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[Denied] TravistyRavage | Moderator Application

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Server Moderator Application



Basic Information


Byond Account: TravistyRavage
Character Name(s): Travis Black, Alicia Black, Leon Black, Wisdom Snyder.
AI Name(s): Gizmo
Discord username + tag: [LP] Spidey#4280
Age: 25
Timezone: Central
When are you on Aurora?: Last several weeks I've been off work so it's been up to 24 hours and a minimum if 12. When I go back to work, which will be soon. I'll be on after 9PM Central and up late, around 4-5AM Central.
Experience I have a couple of years of experience on administrating on SS13, as a Moderator and a trial Moderator. I was a moderator/admin/server admin for multiple GMOD HeavyRP servers, and some older RP forums for like Harry Potter, Naruto, all the lame stuff. So all together I have several years of experience in administration.
How long have you played SS13?: At least 4 years cumulative, started about 8 years ago
How long have you played on Aurora: About a year cumulative, joined last year, took a break and now I'm back.
How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'm pretty comfortable with them, being the main source code of the stations I played religiously and moderated for. I'm still learning the minor details but I have the wiki, am a fast learner, and absorb information rather quickly and reliably.
Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I was moderator and trial moderator on two older stations that no longer exist due to community falling outs and them being mainly ExtendedRP servers, that died out.
Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?:



  • Ability to communicate - I do believe I am able to communicate fairly well. I am confident with my answers and can make a point clear and in an efficient manner. However, if I am wrong about something or told something different than what I believe or think I know, and it is correct -- I use it as a learning experience and move on.  I also pride myself on "customer service" and just basically being a decent human being, so I rarely ever loom my position over anyone or have a bad attitude about things
  • Good judgement - As stated before, I am confident with my ability to solve things, and to make decisions, but also value other inputs and perspectives. Also, I am still perfecting my mechanics and getting a feel for how things run here, so I know when to step back and either ask for help, use my resources or just let someone else with more experience handle the situation. I also have a pretty good handle on being unbiased when it comes to situations. In my years of being an admin on a GMOD HeavyRP server, I made a lot of relationships and die-hard friendships, but I was always able to separate them from the job to provide what's best for the server and community.
  • Knowledge of the rules - I have a pretty rock solid handle on the rules, as most of them are basic RP, and common sense. I know they're mostly a stepping point or a general meaning to keep things in line.
  • Initiative - I love learning new things, getting new responsibilities and doing whatever I can to help a community that I'm in, I took up spriting for a little bit to help my older community out, and in GMOD RP constantly thought of new mechanics, events and mechanics to implement to provide more structure, fun, and to keep the community and server content.
  • Activity - Recently I've been on the server almost non-stop, even having it open when I'm just chilling, not even playing. It will soon lower since I will have to go back to work soon but I will still maintain my activity on the server. The community and little interactions I have each round just keeps bringing me back.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have been banned once, it was an accident on the admin's part, they grabbed the wrong Ckey. It was an honest mistake and they apologized and they stated they removed it from my notes.



Why do you play SS13?: I have always been into RP and I can't even remember how I found out about SS13, but I played it and never looked back. I love the interaction I have with tons of people, all enjoying RP the way I do. It also provides a chill place to shoot the shit in OOC and Deadchat and just hang out even if you're not playing.
Why do you play on Aurora?: The community. By far one of the better ones I have seen so far, even when it's an ANTAG round there's still structure and reason, hardly any grudges and biased in future matches. That's one reason I prefered ExtendedRP to Secret, I like the RP and exploring the mechanics, and ANTAG rounds always usually ended with.. Valid Hunters, Goondicks, Instant-Death no respawn, bitching in OOC, IC in OOC, OOC in IC.. just not a lot of fun.
What do moderators do?: Moderator's most important responsibility in my opinion is to keep the server on track and community happy. They help the flow of the game and keeping things under control. Whether it be answering AHELPS to help a new roboticist save an IPC, or tracking down a griefer before they do too much damage and ruin the flow of the shift.
What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Keeping the peace, while drawing the line. Knowing when to allow some things for "The rule of cool" or understanding it's just a game. While making a firm stance on the meaning of this server, to roleplay.
Why do you want to be a moderator?: I have always supported the communities I frequent, usually with donations and volunteering my time to improving the server and participate in the community.
What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: As stated before I'm a quick learner and adaptable. I'm unbiased and put the community first. I love learning new things and handling responsibilities. Lastly, it takes a lot to upset/anger me and get under my skin.
How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Stress isn't a biggy for me, I'm always stressed out so what else is new, I find ways to cope and it never seems to affect me too badly. As previously stated, I don't get angry or upset, insults don't phase me. I usually bark back just to have some fun or get my kicks. But it depends on the situation but nothing ever really phases me.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

I plan on being here for a while and growing within the community, improving my RP, mechanic knowledge. I appreciate every staff member who has helped me with learning new mechanics or understanding that I make mistakes, and need some advice sometimes. I have a warning from an ANTAG round where I thought I was doing okay towards the community but turns out I pretty much was a missing ANTAG. Once again, I'm still learning things and always welcome constructive criticism.



Thanks for reading and considering me

 - Travis.

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