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[BINNED]Incident report 27-08-2462

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Reporting Personnel: Sam Chalegre

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: biomechanic engineer

Game ID: b8Q-c0JU (was the one before it)

Personnel Involved: Meria Volvalaad,captain (offender);Evelyn Morgan ,head of security(offender)Luke Conan,Security officer(wittness),April Esker,anomalist(wittness),Evangeline watari,mechatronic engineer(witness)

Secondary Witnesses: all of security

Time of Incident: 

Real Time: 14:50GMT-3;27/08/2020

Location of Incident: science and security

Nature of Incident:

[ ] - Workplace Hazard

[ ] - Accident/Injury

[ ] - Destruction of Property

[ ] - Neglect of Duty

[x] - Harassment

[x] - Assault

[x] - Misconduct

[x] - Other ,violation of rights,violation of station sop.

Overview of the Incident: i,sam chalegre was demaning justice from miscoduct of a head of staff (witch was achived) and threatned to make justice myself against the head of staff (hos),Meria Volvalaad the captain used her power to arrest me without warrant in code yellow,demanded that i was brigged without my radio/pda,my earing and without my locket wicht contains a personal photo of my family and thus violating my rights as a person,she also said she was the captain as and such was always right,the hos Evelyn Morgan,threatened to break my jaw if i keeped demanding my rights,also they removed my right to go back to my home in the odin without a reason to do so,i complied during the arrest and with that it wasnt needed to strip my personal/radio stuff i spend 15 minutes in brig after the officers decided that i could go,i demand justice,and punishement to thoses two for violation multiple rights and even making a mark at my locket,my only gift of my parents left me with that is completly unacceptble bahavior from a head and i demand justice

b]Submitted Evidence:[/b] since i was arrested and kept after the end of shift i couldnt gather much but the witness can be questioned for reports and the security team can say what happened in there too

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: i couldnt since they were the offenders in this case

Actions taken: i demanded my rights to be fufilled but once was faced with laughter from the two offenders

Additional Notes: yes i want to be compensated and thoses two demoted or punished

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