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Incident Report 06/22/2462

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Reporting Personnel: Ana Roh'hi'tin
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Crime Scene Investigator (picked up a shift during this incident as security officer)
Game ID: b7N-ahgR
Personnel Involved:
- Bastien LaFlemme, Captain: Offender
- Stephen Yates, Trauma Physician: Offender
- NSS Aurora, ISD: Offender

Time of Incident: Unknown
Real Time: 11:00~ Central Time, 6/22/2020
Location of Incident: NSS Aurora
Nature of Incident:
[  ] - Workplace Hazard
[  ] - Accident/Injury
[  ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[  ] - Harassment
[  ] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[  ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident:

This one woke up from cryo to hear that Max Judge, cargo technician, had died during the course of the shift. She later found out that he evidently overdosed on drugs in the bathrooms. A funeral was held for him in the holodeck; his corpse was dragged around in a body bag and was presumably not prepared by a mortician for viewing. By scouring station announcements, and from the Captain's own input, this one learned that Max Judge was 'coerced' (the Captain's words) into committing suicide by the Head of Personnel Amaya Stone, who presumably had gone to cryo before this one woke up. Equally, there were suggestions that Miss Stone had 'stolen' money from Max Judge. The Captain announced this over communications.

At no point was this death properly investigated. Medical illegally took custody of the body and Mr. Yates evidently performed an autopsy he lacked the qualifications to do. An active CSI was aboard; medical members are not trained to perform paralegal autopsies, and Mr. Judge did not die in medical's care, and even if he did his death was a security issue, so there was no need for a clinical autopsy. This autopsy data was then not shared with security, and the body was never examined by investigative staff. The evidence at shift's end consisted entirely of a blood sample taken from the cadaver and nothing more; security failed in its baseline duty to investigate workplace deaths.

At no point were these potentially spurious claims made about Head of Personnel Amaya Stone ever investigated; the CSI indicated they believed that Stone used Judge's ID to drain his bank account, but his ID was never checked for fingerprints or fibers and during his corpse's illegal handling by medical they proceeded to lose his ID and PDA. At no point did the Captain or security elect to look at the account database for confirmation of this theft or to see if any stolen credits were transferred; they all assumed Miss Stone was guilty and publicly slandered her without a shred of evidence beyond an account statement by Max Judge showing someone had taken his money.

In light of these failings, this one attempted to begin a proper investigation after Mr. Judge's funeral, but Mr. Yates refused to respond to any inquiries about the location of necessary evidence that would have been on Mr. Judge's body.

Concluding, security failed to perform its function of investigating workplace deaths properly, and bungled the chain of evidence custody. It is our job to ensure the least culpability for the company in incidents like these, which they could not and did not do. Medical, specifically Mr. Yates, exceeded their official powers by depriving investigative of interaction with the body and by performing an autopsy without the authority or education to do so. The Captain publicly slandered Miss Stone based on nothing but his own feelings, who is a head of staff. 

In short, this is all a saga that would look very bad in a newspaper, and it should concern company higher-ups about how Command and Security are failing to keep corporate's best interests in mind.

Submitted Evidence: 


Security roster:


Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: The Captain was involved and a transfer came before any serious response could be handled.
Actions taken:  Attempted to begin a proper investigation; filed incident report.
Additional Notes:

In the nearly fifteen years this one has served with NanoTrasen internal security, she has never seen a crewmember death handled so poorly. Max Judge's body was dragged around in a body bag, rotting and decaying while he had a 'funeral' in the holodeck instead of being kept on ice for his actual family members to have an intact body to mourn at a later time. His presence was not necessary; a remembrance could have been held without his corpse, as it was never prepared for viewing to begin with. Thus, it would have started to rot and decay. Freshness is important when morticians at funeral homes prepare corpses for viewing. His family would have standing to sue on this face alone.

Internal Security failed in their basic duties of properly investigating the death, apparent fraud, and the Captain provided no leadership or guidance or even cared about this; he publicly shamed Miss Stone without a single bit of evidence regarding her guilt, and his lack of foresight has put the company in potential legal jeopardy if the family of Max Judge decides to involve lawyers.

Edited by Susan


TO: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Crime Scene Investigator, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 23-15:24-TAU CETI STANDARD-06-2462




  • 1 month later...

TO: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Forensic Technician, NSS Aurora
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report

This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.
DTG: 26-11:44-TAU CETI STANDARD-07-2462

  • 1 month later...

TO: Ana Roh'hi'tin, Forensic Technician, NSS Aurora
FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, CCIAA, NTCC Odin
SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report

The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals.

This matter will now be considered resolved.

DTG: 05-10:03-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2462
SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir

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