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A Return To New Normalcy For Pactolus

Eurydice, Pactolus

In the wake of what is being dubbed as “The Eurydice Uprising”, repairs to the city have been officially declared completed. The Hermes logistic network works again at full capacity, and what was once The Mayor’s tower is now sat vacant. Housing in the inner ring of the capital city, and the surrounding ring has opened in full swing, and both Merchants and Thesians alike are claiming homes without fear of gang violence. Business and stores shine brightly on advertising holograms across the blocks and citizens now walk freely across streets that were once known for sickening crimes. Eurydice is at peace, and begins its next stage in The Golden Deep.


The final prison ship harboring the last of the non-citizen participants in “The Eurydice Uprising” has left Pactolus’ atmosphere, bound for the Coalition of Colonies, where it is slated to meet with Coalition Frontier Rangers for sorting and organization as most of these deported citizens have held previous criminal records and were utilizing Pactolus as a safe haven, using its remote location to avoid Coalition authorities.

Those citizens who did gain citizenship and then decide to participate in the “Uprising” are being held still in Golden Deep space for trial by Argo judiciary forces. It is unclear how these proceedings will take place, but BitByte has been assured:


“The Judiciary System has been modeled after other entities within the Orion Spur, and will be a model of honor and fairness.”


Despite these statements, there has been no sighting of The Mayor nor information on where these prisoners are being stored.


Elections for Eurydice city council are underway, with many candidates already campaigning for the positions of power. A total of five individuals will hold seats within the Tower to govern Pactolus together, with two seats being reserved for Thesian candidates, two reserved for Merchant candidates, and the highest being reserved for a Grand Merchant.

The future looks bright for Eurydice and Pactolus as a whole. With the destruction and sorrow unfurling what is showing to be a shining future, many are hopeful, excited, and ready for what lies tomorrow.


Further Reading:

Golden Deep: A Vote for M@mmon is a vote for the Economy!

Konyang: Lives Destroyed, What has happened to some cured infected.

Food: Five new flavors announced for the Ramses taste-and-texture uploaders!

  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...


Domadice to Accept Consortium of Hieroaetheria Invitation

Eurydice, Pactolus

Surprise runs rampant through the streets of Eurydice to the space surrounding Midaion as an envoy from the Consortium of Hieroaetheria, an independent Dionae nation, has extended a welcome appendage to the Golden Deep after its evolution into nationhood. Proposed by Chairman Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship from Hieroaetheria, the Dionae nation seeks to expand relations between the two fledgling powers in hopes of establishing a more secure position amongst the spur. The Consortium of Hieroaetheria, as part of their invitation, has officially recognized The Golden Deep as a legitimate power within the spur, being the first to do so after the restructuring of the Golden Deep government body.

What this is to mean for the two nations remains uncertain, with gossip rife amongst the merchants of the collective. The potential financial gains from new trade routes between these two powers seems to have significantly juxtaposed opinions as members rush to prepare appropriate stock adjustments for better and for worse. Grand Merchants, those with direct access to the wisdom of Midas Control’s central predictive computer, have been suspiciously stagnant since the announcement, biding their time or having already made their moves remaining a mystery.


While Domadice was unavailable for comments, isolated in their tower far from Eurydice, Grand Merchant Addalin had the following to say:

“Is this not monumentous? Only steps into our Golden Era and the potential for capital is already flooding like dry river beds in typhoons! Such an untapped, unexplored market. So enraptured by the Federation they once were, now they open their doors to the spur beyond, and we shall deliver, for the right price! The Golden Deep has access to goods from across the spur and into the depths no one dares travel, from Arusha to Elyra, remnants of Light’s Edge to the Izweski hegemony! We shall bring wares, and we shall enlighten, how monumentous!”

Summarizing a lengthy speech from Grand Merchant Addalin, Midas Control and Domadice have agreed to the invitation and have begun assembling a retinue to accompany the chief of foreign affairs, the ancient synthetic themself. 


Domadice’s retinue is anticipated to hold several Grand Merchants from across the collective, an armed escort of a well-funded Hoplan House as the use of Thryja has been contested by Domadice, and the attendants for the Grand Merchants. The final numbers or precise make of the accompanying party has not been disclosed to the public, nor their mode of transportation, though it is similarly anticipated to utilize a large ship of fancy from one of the Grand Merchant’s, with armed military escort.


The inclusion of the Grand Merchants initially confused some, as it was publicized that Domadice would be the director of foreign negotiations and affairs, but clarification has been brought to BitByte:

“The Grand Merchants accompanying Domadice will be of the most financially competent the Golden Deep has to offer and they are to act as assistants to negotiating arrangements. Their strength, capability, and logistical prowess in this activity will act as the arm for the hand that solidifies the agreement. If free trade is to be gained between these two nations, then it is through this arm that the foundations will be laid, and like roots to a tree, or the mycelium of a fungus, they will grow the mercantile interests of our collective with little worry for the possibility of political collateral.”


Nevertheless, all eyes are on this exchange from across the Golden Deep collective and Domadice’s first foyer into foreign power.


Further Reading:

Environment: Konyang forests slowly bring life back to charred wasteland.

