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xMartyMcF1yx - 1 Week Ban Appeal Request

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BYOND Key: xMartyMcF1yx

Total Ban Length: One Week

Banning staff member's Key: witchbells

Reason of Ban: “threw photon grenades and viscerators Into medical with poor reasoning, justified it was reasonable because they were an antagonist”

Reason for Appeal: After an hour creating a new character and deciding whether or not I wished to do another security character of my very first medical character, I chose the latter due to how I noticed the round and rounds beforehand completely lacked medical characters. With my character set, her backstory not completely fleshed out but a rough outlay set, I went to see if I even wished to be medical. I did not have much time, although I just wanted to see if I had the hang of things. The round was near its end, only around five minutes before a transfer shuttle request would be made and accepted, is when my character was made a traitor. I was at a lost, I did not have much time to create a plot and I had a previous warning against escalating a scenario too early and too severely into a round. Not to mention, my character lacked pre-established relations with anyone on the station nor had the room to even create some. In fact, I had her try and speak to some healthy officers in the medbay, I planned on doing a scenario where she eventually attacks them because of her pre-established dislike towards police.

Before this even occurred, way back when I was given the traitor role, I asked an admin (Abernyx? Apologies can’t remember how his name is spelled) about my situation, in which he told me to go to cryo when I was going to leave, which was around ten minutes from that point. So, I thought to myself that ten minutes was a decent amount of time to cause some escalation, the main issue with the reason I was warned before, was that it was out of nowhere, in fact the admin who spoke with me about such suggested I make myself known in future instances before actually attacking. The reason I was warned because I threw grenades at someone unrelated to the plot I was making with my traitor at the time. In this instance, it’s stated in the reasoning my character merely threw grenades at people with no reason, only because I was a traitor.

Here are the following events that occurred after one another.

-Svetlana tries to talk with the security in the medbay, they do not respond to her whatsoever, even when she screams they merely walked away from her, when I was planning on an argument being an inciting incident to attacking them.

-Svetlana is greeted by a man at the medical lobby, the bartender, he acts her to help his monkey who is injured. She tells him to go away, and that she has something important to do, something she has to do. The man is obviously upset by this, and it escalates once the man threatens to calls security to deal with her refusal to help and shoving him outside of the medical bay.

-Svetlana proceeds to the surgery center where there are security in the lobby, annoyed by their ignoring of her, she proceeds to hurl grenades towards them after she publicly on general comms says she hopes they die and explains her reasoning.

-Due to a tip from the admin who gave me the warning, I made sure to be a bit different with this attack. Instead of a million vicerator bots, I only had four grenades of them, five poison gas ones, and five blackout ones. The admin told me ganking with vicerators was not a very fun strategy, so I chose to change things up.


TLDR: Every time new people ask for suggestions, they get told, by me as well, that its always best to ask admins before doing anything you think could be problematic. In this scenario, I was worried that 10 minutes was not enough to make good enough escalation as a traitor, apparently it wasn’t, although I thought that through implementing the instructions I was formerly told by admins (to always have at least an interaction with another person before starting a conflict as a traitor) that I would be able to abide by the rules and not spend the rest of the very short time as a traitor who does nothing. I’m happy to accept a one week ban on being an antagonist, but I really would prefer not to be completely banned over possibly poor escalation, as I’ve been getting into the server again a great deal and have a long way to learn how to be medical staff and would prefer to spend a week with that.

Basically, I had bad luck, two times being traitor in a row I’ve been given it at the end of rounds (Which have been the only two times being given traitor in a year or so), forced to provide as much escalation as I could in very little time. Until I think I get the hand of being a traitor from the start of rounds, I will be cryoing (or finding a way to disable it) due to how I wish to keep playing on the server and quit being forced into these troublesome scenarios. In all honesty I’m not too big of a fan of the traitor role, so I very well might must disable it and focus on other things.


Bad luck has very little to do with you doing what was almost exactly what you were warned for prior. Just six days ago, even.



I need you to understand that you're displaying a pattern of behavior here. This has nothing to do with poor luck, this is a poor decision.


On 14/10/2020 at 21:38, MartyMcFly said:

Basically, I had bad luck, two times being traitor in a row I’ve been given it at the end of rounds (Which have been the only two times being given traitor in a year or so), forced to provide as much escalation as I could in very little time. Until I think I get the hand of being a traitor from the start of rounds, I will be cryoing (or finding a way to disable it) due to how I wish to keep playing on the server and quit being forced into these troublesome scenarios. In all honesty I’m not too big of a fan of the traitor role, so I very well might must disable it and focus on other things.

This is not something that barring yourself from antagonist roles will fix. Escalation is not a straight line from Point A to Point B, but a sliding scale of sorts, and you must use the scale to decide the proper plan of action. Your objective is not to reach a high level of violence in an allotted amount of time, is what I'm trying to get at here.

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