Tomiix Posted January 27, 2020 Posted January 27, 2020 (edited) Reporting Personnel: Azala Huz'kai Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Research Director Game ID: b5p-aJ9S Personnel Involved: (Dastgir Ma'zaerral - Head of Personnel - Witness) -(Holiday Lynn - Captain - Witness) - (Ian White - Janitor - Actor) - Secondary Witnesses: (Tzarka Ssarzi - Lab Assistant) Real Time: (Estimate between 11:00 and midnight. Kinda drawn out. Also involves things in the prior round.) Location of Incident: Research Nature of Incident: [x ] - Workplace Hazard [ x] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [x ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ x] - Misconduct Overview of the Incident: During the course of the shift with Ian White, it came to my attention through problematic use of language over coms, as well as odd projects he requested to do, like creation of nine janitorial bots, that things would get odd. However, what I wasn't expecting during my first shift with him was for him to inject himself with five units of Mutagen, making himself a test subject. During the course of this discovery, and us studying him and attempting to reverse the effects of the mutagen, he insisted on continuing to test on himself. Eventually, his impatience and incompetence led to an accident that severely burned him, of which involved him smoking in an area where he wasn't supposed to. After his recovery, when I shared another shift with him, he proceeded to then again insist on self experimentation, while claiming he respected that we wouldn't let him on station. He also continued inappropriate conversations on communications, and was harassing other crew after they would inform him he cannot smoke in the department. This harassment led to him making implied threats to the assistant Tzarka Ssarzi, as well as towards the on duty pharmacist (of whoms name I did not gather) when they did not provide him Phoron for another one of his escapades he wasn't willing to fully inform me about. His continued failure to regard the safety of himself or others, led me to work with the Head of Personnel to demote him for the shift, and make this report for further action. Submitted Evidence: Attached transcript. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Holiday Lynn, Captain - Dastgir Ma'zaerral, Head of Personnel Actions taken: Crewman was demoted and scolded for the behavior. He served the remainder of the shift as a janitor.Additional Notes: It is my personal belief that this individual is mentally unstable, and is lying about his employment records and qualifications in some capacity. He also may still be considered Nanotrasen property, and the nature of that status needs to be looked into. Transcript: [00:00] Recording started. [00:03] Azala Huz'kai says, "Ian. For thiss sshift you are going to be demoted. However, I am curiouss to hear more about your ssituation, sso that we can have thiss cleared through the recordss office." [00:13] Ian White says, "Yeah, that's fair." [00:28] Azala Huz'kai says, "Hopefully we can come to a ressolution, that will make thingss eassier for you in future sshiftss." [00:38] Ian White says, "I'd hope." [01:08] Azala Huz'kai says, "Firsstly, tell me about the accelerated degree path, and your criminal investigation that wass apparently wiped from our recordss." [01:11] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "You've made a mess of today Misterr White." [01:17] Dastgir Ma'zaerral asks, "Is that fairrr to say?" [01:27] Ian White says, "If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that." [01:32] Ian White says, "But yes, that's fair." [01:36] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Then you'll underrrstand why he expects you to clean this up." [01:38] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Quite literrrally." [01:49] Ian White says, "Makes sense to me." [01:58] Dastgir Ma'zaerral asks, "May he see yourrr ID?" [02:36] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Please use the update function on yourrrr PDA." [02:49] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Ah." [02:50] Dastgir Ma'zaerral asks, "Do you have a copierr?" [02:55] Azala Huz'kai says, "Unfortunately, no." [03:04] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Then he will simply fax it to himself." [03:18] Azala Huz'kai asks, "What sschool did you attend Misster White?" [03:47] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "When you arrrre finished herrrre please rreporrt to Janitorrrrial forrr the rrrest of the shift." [03:50] Ian White says, "Northeastern Medical." [04:21] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "He should go check on ourrr brrrrewing situation." [04:25] Dastgir Ma'zaerral asks, "Mind letting him out Dirrrrectorrr?" [04:34] Azala Huz'kai asks, "And with northeastern medical, you got a doctorates in Xenobiology, and chemisstry, in only eight yearss?" [04:48] Dastgir Ma'zaerral says, "Let him know if she needs anything else." [04:50] Ian White says, "This is correct." [05:17] Ian White says, "At the time, pursuing two doctorates simultaneously was allowed." [05:21] Azala Huz'kai asks, "What were you accussed of when you were being invesstigated in sschool?" [05:40] Ian White says, "I was accused of mass production and distribution of illegal narcotics." [05:52] Azala Huz'kai asks, "And