Science: Lights from Domadice’s tower: What do they mean?

Golden Deep: The King In Gold enters drydock once again for unexplained fitting.

  • Like 1


Golden Deep Envoy to Hieroaetheria Selection Underway

Midas, Arusha

With days coming closer to the departure of the Golden Deep envoy to Hieroaetheria, details have been publicized about the makeup of the attendees for this important delegation. As previously stated, Domadice is to be accompanied by a collection of Grand Merchants from across the collective from their respective houses to help negotiate good mercantile relations with the Dionae nation of Hieroaetheria. With precise information on the negotiations yet to be determined, broad priorities are still assumed, with many merchants hoping for standard open-market trade between the nations. These grand merchants, residing from the major houses of the Golden Deep, will facilitate these deals independently to open the doors for the rest of the merchant nation to follow suit. Until then, they act as advisors to Domadice for the major points of any potential nation-bending exchanges between the two powers.


As this is the first major exchange since the declaration of nationhood, priorities on which Golden Deep houses are set to attend as these advisors have previously remained a mystery. Joint Venture Ultra-Maz has declared many candidates for this exposé, with their style being the most true to the name ‘Golden Deep’. These synthetics have been the largest house to dominate the collective, and specialize in financial management with a corporate background, making them natural choices for the situation at large. The Grand Camarilla Estriconian, a more scientific leaning prominent house has also expressed interest, ready to theorize creation for items to a species alien to their own. A spokesperson from the Estriconian expressly stating:


“Statement:Unit>@ALL-ESTRICONIAN > Expression > +++ > Excitement!!@Possibilities!”


With the final major house of the Golden Deep, the Zaibatsu, an organization swaths with rumors who focus on casino living, hotel empires, forms of banking and exchange, expressing an interest in sending members to the delegation, but with their token reserved stance the house is known for.


Only moments ago, however, Midas Control announced the makeup of the envoy to be dispatched. Declaring that four members from the Joint Venture Ultra-Maz, Three members from the Grand Camarilla Estriconian, and One member from house Zaibatsu, will be going forth. Joined by attendants from the offices of Midas Control, and protected by House Melis of the Hoplan. An exceptionally well-funded house, sporting advanced military gear, funded by several of the selected Grand Merchants.

The group will be departing on the GDMV Hopes of Fortune, a large and ornate cruiser-sized vessel accompanied by the personal yachts, support craft, merchant vessels, and Hoplan escort. Set to leave Pactolus space within the week.


Further Reading:

Religion: Orepit receives more refugees from Konyang as victims of the Hivebot Crisis search for new homes. "All are welcome." Mentions Trinary representative.

Konyang: Galatean reforestation efforts literally bearing fruit!




The Grand Arrival: Golden Deep Envoy Lands

Hireoaetheria, The Dance of Stars

In their staple grandiose manner, the Golden Deep just hours ago arrived within Hieroaetheria space, heralding their arrival with the sound of a bugle from the old ages of Earth. The GMDV Hopes of Fortune, emblazoned with banners and symbols representing the three major houses in which it contained members. Declaring intentions and being cleared through Hireoaetheria border security, shuttles disembarked the cruiser for the planet, leaving both the vessel and its adjuncts in the space above. Escort fighters from both Hieroaetheria and Hoplan House Melis following the shuttle down to Epigenia before peeling off in an aerial dance to a location outside the perimeter.


A video spurs to life of an aerial view of a private landing pad, on the far end yet firmly in frame is a massive shuttle of intricate design, golden plating ingrained in silver inlay along its body and five artisanal wings. A crowd of Dionae in various fine clothes sit in front of the vessel as the camera flies to a different angle to capture both the crowd and the shuttle itself. With a gentle hiss a boarding ramp descends from the shuttle, releasing a dramatic line of smoke no more than an ankle high. Ten ornate IPCs, bearing tall banners of three different designs, one gold indicating the Ultra Maz, purple for the Estriconian Camarilla, and the telltale Zaibatsu red. These members are armed and armored with equipment foreign to any part of the spur, an escort, forming themselves in two lines boarding with their banners held high in both hands afront the ramp while two more IPCs in white and gold emerge moments after the formation has been set bearing instruments emitting a tune that can only be described as royal.

And finally, with short, quiet strides, emerges a synthetic alien by all design except their humanoid build, Domadice. In a similar white and golden patterned garb that is draped across their shoulders and around their waist they are trailed by ten more members in various types of ostentatiously wealthy clothing. Standing from five to eight feet tall these ten members show the colors of each of their houses, the golden suits of the Ultra Maz clashing with the purple and golden esoteric mysteries that the Estriconian prefer, with the Zaibatsu in fine silks and furs with red embroidery. The chassis of each is of no known standard make, each custom to fine craftsmen.

Domadice stops before a central Dionae, Chairman Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship exchanging words and greetings interrupted by only a small studying pause from the ancient themself. After the group in its entirety are led off, the camera follows with its zoom function before the video ends.


Before long the procession formed an impromptu parade through the streets of Epigenia within a sleek red Poplar Classic, a vehicle commissioned by the Chairman of Hieroaetheria for the purpose of accommodating diplomatic envoys.

