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Synthetic Lore Deputy Application - CLOSED

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There is an opening for the position of a Synthetic Lore Deputy.

  • Please apply utilizing the following format below as well as an essay of your choosing on the topic of Synthetics.
  • Additionally, please detail changes you would like to see made or projects that you are interested in bringing forward, even if the ideas are only partially formed or pipe-dreams!

I will likely keep the application period open for 2-3 weeks, so to allow people the time-frame to apply over the Christmas break. 

As a Deputy, what you can expect from me is a fairly laid back approach. I will ask of your opinions, have discussions, and you will have creative freedom in your own endeavors. I strongly encourage my Deputies to have a project, first approved by me, that they are working on, although the speed in which they complete it is of no concern.

Happy applying!

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