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A little more beef on what Phoron even is

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I get that we're meant to keep it like an open door, but I think it would be nice to add some more information to go on, than is present in the wiki. 

I like that it's a super dense element, that somehow is in a safe zone, and cannot be reproduced, but I reckon we can add a little more to the theories of Phoron's origin.

Like, one huge headcannon of mine is that Phoron is bordering on 'strange quark matter', where essentially it operates on rules a fair bit different to regular matter. The other name for Phoron, "Plasma" could also make sense, since it could be said that Phoron is basically the star plasma in a solid state, somehow still in flux, but solid. This would explain some of its transmutational qualities, that enable the production of strange new chemicals. It's essentially a safer form of nuclear fusion.

Another idea I had is the difference between Phoron and Supermatter. Supermatter is, essentially Phoron 2, an even more dense type of strange quark matter, with the capacity it to radiate heat and gas, and radiation for extensively long amounts of time. This would explain its nightmarishly otherworldly properties, where it will turn you to ash instantly on touching, and also how shooting energy at it would 'activate' the matter, since the plasma shooting across its surface could initiate a break-down of the matter into lesser elements.

It's just an idea that has been baking in my brain for a few months now, let me know if it's terrible and stupid. Or good enough to be an alright theory.

Edited by Aphelion
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