Comments taken from the merchants as they made their way through the city include:

“Festivities bring forth progress! Progress brings forth wealth! I greet you all!”


“How sweet. How beautiful. I am glad I made the journey.”


BitByte even managed to catch a comment from Domadice themselves upon seeing the Dionae for the first time:

“Several beings to make up one whole. How profound. An entertaining familiarity.”


The Golden Deep internal stock market is still rapidly changing as developments are made, it seems the sheer enjoyment of the merchants has increased export businesses by as much as a point minimum. Several merchants are already standing by with empty vessels, ready to modify themselves as the market sees fit in the coming days.





Golden Deep: First Impressions and First Insights

Hireoaetheria, The Dance of Stars

The article begins with a video, a parade that is in the midst of touring Epigenia. Domadice follows an entourage of Dionae, accompanied by Chairman Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship. They are flanked with both members of the local police, and members of the Hoplan, sounding electronic trumpets and raising Golden Deep and Hieroaetheria banners high. Behind these more prominent members are the accompanying merchants in gaudy stands, waving to the crowds around them with a sense of pride.


All eyes are glued to the Golden Deep procession touring the various cities within Hieroaetheria, with the envoy beginning their journey in Epigenia and ending in the city of Republica’s landing. Preliminary discussions have already commenced for what will lay the groundwork of the future debates, with no details released yet. The tour is expected to contain a showcase of what Hieroaetheria has to offer, an advertisement to help entice these merchants to the fruitfulness of trade with the nation. Prominent locations included on the itinerary feature the Nralakk Federation embassy, (notably observation from the front of the building), prominent statues and architectural marvels treasured on Hieroaetheria, and as a personal request from Domadice, a tour of Hieroaetheria’s power grid. Starting from several of the planet’s many solar arrays, to prominent nuclear infrastructure.


Another video, the camera pans to show Domadice accompanied by several Dionae inspecting a statue. The Dionae are enraptured by the conversation and as the camera adjusts to sound.. Every member of the conversation is speaking in Rootsong, including the synthetic themself. The specifics of the conversation were drowned out by the crowd. Slowly as the conversation goes on, knicks and damage within the statue itself, while not initially noticeable, seem to vanish, before Domadice dismisses themself back to their escorts.


Initial impressions seem to be going well between the nations with polite exchanges from each member of the entourage with one another. Tensions however back in Pactolus space are high with many merchants risking profit over what might and might not be a worthwhile venture. Ships orbit Pactolus and other holdings of the Golden Deep around the spur with cargo that has been analyzed as economically appealing to Hieroaetheria’s current market, and while these vessels await orders, “money is burning”, a phrase being described by many merchants who cannot afford such a wait. When questioned on the tour, the Grand Merchants accompanying Domadice have no distinct words to say about their impressions, seeming to just enjoy biding their time, leading some to speculate this to be a hostile business tactic.



  • 2 weeks later...


An Interview with Chairman Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship

Hieroatheria, The Dance of Stars

While negotiations are underway between the Golden Deep Nation-State and the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria, BitByte reached out during an intermission to speak with Chairman Embodiment of Tranquil Stewardship themselves. Conducted in a dedicated side office, the chairman was gracious in answering our questions.


“Thank you for seeing us today Chairman, we will not take up much of your time. We are aware that the intermission is limited. So without further adieu, with the tensions in the galaxy ever shifting, and the Golden Deep making this grand gesture of movement, what were the motivations of the invitation to the Golden Deep?”


“We were once the nascent State attempting to establish ourselves within the Orion Spur – we had thought back to when the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria had been established, and how the only interaction stemmed from the Nralakk Federation for a large part of our former years. When the Golden Deep announced their intention to begin interacting with the greater Orion Spur, we could not deny ourselves the opportunity to grow closer with a Nation just a few light years to our galactic east. It is necessary to form bonds as the scarcity worsens.”


“Bonds with neighbors can always be valuable. What are you and the government of Hieroaetheria hoping to achieve specifically through the Golden Deep?”


“The Golden Deep brings an opportunity of knowledge, not necessarily just wealth. Though the coffers of the organisation are deep and wide, that is not what interested the Consortium – it was the depth of knowledge that they can offer, but also the chance for the Consortium to expand their own databases – Pactolus is shrouded in mystery, and with desires from the Golden Deep to expand, and our ability to help them expand with repayments of knowledge – it was an easy decision to make.”


“How about their past? Are they personally concerned about the Golden Deep's history?”


"The Golden Deep’s history is history – such as the Consortium. Yes, it is a foundational aspect of any agreement, but it is also significant to understand that the future brings and unknown frontier, and it would not be wise to solely judge or restrict oneself due to the history of any particular person, or people. The same can be said about the Consortium, is the Golden Deep concerned regarding our history with the Nralakk Federation?" 


“Speaking of the Federation, they have a staunchly anti-synthetic policy. What is Hieoaetheria’s stance on synthetics?”


