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Kozi's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Kozi32

Character Names: STAR V.266   Milos Twine, Cameron Twine, Cameron Stirling, Grendel Garneys, Nickolas Stahl ((just dumbs with blue pompadour hair and blue full beard))

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:  I have

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: (One paragraph minimum) Well, im not able sometimes to play as borg(or not in mood), but i actually like to be synthetic, roleplaying as it is more funnier and harder sometimes than humans.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: (One Paragraph minimum) Well..Firstly human got emotions, can judge by memories. Machines are kinda "worse" they are like child, and you have to act like a child, i'm often playing as  a borg STAR, my unit have "lesser intelligence" beacuse its harder to be "dumb", sometimes i want to act like human as borg,but i'm keeping my lore. Personally for me IPC should be emotionless,should no fear love neither hate, beacuse of that,its different than human,since humans can like or dislike someone,can feel sick,or great,but ipc is just ipc, he's doing what he need to do without thinking alot of it.

Character Name: STAR V.267

Please provide a short backstory for this character (Aproxomately two paragraphs): Nickolas Stahl, one of Nanotrasen roboticist created someday a unit STAR 266, unit was so succesed project,that forced Stahl to create new project, after long planning he build a Hephasteus g2 Chassis, he preparred "modified posibrain" like for STAR, those posibrains we're less intelligent but had more knowledge and faster data transfer, IPC was designed to stay as Nanotrasen property, First prototype model of STAR V 267 has been build in 2462, after few testing unit stays currently at storage awaiting for shipping to a Station.

What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character   I....have not really an idea, he's just IPC like others, i like in his lore that he's lesser intelligent, that forces me for unique interaction with crew

How would you rate your role-playing ability?  I...have no idea.. i would say in a scale of Bad bad to Great Great im just OK


20 minutes ago, Kozi32 said:

Machines are kinda "worse" they are like child, and you have to act like a child

What do you mean by this?

Does STAR V 267 have any relation to STAR V 266? Additionally, can you expand on the backstory further? It should be noted as well that Nanotrasen does not inherently manufacture nor develop positronic brains or IPC chassis'.


Relation between 266 and 267 is only Creator, by saying they act like child i mean 1-2years old child, who look at the world, and dont understand it, they lack intelligence and knowledge, the only what they care is to be feed, and not bored.


StarV266 is pretty weird as a synth. I can't say I'm terribly confident in your synth play and frankly your answers leave a lot to be desired. Can you expand your answers? I feel like you have the idea that posibrains are "dumber" than organic brains and that's not necessarily true. They act and process information slightly differently from humans. IPCs especially do not need to follow the "cold, robotic, no likes or dislikes" that stationbounds and drones do. You really don't seem to have developed what makes 267 a unique character, stating that they're all like the rest; if you think IPCs are all the same, I don't feel like you quite understand it. It seems like you just want the whitelist to be able to play Star when stationbound slots aren't open.

Between your answers and the RP I've witnessed, I really don't feel like you're ready for a synth whitelist. A -1 from me I'm afraid.


Due it being nearly 72 hours since the application was opened and a few issues remain unaddressed, I'm going to have to deny the application.

There is nothing in the lore that states that an IPC is akin to a child or less intelligent and Nanotrasen is not in the development of manufacturing IPCs. Additionally, a backstory is required to be two paragraphs at the minimum. This seems like an excuse to move a borg to an IPC, which is not allowed in the present lore.

Feel free to apply in a week.

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