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[Accepted] Equairio's Vaurca Application

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Character Names:  

Ada Kimura (Chemist)

Kathryn-Remi Nadina (Paramedic)

Cradling a Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows (Chef)

Lone Lights in the Path of An Eternal Quest (Engineering Apprentice)

Hasumi Tala (Station Engineer)

Mei Xing Li (Security Cadet)

Species you are applying to play:


What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (Color of your character; Dionaea & IPCs exempt)

RGB 55, 0, 120


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:

Yes, all of it.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

(One paragraph minimum)

While I was researching the vaurcae for my dionae application, I gained an interest in vaurca. I feel it is one of the more “alien” species in terms of roleplay and lore. I feel like there is a lot of potential for interesting characters. The different hives will be an interesting thing to explore. It honestly feels like the options are endless.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

(One Paragraph minimum)

A major thing is their upbringing, the bounds will even be born missing parts of their brain and their organs undeveloped causing the bound to be extremely simple-minded, and trained to obey orders. The bound are expected to follow the station’s protocol, only able to deviate from their job if a head of staff or an unbound of their hives tells them to. The bound do not have morals or interests beyond doing what is best for the hive. They do not seek entertainment. While the unbound, having fully developed their brain, has human-like emotion (except the ambition and competitiveness), and are perfectly capable of making rational decisions. They seek entertainment in the VR and socializing with other unbound, along with other aliens. 

The way vaurcae act with each other would probably be the biggest difference. The bound are often exploited by the unbound. It is typical for the unbound to leave any menial labour to the bound and of course, the bound being extremely simple-minded will not begrudge this exploitation. As for the relationships between hives, the bound of K’iax will serve the Zo’ra vaurcae, but only if instructed by one of the Zo’ra’s unbound and it is rare for the unbound to do this. The unbound vaurcae of their own hives will have warm relationships with each other, often socialising with each other.

Character Name:

Ka'Akaix'Killix C'thur

Please provide a short backstory for this character

(Aproxomately two paragraphs)

The room is comfortably lit, just bright enough for her to see clearly, but not enough to be an annoyance to her eyes. She works diligently on one of her own chemical mixtures, carefully reacting the reagents with precise measurements. It took her an hour before the concoction was ready. She stared at the vial in her hands, finally seeing what had been there all along, only now clearer. The scent of it filled her, peacefulness overcame her. The feeling lingered for a while. It was ready. She focused on her senses. She felt the liquid, it was warm, but not too hot. The fragrance and beauty of the vial’s contents seemed to suddenly invade her spirits. The chemical mixture glistened slightly under the light. The mixture took effect on herself, the same peacefulness overcame her. She felt.. satisfied? Yes, satisfied.

She was matured, her time in the VR had finished. She did not feel like herself, her mind beginning to wander and, not long after, she was lost in thought Life was different for her now, she wasn't in the VR anymore. Kiilix is an unbound of Xetl's Brood and, like her sisters, is obsessed with sensation. Kiilix cultivated a desire to find out more about the world around her, she wanted to know why things were as they are and how everything worked. She knew she could understand them, learn from them. It is only recently that she realized something was missing.. something that would allow her to experience the pleasures of life. It was only then she had taken her first steps on the path towards seeking true pleasure. Kiilix decided to find a place to work, a place she could put her knowledge to work and most importantly.. experience pleasure. She knew what was best: NanoTrasen.

The door opened and she walked inside. She saw a large table covered with bottles, each labelled with their contents. She walked over to one of the dispensers and placed the vial in the slot. She looked at the vial as she pressed several buttons, carefully measuring each reagent as it went into the beaker. The mixture dripped into the beaker - it felt warm in the vial. The scent of the vial's contents overwhelmed her again, just like in the VR. She poured the contents of the vial into the beaker and mixed it thoroughly. She stared as the mixture slowly dripped down the side of the beaker. She walked over to the monkey.  She drew the chemical into the syringe, then restrained the monkey as she injected the compound into it's blood stream. The various cuts and bruises on the monkey began to heal slowly, it's burnt chest and stomach healing. Eventually, the scanner reported the monkey as being fully healthy - it had worked, she did it.

What do you like about this character?

(Describe what you like about this character)

I enjoy this character because of how “obsessed” it is with pleasurable experiences, she will go to any lengths to experience them. I’ve enjoyed exploring her backstory.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

It depends on the day, I do feel like my recent characters are well thought through and I believe I’ve been improving in terms of in-game roleplay, specifically emoting more. But I would go with 7/10.


Edited by Equairio
Updated the reference picture and color code, had the wrong one.

I feel like the Vaurca population has disappeared recently on this server. It is extremely refreshing to see that you've very obviously done your research. I feel like just from what I'm reading here, your characater ideas are growing ones that would be awesome to witness in action! +1


Hiya. Vaurca developer here. Sorry it took so long to get around to this. The lack of feedback isn't ideal.

However, application accepted.

You show a good enough understanding of the lore. I look forward to seeing you play.

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