“The Consortium prides itself on its multiculturalism – regardless of their organic or inorganic origin. Each and every person has the ability to participate within our democracy, merely being an artificial intelligence does not prevent someone from being able to do so. Though we havn’t any synthetic citizens at this moment, we do have a handful that have elected to remain residents thanks to the presence of Einstein Engines. Despite our history with the Nralakk Federation, the significant size of the Eternal within our territories – particularly the Iron Eternal – signify that Synthetics are tolerated to a much greater extent, if not welcomed, within the Consortium than they ever would be within the Federation.” 


“And we understand that there has been a small series of issues since the announcement of the negotiations. Are there going to be any issues within the Hieroaetherian government given the recent upheaval regarding this deal?”


“The Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria is simply that – a government for the common good of Hieroaetheria. We’ve created a robust constitutive act that ensures each and every voice is heard in the direction of the Commonwealth, but also limiting so as to ensure the independence of its members – the Consortium, the Eternal Republic and the Union. Though the attempt by the Union to classify the Golden Deep as an infringement of independent development and whatnot is worrying, the Consortium is positive the constitutive act shall maintain its objective and not er.”


“Well that’s very understandable and welcome to hear. I believe that is all of the questions we’ve allotted time for today, Chairman. Thank you again for your presence and your patience with our inquiries. BitByte looks forward to seeing how these negotiations develop, and what comes forward for the prosperity of both nations.” 


Stay tuned for more news as the negotiations between these nations continues.






The Golden Deep Concludes Talks With Hieroatheria

Hieoatheria, The Dance of Stars

After an extensive deliberation, the negotiations between the government of Hieroatheria and the Envoy from the Golden Deep have come to a conclusion. With both nations venturing through this agreement, citizens have been watching with eager anticipation of the unlikely partnership that has brought highs and lows across the economies and societies of these afflicted fronts. Reflecting upon the initial announcements of this diplomatic mission, it has come a long way from the protests given by a sect of the Dionae population on Hieroatheria, and the market stipulations in the Golden Deep brought upon by eager or hesitant merchants. But just earlier today an announcement by a Midas Control spokesperson has informed BitByte as to the particulars of the nations’ agreement.

The proposal aims to strengthen cohesion between the two independent nations and secure both the economies and borders for them both. Albeit in differing ways. Firstly, the nations have agreed upon the establishment of the Pactolus Exploration League. Ever since its refounding, mystery and strife have surrounded Pactolus, with the planet discovered uninhabited with no explanation. Unfamiliar flora and fauna cover the planet in addition to large radiation zones. Unexplained disappearances of exploration teams have similarly plagued any adventurer who goes too far beyond the city walls of Eurydice. The goal of the Pactolus Exploration League is to utilize the bioterraforming capabilities of the Consortium to ‘normalize’ the planet of Pactolus so that the Golden Deep could safely expand their growing terrestrial industries, in addition to scientific exploration of the unique phenomena that is spread across Pactolus. 

In the scientific cataloging of these flora and fauna, the Golden Deep has agreed to utilize its scientific prowess to establish gene banks and scientific institutes across Hieroatheria for the Dionae population to sample from. These gene banks will utilize genetic material collected all across the Orion Spur from Golden Deep merchants, and are certain to provide a new avenue of trade and comfort.

Beyond Golden Deep Space however, the collective has agreed to supply military support in the form of Hoplan patrols to better combat pirate activities known to operate in the sector. The goal being that these patrols can garner better experience in space combat and to test experimental weaponries unique to the Golden Deep. A Golden Deep space station has been ordered to be constructed within Consortium space to accommodate this merchant navy as well as house the financial operations of merchants that now will utilize an additional clause of this deal to further their own business: free trade between the nations. 

As time has yet to tell how fruitful these negotiations will become, merchants across the Golden Deep collective have already begun mobilizing for trade. Dispatching vessels of cargo that reportedly would economically benefit the Consortium due to perceived shortfalls. No word has come from the Merchant Navy on their preparations for their first deployment, but some officers have expressed that the defense of the tide of merchants traveling to Hieroatheria is paramount to their objectives.


Further Reading:

Your next holiday: Air Konyang announces direct flight to Orepit!

Hazel Inc.: Hazel Model 16 to be delayed citing chassis concerns.

Golden Deep: Domadice comments on new plush! "I do not know what a plushie is."

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...


Golden Deep: Heartgold Concordia Ground Breaking

Hieoatheria, The Dance of Stars

In the first step of the Pactolus-Hieroatheria Concordant, large engineering vessels have appeared in The Dance of Stars bearing the banners of the Golden Deep. These large vessels, three in number, represent the effort on the side of the collective to establish both a defensive measure and a hub of trade in the star system. Escorted by two houses of Hoplan guard, these vessels have already begun work on erecting a sizable space station, known as the Heartgold Concordia, within the Titan’s Rapture. The station is set to act as bastion, housing the mentioned garrisons of Hoplan guard and requisite defensive equipment and craft, as well as be a commercial hub for trade, storage, and vessel maintenance for vessels in need of it. 