in a trial wass found innocent?" [05:56] Ian White says, "Correct." [06:08] Ian White says, "I had it wiped from my record to prevent employment trouble." [06:33] Azala Huz'kai says, "Undersstandable. Nanotrassen iss a non-disscrimitory equal opportunity employer anyhow." [06:41] Ian White says, "I will give them that." [07:04] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Now, why do you have a sstrong philossophy of sself experimentation?" [07:18] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Wass thiss taught in sschool?" [07:37] Ian White says, "Not taught, no, it did come to me, so to say, while in school." [08:10] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Do you believe sself-experimentation iss ssuperior to monkeyss in ssome way?" [08:15] Azala Huz'kai says, "Bussy." [08:17] Ian White says, "In every way, shape, and form, yes." [08:50] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Can you explain?" [09:31] Ian White says, "When working with oneself, the response is immediate, there's no middle ground, you know what you feel, and you know what's happening to yourself near instantaneously." [10:06] Ian White says, "A monkey can't articulate it's feelings, and the red tape of getting a human test subject is an enormous hassle." [10:34] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Are you aware that when you sself experiment, like you did lasst round with the mutagen, that you become nanotrassen property?" [10:39] Azala Huz'kai says, "Er- sshift." [11:02] Ian White says, "I was not aware of that as of my last shift, no." [11:18] Azala Huz'kai asks, "With that knowledge, doess that disssaude you from future experimentation?" [11:29] Ian White says, "In my workplace, yes." [11:43] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Doess thiss mean you would want to outsside of work?" [11:50] Ian White says, "Yes." [12:04] Ian White says, "If I were legally able to, I would, in a heartbeat." [12:10] Azala Huz'kai says, "Undersstandable." [12:51] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Can you explain the failure to follow direction when it comess to the ssmoking in prohibited areass?" [13:06] Ian White says, "What can I say, I've always had trouble with authority." [13:26] Ian White says, "That combined with the nicotine addiction as well." [13:36] Azala Huz'kai says, "Undersstood." [13:57] Azala Huz'kai says, "Talk to me about your interaction with crewman Ssarzi." [14:19] Ian White asks, "The one from the medbay?" [14:27] Azala Huz'kai says, "Pleasse." [14:58] Ian White asks, "Was she the one who needed the phoron?" [15:07] Azala Huz'kai says, "No, that wass the Vaurca." [15:12] Ian White says, "Ah." [15:18] Azala Huz'kai says, "But, you may talk about you going to medical and demanding phoron if you wissh." [15:42] Ian White says, "I wouldn't say I demanded it, I just asked for it in a very blunt and cold manner." [16:36] Ian White says, "But, in reference to my coworker, I honestly believe that was a misunderstanding, from what I recall, I asked her in the elevator if she was going to tell the HOP that I was smoking in a prohibited area again, and she got the impression that I was attempting to intimidate her." [17:01] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Don't you ssee how the area you were in, and the nature of the quesstion could lead her to believe that?" [17:20] Ian White says, "Yeah, 100%, I'm not saying that I wasn't at fault, merely that it wasn't my intent." [17:28] Azala Huz'kai says, "Alright." [18:01] Azala Huz'kai asks, "White, would it be fair to ssay that you haven't been following direction?" [18:15] Ian White says, "I guess so, yes." [18:44] Azala Huz'kai asks, "Okay. In the future, when we clear out your hisstory and permissionss to work in our department, are you open to following directionss?" [19:01] Ian White says, "More so than I was, yes." [19:18] Azala Huz'kai says, "Alright. When you get home from work today, pleasse re-read your corporate handbook." [19:35] Azala Huz'kai says, "I'm going to let you go off to your new assignment, don't want to hold you for too much longer." [19:53] Ian White says, "Take it easy RD, see you around." [19:58] Azala Huz'kai says, "Pleasse give me your materialss." [20:14] Azala Huz'kai says, "Any ssupliess that are for thiss department only. Anything you keep that dont belong iss contraband." [20:26] Ian White says, "That's all I've got." [20:36] Azala Huz'kai says, "Alright, the HoP will give you your new ssupliess." [20:42] George Field says, "Hey." [20:51] Azala Huz'kai says, "Have a good day, Misster White." [20:56] Ian White says, "Take it easy RD." [21:04] Recording stopped. Edited March 8, 2020 by Brayce
Brayce Posted February 4, 2020 Posted February 4, 2020 TO: Azala Huz'kai, Research Director, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS, CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 03-20:28-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
Schmuck Lord Posted February 6, 2020 Posted February 6, 2020 TO: Azala Huz'kai, Research Director, NSS Aurora FROM: AMS: CCIAAMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Viktor LeVant (Schmuck Lord). You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 05-16:11-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2462 SIGN: CCIAAMS
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