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Mineymonkey's Captain Whitelist App

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BYOND key: Mineymonkey

Character names: Sebastian Kingsford, Fenrir Howe, M.M.P, Freya Boer (In that order of often played)



How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Overall for multiple years. At least 2-3 years, but likely longer than that. Been busy with college and COVID had me down so I haven't been on as much as I would have liked, but now things have cleared up a good bit and I am far more free.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: For the extra opportunities it brings in both an IC and OOC sense. I enjoy being able to help create RP opportunities that heads of staff are able and imo expected to do.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I like roleplay for the big one and I've always enjoyed being on this server. I think I ran into the server years ago somehow and the community made me stay.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yup!

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: Just a warning once. I've had BYOND muck up and lag on me when I was working with toxins and then I had a IRL emergency come up so I couldn't quite stay to ahelp the slight explosion. Thankfully most situations for me with IRL have emergencies being less likely to come up compared to when that happened.



Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.


Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is essentially creating a living and believable character who has their own morals, strengths, weaknesses, and taking control of that character. Living out that life in a median along with other characters that have been created by the community. Dealing with drama, suspense, and whatever else might have been thrown at them or potentially creating it if it is within the characters personality to do so. It's about creating and living in a story that everyone comes together to accomplish and to have fun in doing so. 


What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I personally believe that any Head of Staff's OOC purpose in any given round is to further help in creating those stories. Their actions and orders dictate how the story is played out to those under their command and are the in-between of staff and players via central command and the crew. 


What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The responsibilities are to be a role-model to the other players in terms of RP. Even if you don't necessarily think that your actions IC will have an effect on others OOC then I believe you'd be wrong. If a Head of Staff started to act wholly against what the community stands for and nothing comes from it, other players may take that as an invitation to start behaving that way. Others may take that as a decline in the server and potentially may leave, so IMO it is a lose-lose situation. That is why whitelisted players need to act as a role-model to the other players at all times. Else you might have this slippery slope situation and no one wants that. To that degree, I plan to do what I already do in terms of staying within community guidelines and taking a more conscious effort on my RP so that it can be a good role-model to the other players.


Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?: The independence of Tau Ceti from the Sol Alliance for one is a big deal. It only happened 11 years ago and the impact should still be felt today. Not only through the obvious impact and culture shock that would happen at the beginning, but there's potential bitterness from those in the Sol Alliance that characters could likely hear easily day to day. Especially given the fact that the Sol Alliance was unsuccessful in their invasion and many lives were lost on both sides. Speaking of, those who lived on Biesel very likely could harbor hatred against those from the Sol Alliance whether or not they were planetside when the invasion transpired as either they lived through it, or know of others who've lived through it and very likely could have known family and friend who died because of the invasion.

Particularly for Howe and Kingsford since M.M.P is a cyborg owned by NT... Kingsford harbors a bit of resentment but mostly disappointment in the Sol Alliance as he was originally there before he gained citizenship to the Republic of Biesel. Howe has mostly resentment, but he understands the reasonings behind the invasion. He's a citizen first and foremost to the Eridani Federation and so he understands the profit to be made in war, but while also being a citizen and having friends who were killed during the invasion... he is quite upset about the whole situation. 


For Veryn though... He served as part of the TCFL as a piliot to gain his citizenship with the Republic of Biesel. He was already a broken man for the most part due to a crash that left him broken, and the most recent invasion has left him even more upset although he will not show it save for those he served with. Being from Himeo originally as well just has him full of resent towards the Sol Alliance.


What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?: Captain



Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: I plan to play Captain Alex Veryn



How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would give it a seven in all honesty. I have my own strengths and weaknesses that I try to play towards and word  on improving. 

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yep!

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? That I have.

Extra notes: I do not have many to add, but I do want to let you guys know that I've really enjoyed the time I've had on server when I have been able to get away from my school responsibilities. I also do have a good bit of experience playing captain on a different server based on Bay code. 

Edited by Mineymonkey
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