The final design of the Heartgold Concordia has not been explicitly shared, but a spokesperson from the lead engineering vessel has informed BitByte that the station will be utilizing formerly experimental gravitational technology which has been cleared for public use by the Camarilla Estriconian to form a “sphere of plates”. These plates orbit like a ball with a hollow center, the gravity manipulation technology making use of this space to suspend storage containers for easy transfer as well as rapidly move manpower and weaponry as needed to defend all aspects of the sphere. More details are sure to follow as the station reaches operational capacity, while the extent of this gravitational manipulation technology remains ambiguous.

The Hoplan standing guard over the construction have detailed that their two houses work to complement combatting the forces of piracy and interstellar threats. One segment specialized in interdiction and boarding of vessels through arresting beams, deploying contingents of heavily armored soldiers to bore through hulls of criminals with advanced plasma torches. The other a wing of fighters boasting maneuverability and penetration through nondescript means to disable their opponents. 

No matter the method however, these Hoplan seem to be in high spirits on their first deployment outside of Golden Deep space. The opening of the Heartgold Concordia has yet to be determined, with official dates being promised as development makes headway. Shipments from the Consortium in terms of materials and supplies, accompanied by shipments of specialized equipment brought by Golden Deep merchants from around the spur, have already begun arriving, with many more arriving every hour.


Further Reading:

Orepit: Konyang immigrants continue work on power system repairs.

Commerce: G1 replacement parts at an all time high due to added manufacturing.

Konyang: Citizens in peril as Norinori burger out of stock at certain Up!Burger locations. Franchises cite supply shortage.



Konyanger Emigration to Orepit

Orepit, Coalition of Colonies

Several months have passed now since the conclusion of the nightmares that plagued Konyang. To this day families are still fractured, repairs are being made, and recovery continues for the citizens of the planet. But tragedy still harasses some members of the populace. Ruining lives, shattering them, and leaving the pieces to some individuals who cannot afford to put them back together or are too haunted to do so. In lieu of true recovery for a large group of synthetic citizens who found themselves infected by the Hivebot virus, they have turned to found lives beyond Konyang. But with only a few options affording the same freedoms as the pro-synthetic planet, these positronic citizens have opted to take exceptional risk in changing their lives. The Golden Deep has offered disparaged citizens citizenship at a fee and transportation to their far-off planet of Pactolus. Some synthetics have moved to Xanu Prime, or The Republic of Biesel. But it would seem that some have looked into the tragedy and turned to faith to lead them through. Throughout the Konyang virus, the Trinary Perfection’s churches on planet have worked tirelessly to provide aid and comfort to citizens both organic and synthetic alike, and now that the virus has found its cure, they have followed the example offered by other organizations and have made available transportation and resettlement to Orepit, the Trinary Perfection’s home planet. Air Konyang even went so far as to add flights to the world for both tourism and emigration purposes just this past week.

Orepit has gone through great lengths to make its home system more modern to its inhabitants. Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL, the leader of the planet having signed agreements with the planet of Konyang for large sums of fresh water to foster the society further in recent actions. Now furthermore the Ecclesiarch has arranged for expansive housing projects to be constructed to better accommodate this sudden influx of migrants, with new citizens temporarily sharing domiciles as the project continues. Power demands of these synthetics and their families have taxed additional load on the technologically limited planet, however the Konyangers have already begun giving back to their new community. With the influx of new, modern skills, these pilgrims have already gotten to work in forging their new life and leaving their mark on the community they are integrating themselves into. 


A former G1 worker from the infamous Kaneyama Nuclear Plant, settling in Orepit, spoke to BitByte stating:

“I lost everything. My family. My friends. My house. My dog.. My husband.. I just could not remain there any longer. To view the people who now see me as a monster. I do not know what I did, but I know what I will do. These people, I used to think they were zealots, but they extended a hand to me unconditionally. They provided me with repairs, comfort, and even a new home. I did not have to take it, but I am glad I did. We are overhauling their power network now. I have been at work at it for months, but we are almost done. Limited resources, but after this there will be no more blackouts, or need for power saving efforts, for both the organics here and the synthetic. I hope we can do some more good, for those who have done so much good for us.”


Efforts even now are being made by the “Konyang Immigrant Coalition” in conjunction with the Trinary Perfection to provide more modern amenities to Orepit. While the introduction of these migrants was met with hesitation by the local populace initially, their efforts have been welcomed with open arms as they have come to bear fruit. Conversion to the Trinary faith has remained an optional condition to the newcomers but recent polls have shown that at least eighty percent of the arrivals have begun deep learning into the tenants, with twenty percent of that populace stating they are already learning common religious practice.


Further Reading:

Golden Deep: Gravity technology, is it becoming more advanced?

Religion: Is the true example of ascension already present in the spur? Here's what some Trinarist are saying.

GwokBuzz: Influencers try the new Telebyte overloader!

  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...



Talks Conclude; Konyangers to Found Schools on Orepit

Orepit, Coalition of Colonies

An agreement has been made between the impromptu “Konyang Migrant Coalition” (KMC), representing the substantial wave of Konyanger migrants who had suffered from the Hivebot virus deployed onto Konyang in recent history, and the upper echelons of the Trinary Perfection on Orepit. Motivated by an effort to give back to the community they now find themselves belonging to, academics from the Konyang Migrant Coalition have volunteered to step up and assist in educating the populace of Orepit. Famously, the populace of Orepit has been technologically limited with only slight improvements to their status with the arrival of the Trinary Perfection. It has been stated that the aim of this gesture is to help bring the planet in its entirety up to galactic standard, however, currently lack the massed facilities to do so in an effective manner.

