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Incident Report - 11/5/62

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Reporting Personnel: Marc Price

Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security

Game ID: b9Y-aJs7

Personnel Involved: Vira Bolivar, Captain, Offender

Ian White, Scientist, Victim

Cart Kanara, Corporate Liason, Witness

IRU-Kathy, CSI, Witness

Secondary Witnesses: Silos Lir'Dev, Warden: Witnessed the Captain give Ian White a drugged cup of coffee

M.ART-YR, Research Director: Presented with the facts of the incident, voted to have Captain apprehended for regulation violations

Melissa Al-Mifsud, Chief Medical Officer: Stated that the pharmacist "made a mistake" with the Captain's order and suggested that the drug they asked for would have been worse for White.

Ana Roh'hi'tin, Security Officer: Witnessed the Captain give Ian White a drugged cup of coffee

Locke, Detective: Assisted Captain in interrogation before the drugging occurred. Interrogated Taika Thompson

Amy Tennant, Pharmacist: Filled Captain's order for the drug used

Taika Thompson, Xenobotanist: Also kidnapped along with White and returned

Time of Incident: approx 0300 BST

Real Time: 0000 CST, 11/5/2020 

Location of Incident: Interrogation Room

Nature of Incident:

[ ] - Workplace Hazard

[ ] - Accident/Injury

[ ] - Destruction of Property

[ ] - Neglect of Duty

[ ] - Harassment

[X] - Assault

[X] - Misconduct

[X] - Mistreatment of Prisoners, Possession of Contraband

Overview of the Incident: During this shift, Captain Vira Bolivar inserted herself over trained investigative staff into a major Internal Security investigation regarding the kidnapping, and then return, of Mr. Ian White and Ms. Taika Thompson. In doing so, she violated a number of regulations, by drugging Mr. White during an interrogation. 

Shortly after the shift had begun, security responded to a call of an armed individual at the merchant dock. Responding officers found a suited individual with military-grade weaponry. As I gave the order to unlock disruptors and arm up, the Captain ordered security to allow them to do as they pleased, which resulted in the kidnapping of Ian White and Taika Thompson. A guard detail was posted to the merchant docking area by myself, armed, in case the ship returned. It returned, dropping off Ian and bombing the dock in the process, resulting in the arming of the rest of the team. It was at this time that Ian was treated by medical, and then taken to the brig to be interviewed regarding his kidnapping. The Captain, for whatever reason, decided to be personally involved in the interrogation, taking the reigns from the Detective throughout the interview. It was during this time that she was informed by Mr. Kanara that White had information for a classified project that she was not cleared for. Despite being informed several times, she elected to try to pry the information from White. As the interview went nowhere, she request a door lock and handcuffs to be brought, which were brought by the warden. She then showed a drug bottle of Parvosil to the group of gathered personnel, walked off, and returned with a cup of coffee. She gave the cup to White, who drank it and immediately tasted the drug, knowing what had happened. She admitted to drugging him over communications and in person several times later on. White then was escorted by her out of the brig before IRU-Kathy could get a blood sample for evidence purposes.

It was at this point that I spoke with Kanara and the Research Director regarding what had transpired. After a review of the facts and a discussion of what was witnessed, it was clear to us that the Captain had violated i208, i212, and i219 by drugging White and, on advice from Kanara, that part of the Parvosil medication included mindbreaker toxin. It was also discussed that due to the attempts to reveal classified information from White, she could be guilty of i308. Kanara faxed Central Command regarding the issue, and advised the two active command staff (myself and the RD) that due to the circumstances and the unusual nature, we could hold a command vote to arrest the Captain under the regulations. The vote passed unanimously, 2-0. At that point, I briefed Security, and informed the Captain of the decision. The Captain claimed myself and Kanara had been conspiring for some time, as they'd been monitoring our PDA logs, and that we were guilty of sedition. She claimed, baselessly, that I had lied to command, and that myself and Kanara stood to gain from removing her from command via arrest and contacting Central. Due to a very tense meeting in the brig briefing room, it was decided that we would continue the shift without arrest and file the reports at Central Command, as no response to any faxes had been received. As we were preparing to depart, the CMO stated that their pharmacist had made a mistake and given the Captain the wrong drug, implying that the true request by the Captain was a much worse substance. The Captain never replied with what their order was.

Submitted Evidence: N/A

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: It was reported to the other command staff active at the time (RD) and the Corporate Liason.

Actions taken: Command vote held to arrest the Captain on charges, passed unanimously. Central command faxed regarding advice and the decision. Captain ordered to present themselves to arrest, but was not carried out due to the tense situation in the briefing room.

Additional Notes: Drugging a victim in such a serious investigation to gain access to information they are not cleared for is appalling behavior, especially for a Captain.


TO: Marc Price, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a CCIA Agent when an investigation begins.


DTG: 05-06:64-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2462




TO: Marc Price, Head of Security, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded.

Appropriate actions have been handed out as a result of the filed report.


DTG: 07-11:52-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2462




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