PoZe Posted March 11, 2015 Posted March 11, 2015 (edited) BYOND key: PoZe Character names: Dmytro Koschoviy, Leonardo Mull, Fernando Williams How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Uhm... i think about 3-4 month Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:Becuase i like that server and Admin staffs. Why did you come to Aurora?:Well, i wasn't playing for ss13 4 years and one day i had got nostalgia about this game. I was looking for English speaking server with HeavyRole-play. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:Of course i did it before and now days. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Well, that is common question of each server. Roleplay is when you have some kind of role and you must act like that character: with his own feelings, views, behaviour. Space station is like theater but with advanced scenario and we don't have some limits or list what we must do, like each round is unique. So you must show what your character feel, what he think about something, his standarts, ho he react on different situation. Honestly for me when i am Rping i am really concentrate on my game, i think like my character and when something happening with him worng i start to nervous and ahlep about, after admins or players or i just calm down i start to think:'Alright, this is a game, i just carried away to much'. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I think that Head of Staff's platers must know a lot of things at the space station, they must have advanced knowledges about this game and help to the other players that don't know that things. I know that it's admin task to tell everything about it, but some simple question can be asked at the OOC. Ingame Head of Staff is your boss, you must deal with his behaiour. He has responability about his own department, because productivity is always depends on the Head of Staff's, if his crewmebmer is dums he should request another one or try to teach then if they want to. What's about dealing with department crewmembers? Well i think that dealing with griefer is simple - basically you must try to act in IC like it's IC issue and ahlep about at the same time, then you must try to keep that person away from something that could give us some troubles. As head of staff i would watch for my workers, if they have some troubles with something i could help them, actually, this is not a problem for me. If that person is really dumb and he don't want to learn how to - then I should talk with HOP about reassigment and with that person to, if he is making IC issue I should call security, otherwise it will affect to the productivity of my department. A lot of issues is missunderstanding or sometimes head of staff is dumb. I don't think that i will cause some issue with that, What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Well, i think that OOC respomsibilitie Whitelisted player to the other players is to know evertyhing and share your experience with them, as i said before:D. Another intetersting thing is to watch for the rule(this is admins propose). How i will uphold them? I will not IC in OOC first of all, second one would be that i know a lot of and i am free to share with my knowledges. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Dmytro Koschoviy Character age:37 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):Well, he is 182 cm tall with muscular build. He has white skin, hazel eyes and elaborately styled black hair. Dmytro is really abitious man, he has always some projects at the engineering or atmos things, that's why i am always trying to set up hull shield or Supermatter core(Sometimes i fail, but that is part of the training i thing). He has a lot of friends at the engineering department like: Nasir Khayyam, Halligan, Aquila. I remember one round when we had meteor shower that blowed u our Air Chamber and pipe system near to it, Dmytro with Halligan and Aquiala were recontructing it and i rebuild it wxactly how it was before(only air injector and computer were missing, because they should be spawned). What's about his history? He is from the Solar Sytem, planet Mars. He had interesting childhood: his grandfather and father was both engineer, that's why Dmytro decided to become an engineer like his father and grandfather. From the earlier year he was showing some engineering mindset. Dmytro had graduation from the Mars Engineering University. After that he was working at the weather at Mars for 5 years as engineer. After that he manage to get work onboard of Sol Allians millitary-science station(name is calssified), he was working there almost 6 years as engineer with atospherc skillls and access, then he retired himself. He was looking for job almost 2 years and finaly he has managed to take a job on the NSS Aurora station. I forgot to add why Dmytro left that Sol Alliance station(it's prestige one). So, he was working there as engineer with atmosperics skills(senior enginee), Dmytro is friendly person, that's why he met some guy form Scince department. They had same idea's: to make something useful. After 4 years of working there, his relatioship with his firend was getting stonger(i mean they were friends, Dmytro is not a gay:D). One day Dmytro had break between work at the bar as his friend to, so they were drink a lot of, after what they had converstation about station productivity. That friend told to the Dmytro what kind of Scince they are doing there: they were making some experiments on the living proto-tajaran's, proto-skrell's, etc. That means that humans are seening some threat form the other species, making weapon against them. Dmytro didn't like that, he says:'I will not help to the Sol Allliance with making weapon against other species, this is not what I want to do in my life' - this is the reason why he left that work. What do you like about this character?: He is friendly, i didn't even remember situation when he was hurting someone, even using words. He is tryin to act polite and with respect to every crewmember. What i like most of all is that he is tryin to make something new at station, modificate it(sometime he had some bad shift, when i instead of magboot helmet like toggled on and he smaked to the wall and had lung raptured, after that he is died. That was twice) What do you dislike about this character?: Well, i dislkie that i must behave like friendly person, even to the bastards. And i must show resposability even for some bitchy heads: There was soe shift when we had some CE woman(i don't remember name of character), she was insulting Dmytro sometimew when he was asking for some technig details, after that dmytro have won toy laser sword and AI warned security about that. When captian came to the engineering and Dmytro show that toy laser swor to the security CE tried to Insult him, after that Dmytro was explainint to the captian wht CE is saying to him, but captian said that it's my boss and she can do everything with me. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff?: I think so, because i like to play as an engineer and Dmytro is very resposible person. He is really qualified person according to his employment recrods. Also most of the time that i had been played at SS13 i played as engineer, so i have experience with that. Why?: Because of his character, he is fully fitted as Head of Staff. As i said before: 'He is really qualified person according to his employment recrods. Also most of the time that i had been played at SS13 i played as engineer, so i have experience with that.'. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Honestly, i don't know, i was asking a lot of people about that. But everyone says that 'I didn't interact with you a lot' Extra notes: Application expanded: [*]RP question; [*]Head od Staff prupose; [*]Dmytros History. Edited March 16, 2015 by Guest
kingmatt9 Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 The few times that I've played with PoZe he's been a cool cat. Good RP, even if his english isn't the best. +1 brah. May he force be with you. Kick some ass.