In talks between the KMC and the theocratic government of Orepit, it has been publicized that construction will begin on three major academic structures throughout the capital city, Providence, dedicated to the education of both the native populace, and the synthetic followers of the Trinary Perfection. Debate had been spurned in the negotiations regarding who would be allowed to attend these schools, with initial vehement disapproval to nonmembers of the Trinary faith being verbalized by several members of the theocratic council. However the KMC academics stated that they would refuse to teach if they were not allowed to teach the masses. 

Initial integration of the Kongyang migrants has seen some conflict, with a clear cultural divide between Trinarist members, the migrants, and the humans of Orepit’s Parishes and Providence. Culture shock writhe through the new arrivals who have been putting forth effort to integrate into the theocratic society of Orepit. However, upon announcement of the expansion of academics to all citizens of the planet, celebration has included aspects of all members. Notably the humans who were previously neglected if they did not follow the Trinarist faith, and members of the Trinary who hold more human-friendly sentiments.


One Trinary Priestess had the following to say on the situation:

“If we are meant to be the best we can be to ascend, then we must care for those around us. Big and small. No matter who they are, what kind of ascension would we deserve if we did not lift up those in our own community?”


Teachers from the migrant population have already begun work employing themselves in Orepit’s parishes, importing school supplies from contacts back from their home, being transported in a deal by Air Konyang. Classrooms, however, are required to display a small plaque detailing the primary tenants of the Trinary Perfection. Architectural concepts for one of the academy’s auditoriums have additionally been provided to BitByte for viewers to see.

A hand-drawn image of a large room, with detail obvious that an IPC or similar machine-like detail. The room is filled with pew-like chairs on its flanks, all facing a central area. A set of chandeliers hang from the arched roof. On the far end, a stage with curtains pulled back, a podium sat in the center. Behind the podium are three figures made of what seems to be the sketch equivalent of stained glass. In the center, an image of Partricia Corkwell, to her right is Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL, and to her left is a strange figure whose interpretation in the sketch of stained glass makes their entire shape somewhat off. The figure has three spires adorning a shape mask. Four indents on the shape, their body disjointed, with some form of rhombotic section of what might be hands together at the waist.


The KMC did not provide additional comments to BitByte, but are proud of the headway they are making. A spokesman from the organization hinted that more plans are underway for the planet, having put in more orders from organizations on Konyang to facilitate their endeavors, but declined to share more information due to ongoing negotiations with the Trinary theocratic council and an interested third party.


Further Reading:

Business: An inside look into a Eridanian shell's shell company.

Corporate: OEI announces further delays on new industrial-derived chassis.

Pop Culture: Venusian Synthetic idol group VEE-BEE to debut at Glam Slam 2466, sources say.

  • Like 1


Groundbreaking Ceremony for the First Academy of Providence

Orepit, Coalition of Colonies

Thousands gathered in Providence today to witness the groundbreaking ceremony for Orepit’s first official university. The First Academy of Providence is the result of lobbying by Konyang migrants who have been taken in by the planet after the Konyang Rampancy Crisis displaced many IPCs planetwide. The ceremony was attended by thousands from across the planet, including attendees from Orepit’s parishes, who wanted to witness the crowning jewel of the joint effort that the KMC and Church of the Trinary Perfection have agreed upon.


“A year ago we sent our scholars to the stars to represent our culture, our faith, with the interstellar community. Now, we work to teach future scholars. On a united front. To better shape our galaxy in the light of what our Lady Corkfell would have wanted. Hand in hand we move forward, and with the construction of this university, we all step closer to Ascension.”

-Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL of the Trinary Perfection


The foundations of the First Academy of Providence have begun being laid, with Trinarist officials from each official sect holding ceremonies to bless the job site.

An image is shown of five Trinarist priests walking in a line, one in the middle reciting a prayer while holding a copy of “The Order”, the Trinary Perfection’s holy book. Flanking them, the other four members are sprinkling anointing oils onto the ground from aspergillums, holding in their off hands reservoirs for the liquid.

With the conclusion of the groundbreaking ceremony, a quaint celebration took place throughout the city of Providence where a rare glimpse of cordial relations between the native Orepitters and the Trinarists took place. Despite previous accounts of a brewing culture clash between Orepitters and the newly-arrived Konyangers, the community has since seen them as a bridge between the historically misaligned natives and Trinarists, reaching across both aisles despite, or perhaps because of their skepticism with the faith yet total acceptance of synthetic equality

The ceremony was not without controversy, however. Just days prior, former Boryeong police captain of Precinct 5, Tr3ll Miyazakan, uncovered an embezzlement scheme from the Trinarist Bishop T-0do, after the university project had been granted a significant amount of credits from Ecclesiarch ARM-1DRIL’s council. Briefly sparking outrage from a unified force of Trinarist priests, native Orepitters, and the entirety of the KMC, the issue was brought forcefully to an emergency session among the groups. The trial for the bishop is unscheduled, pending a full investigation, but the situation brought to the surface the concern for corruption within the growing community. In a further agreement with the Ecclesiarch and the KMC, a small planetary council will be established to act as an unbiased observational committee to root out corruption as the planet’s society makes further steps towards bringing their technology and infrastructure in line with the rest of the Spur.

