarious in an excellent way that you manage to pull it of so damn well.

Pennant is an odd case for me. He's brilliantly well done and exceedingly consistent which causes him to shine as a synthetic, as I am aware of the incredible interactions one can have with him. Unfortunately, my characters have no interest in actively interacting with him unless required to, so I do end up missing out on a lot of Pennant's potential with my characters. That said, observing him is also incredible from the simplest ways things start when Pennant is around and how others act and react accordingly, from the Station AIs, other stationbounds or pAIs, and especially with the crew.

I'll admit it right now I have a favoritism bias with Wesley Jesse. It's very easy to accidentally fall into a 100% Hardass character who doesn't seem to take joy in life, but Wesley Jesse wonderfully, amazingly avoids it while still being such a gosh dang hardass, be it because his responsibilities requires him to or simply because of his nature. The way he partakes in Shenanigans, or even comes up with some of his own while still being himself, certainly rounds him as more real, more human, than what one might expect. And when the situation grows dire or starts to hit the fan, his strict nature turns him into someone incredibly reliable even if/when the situation worsens. He's a character I'm certainly invested in and intrigued by himself alone. Easily one of my favorites ever since I began to play again.


And what's more is how each character feels distinct and incredibly nuanced in their own ways. I may not know Danny Wiles as much as I know Wesley Jesse, but I can still perceive the potential for depth they all have in their own ways. I feel grateful to be able to interact with your characters, and I do enjoy the interactions as much as I can.

There's nothing I feel like I could critique, as what I would say is definitely more of a personal preference and subjective than anything impartial or even helpful. I think you're doing amazing as it is, and I do look up to your for it.

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