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[DENIED] Soultheif96's CCIA Application

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information

Byond key:

Character names: Sterben, ORION, Ka'Akaix'Piouz Zo'ra, Quintin Copperfield, Alexander Volvalaad, Ryder Philips, Jackie, Flamel, Ansiba Loghiez, etc.

Age: 21

Timezone: GMT-5, soon to be GMT-8

What times are you most available?: Around 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Experience Former CCIA Agent, been one since March, till September.

How long have you played SS13?: A year.

How long have you played on Aurora?: A year.

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Active on server and discord, forums are for reading and occasional commentary. 

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once, three-day bay. Dispute with a few people regarding canon manslaughter of an Idris Banker, leading to me expunging the crime due to my disagreement on how it ended. Action was reversed and the ban was placed. 

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: No, I have not.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: Due to being command-main, I have the experience of managing the staff and giving out punishments for their actions on times, half of them being Ahelps given OOC rule breaks. I also have experience in faxes on both ends, making announcements on both ends, and of course, been on the interview table on both ends. 


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I want to rejoin CCIA as I believe have learned my lessons from my tenure and in-game, and wish to help out the team once again as I had great fun with you folks. Nothing like a good ol' sense of bureaucracy along the way too.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Before I became CCIA, I believed in performing the duty professionally and without conflict. That has changed given that it is more than just that, it is also about handling situations with understanding of both parties, being able to compromise, and duly carry out punishments for the guilty party without fault. I have seen plenty of scenarios in my tenure and some I wish I could alter my decision making a little given I may or may not have been too light or too harsh.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: The purpose of the CCIA Agent is to work with station command and officials who I will be faxed from regarding the situations on station and being able to drive the story without hindrance of both parties, antag and crew. There are times when someone needs to step in and make the decision for the station such as a CMO faxing about a Captain regarding their mental state and would like permission to remove them from command.  

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: The purpose of the CCIA Agent outside of the server is to moderate IC conflict between players and help develop character based on their actions that led to CCIA intervention. We also handle NT Policy and Standard Operating Procedures, along with a few other IC stuff like making the decision to allow Unathi be ERT. That sort of thing.

How do you handle stress?: It depends on the scenario I am given that affects my stress. I work fine under pressure due to deadlines. Paperwork is just a fill and double-check to make sure it is properly filled out. Along with that, people have seen my command play and saw how I handle stress rather well consider the fact a sense of urgency on decision is important.

How well do you work autonomously?: I work well autonomously without direct supervision, however, I do refer to my supervisor or other colleagues for when I need counsel or approval of the decision I plan to make. CCIABS and other CCIA staff can say the same about this. 

Additional Notes: If I do return, I would like to continue the project I had related to request console overhaul consider the current state of the paperwork needs some fixing. If you have any questions or feedback you wish to ask, please state so.

Edited by The lancer
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