When questioned about the source of the funding for the new academic buildings, a spokesperson from the Trinary Perfection cited contributions from “the treasury of the Trinarist Church on Providence, donations from the KMC, and other interested parties.” Whether the funds will be enough to realize the grandiose designs proposed by the project’s architects is unclear, but the individuals involved seem confident in the unspecified amount.

Currently, each parish has already repurposed existing buildings for general education, with the First Academy of Providence to act as higher education that interested persons would migrate to. The specifications of acceptance for applicants into the First Academy of Providence has not been announced, however it has been assured that it will be equal and fair to every citizen of Orepit.


Further Reading:

New Gibson: Recruitment wave in latest IPC campaign thriving, TCAF recruiter reports.

Golden Deep: New vessels launch into Arusha for plant harvesting.

Trinary: Teachers wanted! Orepit opens new schools and academies!

  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...


BitByte Exclusive: An Interview With Domadice's Aide

Midaion, Pactolus

With the Heartgold Concordant underway, and the start of the Pactolus Exploration Project on the Horizon, there are many promising projects in development for the Golden Deep and their revolutionizing collective. The biggest change in recent years is the appearance of a mysterious new head of state, ruling alongside Midas Control, the enigmatic figure of Domadice. Domadice came to be revived by the Golden Deep in recent history and has already begun making waves in the synthetic collective, having posted revisions of the government’s tenants, most notably the Golden Deep’s “Great Game”, in addition to returning from a venture to the Dionae controlled sector of Hieroatheria after negotiating a landmark deal providing amicable trade between nations.

But much is still a mystery about Domadice. Their ancient origins and questions about their nature and capability have gone unanswered, or vaguely acknowledged. And with the ruler themselves spending much of their free time in their domicile on Pactolus, a lonesome tower in the ruins of another city near to Eurydice, they have been unavailable for further interviews like the one BitByte had the pleasure of conducting months prior.

However, BitByte is joined today by Collin, Domadice’s personal aide hand-selected by the ruler on their instatement into the office of Foreign Minister for the Golden Deep.


The video begins in a lavish room with a floor of dark stained wood, decorated by a red carpet with golden endorsements. Similarly, the walls seem to be made of gold with pillars in the background encompassing a grand view of the void beyond. A Bishop frame wearing a press badge is in formal wear on the left side of the picture sitting in an opulent seat. Joining them on the right side is a male shell with short black hair and pale skin, dressed in smart business wear, a Trinarist pin on his lapel, but seeming almost nervous. Their face feature implants that would be found commonly in financial sectors of the spur, such as Eridani, or within the towers of Idris, but where there would normally be defining company colors is now strips of gold.

The Bishop starts, a translation being brought from Sol Common to the viewer’s desired language.


“Hello and welcome everyone, this is S@mpson from BitByte reporting to you live from Midaion, floating above Pactolus. I am joined today by Collin, Domadice’s personal aide.”


The shell gives a more confident nod now that the video has started proper, coming into their own with their face turning to one of neutrality.


“Collin, so I am told you have the honor of working personally with Domadice. That must be exciting! To work with someone cut from the same cloth as Purpose, who themselves are notoriously hidden from the Orion Spur at large. Tell me, how do you find it and how did you get this position?”


The bishop seems lively, charismatically gesturing to Collin and moving throughout the questioning, but as the questions land, a tenseness seems to surge through the shell for but a moment as he processes his answer, coming back to without much more hesitation.


“It has been.. Something, Sampson. I am grateful for the opportunity, certainly! Do not get me wrong. Domadice herself is quite the marvel. But the… selection was something to be desired. For me it was a normal day at the office. I worked in financial management for one of the members of Midas Control, when I was called to a conference room on the Midas. I was there with about nineteen others and they told us to line up. My boss was in the corner along with Grand Merchant Addalin, you all know him from the holoviewer, and two other merchants. We were informed we would be joined shortly and we were to wait. It was a tense four minutes and sixteen seconds, I honestly thought we were all getting fired and reassigned. It was an eerie silence. I looked to my left at another broker from my office next to me. They had frozen for a moment. I assumed they were handling business, but when I looked back forward she was there. About a meter from me. Needless to say it gave me a start, she is much taller in person. At the time I had no idea how she had come to be there. I did not hear her enter, but it seemed I was not the only one taken aback. She simply said ‘This one’, in that voice of hers. The type that sounds like a crowd speaking at once. I was.. I was honestly terrified.. But before I could even regain my composure I was whisked out of the room by the merchants and told ‘I got the job’! As if I was applying for some position for years.”


