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Staff Complaint - Yonnimer, Kyres.

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[b]BYOND Key:[/b] abigbear
[b]Staff BYOND Key:[/b]  Yonnimer, Kyres
[b]Game ID:[/b] b99-ahk7
[b]Reason for complaint:[/b] Improper escalation which resulted in character death on an event round. During the Solarian boarding event, a Solarian "heavy marine" team boarded the station to investigate a terrorist who for whatever reason would have fled to the Aurora. During this point the Solarians for whatever reason, decided to hold command at hostage and apparently blew up the checkpoint. My character an EMT moved to do what an EMT is expected and make sure everyone is okay. He was pointed at by the Solarian team to step out of the elevator, which he did. The investigator stepped out saying to search the cat, this is fine, my character sassed back, they beat my character for this. This is fine. However they then continued to beat my character for this, while in solarian hardsuits, while using the sol-combat manual. My character used disarm intent to back off and get the assailing sol marine. They beat him again to and so my character used claws against a combat suit. They continued to beat my character to the point of unconsciousness. Okay sure. I wake up in the elevator being stripped literally naked in the elevator. I told them to get the fuck off me and stop touching my clothes. Kyres also looc'd them at some point in this to stop that. It continues on where they say search everything and demand my pouches which I throw at the investigator themself. The solarians then beat me at this point into an arterial bleed and death.

-Am I upset I was beaten for my actions? No. It's a foreign military team that hates my species.

-Am I upset players used a cat using claws against a solarian combat suit which did next to no damage to them as an excuse to commit canon murder? Yes. I am aware there are repercussions for actions. I am aware I clawed back. I was fine with being beaten for it. But an unarmed melee attack against people armed and armored to hell and back is a very poor excuse to use the solarian combat manual to murder a character canonically who made very little effort to fight back. I was not going full gamer trying to juke or just out run them or any other LRP tactic to get out of dodge, I backed up a few tiles cornering myself purposefully.

I ahelped this. Yonni said because they're not antags, but rather character events that I would need to talk to the loremasters on this one. I've skipped this considering several things said in deadchat that he really didn't have an issue with this but also because I do not believe this was an okay situation and brought it here. Especially now that I am forced out of a character.

To answer a few points before someone brings this up:


Kyres1 (Jzailya Hayre) complains, "The situation is obviously out of your favor, it is a dangerous one, so why claw the shit out of them"

-A character is being beaten by strange individuals to the point they see red and the sound of bones breaking happens. Fight or flight kicks in. A few light claw attacks against people in hardsuits. It's not like I pulled a .45. Someone being cornered by several individuals and beaten round robin would realistically lash out. My character was a medic, not a fighter and that much was apparent with a few claws. My character was down for a while and in a state of passing out over and over and yet they continued on.

Somewhere in this a roller bed was deployed and buckled a sol marine. That was not me. It was knocked from my hand with the first punch as I was sent flying. I do not know how it was deployed or how it got them buckled. if it was a glitch from it being in my hand or what because I did not see anyone next to them. Such things are LRP and I detest it.

[b]Evidence/logs/etc:[/b] The logs I have are only partial as my character blacked out at many points. It's better they are reviewed so the full story can be seen.
[b]Additional remarks:[/b]

From the server rules on conflict:


Only escalate conflict in a realistic manner - some characters might overreact, but you would not realistically go berserk or attempt to kill someone if they stole your prized pen, for instance. Again, your character must be motivated enough to commit to more drastic action, as they undertake it.


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