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Feldt's scarf and cloak


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Byond key: Nantei

Discord key: Phi#8706

Character Name: Alysa Feldt

Item name: Green Shoulder Cape

Item function(s): The item will be a suit slotted item that can pull up or put down the hood. Similar to poncho's I'd like it if the hood-up version could be attached as an accessory, but it's not a huge deal if that isn't feasible. 

Item description: A short, green cape with several amateur looking mends. It looks as if it fits rather loosely on the body.

Item appearance:




Feldt's version is green, but I'm not sure how to pose with the DM files. Gun sold separately.



Item name: Green Scarf Mask

Item function(s): A face slot item, the only 'special' function it should have is blocking the mouth from food/drink. Being able to displace it to eat/drink would be swell.

Item description: This green mask comes up just above the mouth, and fits loosely enough to allow the skin to breathe. 

Why is your character bringing this item to work?

Largely comfort reasons. Moving around in maintenance, one can be exposed to all manners of airborne irritants. Feldt primarily sticks to maintenance to avoid people, and prefers to keep her face covered up around strangers; especially in tight spaces. 


How did your character obtain this item?

Being born in a poor fleet of like-minded Frontier traders, patchwork cloaks like this are made for teenagers as they come of age. Feldt received hers at the age of 16, as soon as she entered the workforce proper.

What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell? 

Back home, everyone wears their cloak as a visible tapestry to represent their lifelong accomplishments. It is typical not to wear one among friends and family, but when amongst strangers it is nearly mandatory. It is a showcase of their philosophy that the individual matters less than the fleet, and that they must conceal their personal feelings for the betterment of the fleet. Serious matters are often handled whilst masked in order to ensure decisions are made impartially. Patches are added as the wearer prefers to denote significant events, as well as to denote their social status. While a patchwork cloak would often denote a senior, or treasured member of the fleet, Feldt's relatively bare cloak represents the clean slate she has come to Tau Ceti with. 

To Feldt, it is a symbol of pride as much as it is a practical piece of equipment, and shows that although she has left home, she has not abandoned her heritage entirely. 

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? 

These items make it obvious at a glance that Feldt is not from around here. Feldt is bizarre, troubled, and has odd customs that are foreign to Tau Ceti. It shows her mistrust of strangers, and fosters a bit of healthy mistrust from them in her. It can also enable me to show rare cases of trust or relaxation visually. I think standing out visually can be immensely useful for showcasing a characters' unique culture. This also gives me a great way to naturally lead into conversations about her home, which lets me further expand on my little Frontier group, and make the Aurora just a little bit more diverse, similar to Off-Worlders' Star Veils, ESS, and other unique cosmetics.

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Hey, we talked about these sprites and item-set and application a while ago. You sent me your first draft and posted this second and final one, awesome!

Personally? Feldt is sort of what you'd expect from an offworld-character. Frontier, special cultural attitudes, comes from a nomad fleet. Really cool stuff. She's very close to Off-Worlders, just not with the actual race. This isn't very different from what is available, it's special because it's a certain series of colors and specific in spriting nature.

I think it's cool. More than that, I think it pays homage to the Frontier, reminds us in-game that a lot of space is not civil and Solarian. It's quirky, but it's for a quirky person. Besides, similar masks and robes are available for Off-Worlders. This isn't a military helmet, a helmet, a balaclava or anything like that. It's a cape with a little cloth pull-up.

I can +1 this. It'd be a good addition for the character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't see why her job should specifically outlaw it, but either way I don't plan to play her exclusively as Security. I was planning to branch her into Engineering Apprentice. Feldt will wear face covering items that look similar regardless, this just makes for something far more fitting and flavorful than a balaclava/gas mask.


Also it's a cloak with a hood, then a face scarf, so she does not have to be masked if a head wanted to make a big deal of it.

Edited by Nantei
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