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[Denied] Stev's IPC app, take two, electric boogaloo.

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BYOND Key: steviii

Character Names: Amelia Karrith, Jenna May, A.P.E.X, T.E.R.A, Chara West.

Species you are applying to play: IPC, Bishop Accessory model.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Bishop Accessory model.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species? Extensively. 

Why do you wish to play this specific race: A large part of the reason I wish to play ipcs, is I mostly play AI, and Cyborgs, and id like to experience playing another synthetic. Especially one with such an interesting political climate behind it. The constant prejudice and fear of ipcs from skrell, and fans of skrell history (as I dont think anyone wants another bloody glorsh-omega.), makes it a very interesting role indeed. Also the play mechanics, and also lore mechanics and all of IPC's just make it seem like a fun thing to play.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The general political climate behind it, makes it very different than playing a human. example a: The laws of ownership, and the fact that it is not murder to destroy an ipc, but merely destruction of property. and the whole idea of getting scrapped and replaced by a newer model if your owner feels you arent good enough. example b: as I touched on earlier, the fear of a second singularity. Skrellians typically have an inherent distrust for IPC's because of the whole enslavement and sterilization from glorsh thing. 

Character Name: Impulse-3. (the new and improved form of my previous IPC application.)

Please provide a short backstory for this character. Impulse, or in short, I-3, is a general service unit. Trained in bartending, cooking and a small amount of botany, he was typically used by his rich, pompous owner to provide alcohol for parties, but then his owner eventually decided he was a bit too much effort, and sold him to nanotrasen to serve as a bartender/chef.
he generally worked well as a bartender, and never really faced oppression as he was owned by an incredibly rich business man, and therefore mostly kept off the streets. He wasnt really allowed to learn new skills, as he meant to be more of an AI drinks machine than anything resembly an autonomous being.

I-3 generally grew to be an incredibly effective bartender, so his owner allowed him to be a chef at one point. using knowledge from allowed databanks, he grew to be proficient at that aswell, managing to cook even the most complicated alien recipes for his owners party goers. When he was not serving drinks or cooking food, he was either deactive in storage, or sat doing nothing but mixing drinks for his owner. The reason his owner sold him was, cause he eventually just got bored with an IPC with a single track mind, and just hired a damn bartender, which was also much less expensive to maintain, cause humans arent multi thousand dollar machines.

What do you like about this character? The general idea of a highly trained effective IPC bartender. I already love being a bartender with my Amelia character, and love synthetics, so an ipc bartender seems like the perfect choice.

How would you rate your role-playing ability: 8

Please give feedback, as it really helps me to improve my application.

Edited by stevIII
missed the r in electric in the title.

I play Zalah and Amelia is just a joy to bar rp with! Stev is clearly a fun but realistic player and I have no doubt that they will be able to make their IPC an interesting and in depth character that people will be happy to socialise with in the bar.


Big +1


Something I want to know...


After being sold, what happened to I-3? Does it have any opinion on being sold so easily, or is it still developing... A sense of self, I guess? Has it ever questioned, or does it simply work it's role to the best of it's abilities, mechanically and efficiently?


I've seen APEX, and TERA, and while I don't actually interact all that much with you, except in emergency scenarios, I can say that you're a competent RPer, from what I do see.


I just feel like the backstory needs a bit more... Right now, I-3 sounds like a Robot but with hands, and a highly disputed amount of rights. The plus it does have is it leaves more room for character development in game.


Its owner was basically using it as no more than a machine, and it had no time to develop, but now nanotrasen owns it, it can evolve more in rp. 


The application is a bit bare bones and too similar to other character concepts ((I can think of two characters who nearly match this character's backstory of the rich man owned Bartender)). Because of this, I don't feel the application offers insight into an understanding of IPC lore.

Having similar ideas is fine, since there's naturally going to be an overlap between players, however I recommend trying to make a more lore heavy character or a more well rounded or developed character in your next application. If you wanted to run with a similar concept, consider why someone might dump/sell their IPC beyond just boredum, and how the IPC might interpret their decision-making. Did it instill fear rooted in self-preservation? Do they feel distrust towards organics for having been cast aside?

I will deny this application but feel free to apply in 3 days at the minimum.

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