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[DENIED] Appeal 12/25/2461

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Posted (edited)

Appealing Personnel: Fernando Gonzales

Specific Incident: Report found here: 


Action taken as a result:  Fines, largely, and a record.  The message from CCIA read-


TO: Fernando Gonzales, Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora FROM: Liesel Metz, CCIAA, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: CCIA Action: Multiple -------------------- BODY: The investigation into a recent Incident Report has concluded, and the following actions are being taken at this time: 1) Fernando Gonzales (Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora) is assessed a corporate penalty as follows: * 5,000cr - Inappropriate Disbursement of Departmental Funds * 700cr - Lossage, Biomechanical Prosthetic Limbs (multiple) * 7.25% Administrative Fee --------------------- 6113.25cr Total This penalty will be assessed in installments, at a rate of 15% of the employee's total pre-tax credit compensation per pay period, until the full amount has been assessed. 2) Fernando Gonzales (Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora) is formally reprimanded for the inappropriate disbursement of company funds, as well as releasing Company-owned biomechanical equipment to employees without proper authorization. Additional reprimands will result in administrative demotion.

Agent Notes It has been determined that as the Head of Staff responsible for the medical department, you are authorized to release department funds to address department-related needs. This authorization prevents us from determining that your use of those funds in this instance is criminally fraudulent. However, we find your decision to empty the Aurora's medical account in this instance both inappropriate and irresponsible. Completely depleting the funds available to the medical bay simply to reward meritorious employees deprives your department of credits that it may require to restock supplies, order new equipment, or manage other administrative concerns. Additionally, large, unnecessary disbursements of credits place undue strain on your facility's quarterly budget, impacting the performance of all medical crews over time. As the oversight of the account in question is not your sole concern, we also expect that any major transfers of funds be discussed with your peers on the Command Staff. That your actions were discovered only incidentally represents a concerning management liability that we hope is addressed in the near future.(edited)

Furthermore, your decision to release biomechanical components and a medical test subject to an employee's personal care could be seen as unnecessary wastage at best, and a violation of station directives enabled by Command Staff at the worst. Due to the low sensitivity of the technology that was lost, we are not considering this a violation of directives at this time, and have simply assessed you for their supply cost. Finally, your continued poor conduct with your peers on the Aurora's Command Staff has been noted by this office. Repeated, documented incidents of belligerence at the management level will continue to reflect poorly on your record, and will be considered in all future cases concerning your character and good judgement. -------------------- DTG: 5-12:25-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2460 SIGN: Liesel M.

My record reads:


Fernando Gonzales (Chief Medical Officer, NSS Aurora) is formally reprimanded for the inappropriate disbursement of company funds, as well as releasing Company-owned biomechanical equipment to employees without proper authorization.

Action contested: I would like this incident reviewed and, ideally, the record removed.

Reasoning for contest: I still believe it is perfectly reasonable to spend company credits on crew development and morale- in this case, giving a scholarship to two exemplary employees, both of whom have moved on to work with NanoTrasen in higher roles (CMO and Surgeon, respectfully) using the funds that were given to them.

Moreover, there was no use for monkey sized prosthetic limbs OR a monkey with prosthetic limbs, which is why the subject was given to the employees who had worked so hard to keep it alive and give it high quality of life.

Additional notes: This changed hands between a number of CCIA agents over a long span of time.  The initial handling agent, Pena, has stated he did not believe a reprimand was in order.  I do not require a refund from the fine.

Edited by Bear

Hello again mister Gonzales,

Now that I am officialy retired as an agent and a member of CC in general I take it upon myself to throw in my two pence - and even more scadelous... My opinion.

As stated above I initially worked on this report before it being handed over to the newer generation. In addition to this, I have infact worked on many incident reports aimed at the good doctor with almost all of them resulting in me slapping them on the wrist for not being by the book. I believe this is another case of Gonzales not performing his role as others tell him to do and instead taking it upon himself to do a better job. If any punishment is thought to be needed it should not be on their permanant record staining their good name.

Yours truely,

Luke Pena.


To: Fernando Gonzales
From: CCIA Division of Appeals
Subject: Appeal 25/12/2461 Confirmation



Your appeal for the following incident is currently being reviewed:

Case ID: 24600923 DSa'Kuate_FGonzales
Date Actioned: 04.11.2460
Handling Agent: Saul Walker


If necessary, you will be contacted by CCIA Division of Appeals to discuss the resolution applied to this incident.

You remain obligated to comply with previous CCIA decisions while this appeal is being processed.


DTG: 02-04:24-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2462



To: Fernando Gonzales
From: CCIA Division of Appeals
Subject: Appeal 25/12/2461 Denial



After review of both the case and your employee file, we believe the reprimand is warranted due to both the amount and manner in which it was released. NanoTrasen invests in it's employees and scholarship programs are available. Alternatively, in the future, should such a route which to be pursued then contacting Central Command via  the proper channels  for authorization is required when using station resources outside of their designated function. Communication is key. However, after further investigation, I have decided to reduce the reprimand as the matter with the monkey seems trivial at best though waste of company resources in the future is not advised.

Action: Reprimand reworded:


 Reprimanded for the inappropriate disbursement of company funds without proper authorization.


DTG: 04-02:15-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2462

Sign: Saul Walker

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