Guest Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 I think one of the best quirks of PoZe is his drive to actually try, despite not being fluent (or psuedo-fluent, in my case) in English, to RP on an english-speaking server, predominately. He's fun to chat with, and given my own experiences with Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian friends and their own attempts at english sometimes, it's easier for me to understand what PoZe is trying to say. Overall though, he's a pretty chill guy, and pretty responsible too. He's made a mistake here and there and always wants to learn, but that's ok. Given the language barrier, it might be an issue when it comes to miscommunication and whatnot, but that'll stop being an issue over time as he gets practice. This app has my endorsement.
PoZe Posted March 13, 2015 Author Posted March 13, 2015 Thank you very much, i am really glad to read that)) Due to some serious problems that i have got now in real life, this is really pleasantly to read that.
TishinaStalker Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 After reviewing your application, we would like to see you expand on your answers to the questions a bit more before coming to a final decision at some point this weekend.
Guest Posted March 14, 2015 Posted March 14, 2015 I also don't see his english as a problem, because that would be highly hypocritical due to my own limited knowledge of it. I know Mull as a highly dependable security officer and Koschoviy as a highly capable engineer. Therefore, there is no reason not to like this app.
PoZe Posted March 14, 2015 Author Posted March 14, 2015 Alright, i have expanded some asnwers. I am going to the Hole Ukraine during 10 days i would be away from server or forum. Please write all that you need from me in 1 reply, because i don't have a lot of time, getting USA visa is eating all my time.
callum99877 Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 I like PoZe, Ive never had an IC issue with him, apart from being forced to replace an apc and replace a bomb . But i like the application. +1
PoZe Posted March 15, 2015 Author Posted March 15, 2015 Alright, I have get access to the forum from smartphone, what's wrong with my application, why it's processing so long?
Jamini Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 I can personally attest that Dmytro is a strong player, a fantastic teammate, and a real pleasure to work with when he is on-shift. Most notably, his communication is top-notch. I never need to wonder if Dmytro is actually doing something he is asked to do, and he is one of the first to pass along information back to the rest of his department. Communication is a quality that is very, very desirable in a head of staff. Alright, I have get access to the forum from smartphone, what's wrong with my application, why it's processing so long? Applications generally take a while to get through. I belive Trist stated this: After reviewing your application, we would like to see you expand on your answers to the questions a bit more before coming to a final decision at some point this weekend. Which means they want a little more detail in your answers the original questions to the application. Some thoughts that spring to mind: What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:I think that Head of Staff's platers must know a lot of things at the space station, they must have advanced knowledges about this game and help to the other players that don't know that things. I know that it's admin task to tell everything about it, but some simple question can be asked at the OOC. Ingame Head of Staff is your boss, you must deal with his behaiour. He has responability about his own department, because productivity is always depends on the Head of Staff's, if his crewmebmer is dums he should request another one or try to teach then if they want to. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Well, i think that OOC respomsibilitie Whitelisted player to the other players is to know evertyhing and share your experience with them, as i said before:D. Another intetersting thing is to watch for the rule(this is admins propose). How i will uphold them? I will not IC in OOC first of all, second one would be that i know a lot of and i am free to share with my knowledges. How would you handle troublemakers in your department, For example, a small-scale griefer/traitor who set up a disposals loop? How would you handle members of your staff bickering/fighting with another department over comms? How would you handle an engineer who went to the bar during engine setup, causing a power outage? How would you respond to a member of your staff being arrested for unlawful modification to the station? How would you react if you were the one to find said modification/vandalism? How would you handle a belligerent atmospheric technician ignoring your orders? How would you react to an order from Central Command ordering you to do something you do not believe in/cannot support (such as forcibly cyborgifying a member of the crew.)
PoZe Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 Thanks, Jamini. I think that Dmytro and Nasir are best friends)) I have manage to take laptop of my friends, i have expaned Application more. You can found list of expanded paragraphs at the Extra Notes. Please check my application again.
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