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SilverSZ Ban Request

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BYOND Key: SilverSZ

Total Ban Length: Until Appeal 

Banning staff member's Key: sonicgotnuked

Reason of Ban: Joined As Luigi, Clear intention to not follow the rules. You can appeal on the forum when you wish to play here

Reason for Appeal: Honestly I feel like a ban until appeal for a little haha april fools mario brothers wahoo it'sa me etc meme is kinda harsh, I get it was in violation of multiple rules, but it's April fools cut some slack here, I ain't had any other trouble playing on this server when I have and do enjoy HRP, I mean, I didn't even do anything griefing wise, Didn't toolbox a Yellow Unathi calling them a koopa trooper or something like that, me and a friend playing Mario just walked around and said meme stuff, Of course on any other day this would be worthy of a ban until appeal to bring it to the forums but it's the glorious prank day set on the 1st day of the 4th month of the Gregorian Calender, so I would like to hope that I will not be banned for a long time from a server simply for participating in these hallowed festivities. 

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