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[Denied] Venty - Moderator Application

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Basic Information
Byond Account: VentClass
Character Name(s): Ordered in the vein of when I created the characters:

  • Rebecca Holand (Quartermaster, Shaft Miner, Cargo Technician)
  • Ventus Dagna (Xenobotanist)
  • Alexia Avanes (Bartender)
  • Brigan Ano (Medical Resident)
  • Ririlsk Guwan (Shaft Miner)
  • Aiikzin Riez (Quartermaster)
  • Brody Lincel (Cadet)

AI Name(s): N/A
Discord username + tag: Venty#2488
Age: 17, going on 18.
Timezone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)
When are you on Aurora?: Generally, when I do play, I tend to play between 12 pm and 8 pm. I don't play that much at night and school will occasionally make it to where I can't play all that often, depending on the week's workload.

How long have you played SS13?: I've played SS13 for about a little more than a year and a half at this point (I originally came as part of the Ssethtide of Yesteryear).
How long have you played on Aurora: Although on and off, I started playing the Aurora back in April of 2019 until the beginning of June before returning that September and playing consistently until the end of the Skrell Arc. I made appearances during the Taj arcs as a volunteer and started playing again back at the start of June of this year, before dropping off yet again and simply watching via ghosting or watching the NT Relay until recently.
How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'm familiar with the basics of most mechanics, but I'm not familiar with the specifics of Engineering, Medical, or Command. After all, I don't have a Command whitelist, nor do I play Engineering or Medical all that often.
Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I do not. I have moderated for a lore discord and a department discord (Cargo), but I have never actually moderated for a SS13 server.
Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Personally, yes, I do.
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I can gladly say I haven't ever been banned on Aurora as of yet, although I do have a single warning to my name due to extremely stupid behavior back in April of 2019 when I first started playing. I also have a few notes, but nothing too bad.

Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 for one reason, mainly: To roleplay and to have a little fun. Aurora and other roleplay servers have provided me with both of those and helped me along with my writing skills in the process, so I've found a liking to the game. Plus, I've found the few servers where mechanics are prioritized over roleplay can also be pretty fun if a little hectic at times.
Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora generally provides me with a few things that I'm looking for when I play SS13: An environment in which I can generally expect MOST people are trying to roleplay characters to a reasonable point, a place where I can hang out and have fun, and a place to see and show off the creative writing skills of others and myself. Furthermore, the lore of the server and the universe it inhabits has always been interesting to me, and I'm always anticipating the newest news article or the newest drama or the station and/or universe at large.
What do moderators do?: Moderators, in short, ensure the rules and regulations of a server are followed, and that situations and conflicts between players, whether in-game or in the discords or forums, are resolved in a fair and impartial way.
What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: To be a moderator for the Aurora, it generally means you must be able to carefully look over any potentially rule-breaking or harmful situation with impartiality and care, be able to apply rulings and punishments regardless of your relationship to the person or people in particular, and avoid allowing the ability you have and the bias' you may hold from infecting your judgments, actions, and behavior. In addition, it is generally good to have a clear head and be able to separate OOC from IC, for the few situations that may hit closer to him than would be liked.
Why do you want to be a moderator?: My main reason is simple: I'd like to help out and contribute to the server by providing moderation to the server that I like to be apart of. The server's given me fun times and put me in contact with people I like talking to, and the moderation and admin teams are partly responsible for making sure that the people that would ruin the server and/or the atmosphere have been kept out (mostly).
What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I like to think that I'm able to separate OOC and IC matters and opinions well, and I generally try to entertain and understand both sides of an argument before I take a stance or choose a side. I'm pretty good at keeping a straight head and I'm always willing to listen to someone's explanation. Plus, I like to avoid creating unneeded hostility or stress: it only makes situations worse, rather than do anything to help or fix them.
How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I've never truly had a problem with anger, stress, or other circumstances on here or similar platforms: While I can't say that certain things haven't made me upset or stressed in the past, I generally don't let these things affect my judgment or change how I act in general.

Anything Else You Want to Add:
Hi. Some of you may know me through the different characters I play, or some may know me by my interactions and talks in discord.

Regardless of what happens with this application and what may come up, I would like to thank you guys for at least giving it a read, and for helping make this community an interesting place to play on. I'm honestly glad I've come across SS13 and Aurora, and I'm glad that I've been able to hang out, play, and discuss with the people I came into contact with through the game. Thanks for having me around.


After speaking with the applicant, I will be denying this application for now. If you have further comments, questions, or concerns, you can contact me directly on Discord at Flamingo#5454.

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