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[ACCEPTED] Riori'Uptari Nunuz - 2462/04/02 - Appeal

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Appealing Personnel:  Riori'Uptari Nunuz

Specific Incident: 




Action taken as a result:  



TO: Riori'Uptari Nunuz, Captain, NSS Aurora

FROM: Rahilah Abbas, CCIAA, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: CCIA Action: Reprimand


BODY: The investigation of an Incident Report has concluded, and the following action is being applied at this time:

1) Riori'Uptari Nunuz (Captain, NSS Aurora) is officially reprimanded for her conduct that went against the company's interest, and the crew's safety.

2) Rhashalii'rmirhan Khazmahr (Research Director, NSS Aurora) is officially reprimanded for his conduct that not only went against the company's interest, but the crew's safety.

3) Riori'Uptari Nunuz (Captain, NSS Aurora) will have her pay docked, and will be on administrative leave for the next three weeks, ending April 23rd. They are asked during this time to reacquaint themselves with NanoTrasen policies.

4) Rhashalii'rmirhan Khazmahr (Research Director, NSS Aurora) will have his pay docked, and will be on administrative leave for the next two weeks, ending April 16th. They are asked during this time to reacquaint themselves with NanoTrasen Policies.

Agent Notes; Agent Notes; As senior members of the facility's crew, you are held to the highest standards of professionalism and conduct. The Company relies on you, first and foremost, to make decisions that will ensure the success of your facility's mission and the safety of its crew. Additionally, further disruptions to NanoTrasen's relationships with any of their main suppliers of labour, or other relationships are to not occur.


DTG: 02-11:46-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2462 SIGN: Rahilah A.


Action contested:  Suspension, pay docking

Reasoning for contest:

     I do not often like to step out of line when it comes to affairs with Central Command, but this shift in particular was, to say the least, insane. It is not nearly as simple as I believe the agent wanted it to be. Throughout the interview, I felt targeted by them, as if they were leading me into a trap. At one point, I would like to mention they smiled at me, almost as if they were pleased with a 'gotcha' moment. Conduct in the interview aside, I did not go against the company, or the crew's interests. Allow me to reiterate that this was not just the crew against some PRA robots-- my own crew made multiple attempts on my life. It was hard to tell who was on NanoTrasen's side, and who was going to shoot me the first chance they got me alone.

     Synthetics with machine guns were roaming the halls, dragging around an AI that should not have even interfaced with the station in the first place, lawed not to NanoTrasen, but to the PRA, and yet having access to all of NanoTrasen's confidential systems, including command communications, station announcements, and the room in my office. 

     I am more than familiar with NanoTrasen's policies. I would like to know exactly where I acted in defiance to them, and the safety of the crew I am supposed to protect. Does CC promote execution via SMG death robot? That is what I was asked to allow, between trips to medical for my own crew trying to kill me.

     This shift alone, my own CMO shot me in the head, point blank. My own medical staff stabbed me, multiple times, and chased me down the hallway alongside a PRA machinegun robot, throwing knives after me. My detective chased me down, disobeyed my orders to leave the bridge, and unloaded an entire magazine of .45 into my stomach, chest, and head, long after I had fallen to the ground. I do not know why I survived this shift, but was my own crew and command staff attempting my life not punishment enough?

     I spent more of this shift in medical, or hiding from it, clutching bleeding wounds and a fading life force. I did my best, through my own crew's mutiny and the attack of robots. Do not patronize me and pretend to understand what it is like to genuinely fear for your life from people you are supposed to trust and rely on. 

    By all means, if Central Command deems that I should have sent the RD off to be executed by robots, or allowed an AI lawed not to nanotrasen  to roam our systems and data, I would like to hear it from the mouth of a superior agent. 

 Additional notes: 

Edited by Brayce
  • ShesTrying changed the title to Riori'Uptari Nunuz - 2462/04/02 - Appeal

TO: Riori'Uptari Nunuz, Captain, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report

This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your appeal, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.
DTG: 02-10:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2462


To:  Riori'Uptari Nunuz
From: CCIA Division of Appeals
Subject: Appeal 62/04/02



After thorough review of the investigation we cannot find sufficient evidence to support the extensive Actions placed upon you. While mistakes were made, and the ideal outcome was not achieved it is the judgement of this office that you did not act against the best interests of the station, and crew. The matter of the bias against synthetics however is still something to be considered, and while it's effects were limited the bias towards synthetics was made clear. To that effect the following actions will occur.

  • The Suspension has been removed from your record.
  • The Fines have been removed from your record.
  • Your reprimand will be changed to the following:  Allowing anti-synthetic sentiment to influence decisions that had potentially lethal consequences. While your decision was ultimately justified the first call for removal, and carding of the AI was pre-mature. 
  • You are required to attend Synthetic Tolerance training to better come to terms with working alongside synthetics onboard Nanotrasen stations.


DTG: 04-03:54-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2462

Sign: Gerard Greyswandir

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