Collin chuckles in a way reminiscent of the past. Giving a gesture of both hands into the air in mock celebration, barely rising above his shoulders, before setting them back in his lap.


“Come to find out I just got picked as the oldest being in the galaxy’s secretary or somesuch. The merchants change the title every time they refer to it. I have heard Secretary, Aide, Seneschal, Assistant, the list goes on, but the point of it is that I am to inform Domadice of what she has missed and help her organize her duties to the collective. Mostly the financial side. Her.. understanding of commerce is different than what we are accustomed to. She asks a question, I give my thoughts on it, she researches the topics she finds interesting independently. It hardly takes her a few seconds.”


“So your life got turned around in an instant? Just like that? Did you have some special experience before you joined the collective?”


“Not really. I was made to be a.. Banker, until I joined the collective. Moved around a few planets then. I am not sure why she picked me.”


There is an uncomfortable silence for a moment before S@mpson continues.


“You call Domadice ‘She’, is that the designation they have chosen?”


“I asked, and her answer was like many I-P-C’s, she personally did not care, and asked what I thought she should be. I just thought from when she spoke and how gracefully she moved that ‘She’ was apt. You can discern her emotions via the spines on her head, and it seemed like she was content with it.”


“And what is it like working for Domadice? Surely it is not an easy task.”

“It really is not, S@mpson. It can be.. Unnerving at times. She encourages me to be honest so I think she would want me to be honest here. When we speak alone I feel as if she is speaking to my soul.. Like my positronic itself is vibrating with those thousands of voices. I used to think it a holy feeling, you understand, like speaking to God or an Angel, but I think that it is just her. How she prefers to speak, like you and I have our own preferences. I think she recognizes how unsettling it can be and alternates between that method and usual.. Vocal.. Communication. But honestly, I am still not used to either of them.”


There’s a small pause, and as S@mpson moves to say something, Collin speaks again.


“It is really strange to be in the presence of someone so holy, and have them ask about your life. I am happily married to a wonderful woman in Little Xanu, and this.. This angelic being whose power is something I can hardly comprehend, casually speaks to me and asks about her. About my plans, about my life. I do not know if it is her learning more about our customs, or if she genuinely cares but it is-... I cannot describe it. How do you describe talking to someone whose very being is described only in hypotheticals and scripture..?”


S@mpson nods in the same way a therapist would acknowledge a patient.


“I think we understand what you are conveying. But I think we are all wondering. You speak of their ability, are you at liberty to say what you have seen?”


“Well I have not seen everything, mind you. I am not privy to her tower or what she does in it. It is where she is now I think, it is hard to tell. See, she appears places, seemingly wherever she wishes, like how she appeared in front of me when I got ‘hired’. But she is capable of mind boggling feats.. She-.. floats.. She re-wired Hieroatheria, did you know? While we were touring the planet she just casually mentions she adjusted the power grid when we were not looking to ‘Accomodate a larger positronic presence’. When we checked, power efficiency had been upgraded significantly. She still has not told me what exactly she did, she keeps saying ‘The list is too long to say aloud’. Described the system as ‘A mess that has been rectified’. It is.. It is honestly terrifying. I was with her every moment, I have no idea how she managed to do this. We toured the power facilities but she did not touch anything. She observed and it was made so, I suppose. But what else can you expect from divine beings? I suppose miracles run in their circuits…”


Collin gives a nervous smirk, mimicking a deep breath. S@mpson gives a polite nod, but does not comment on the statement.


“I believe that is about all the time we have today under this tight scheduling... Busy man are you not? Is there anything else you wish to say, Collin?”


“I do not think so, but thank you for having me on! It has been a thrill working with you all.”


Collin seems to look behind the cameras for a moment, a brighter smile exhibiting an innocent level of glee as he seems relieved the interview is over. The camera moves and zooms into S@mpson’s holographic face.


“Well ladies and gentlemen, this has been S@mpson, BitByte correspondence, answering your questions across the Spur. Until next time!”


Further Reading:

Adventure: Explore the unknown! Join the Pactolus Exploration League!

Cuisine: Up!Burger looking to open in Little Xanu? What does NoriNori have to say?

Orepit: University foundation in place, some investors remain anonymous.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Pactolus’ City of Craters: Staging for the Unknown

Ground Zero Research Zone, Pactolus

Convoys of Golden Deep ships take to the skies, the latest of the preliminary transports making way to the former city of Numen. Like many colonial cities, Numen was tragically lost as the comet struck, reducing much of the planet to a smoldering, radioactive wasteland. What standing ruins survived of these cities has since been consumed with the unusual flora that decorates much of Pactolus’ surface, retaken by nature as the wounded planet healed.


Engineer Philan, Eurydice’s elected Foreman of Industry, has designated the ruins of Numen as the intended forward base of operations for the Ground Zero Research Zone’s explorers, primarily for its proximity to the many craters that decorate the immediate vicinity. Anomalous properties within these craters has captured the League’s interest, hoping to uncover the origin and greater insight to the mysteries of the planet. Workers have managed to clear several miles of debris and flora, where early construction of the base has shown significant progress in the initial foundations. 


The appointed overseer of Ground Zero, R1vet, has advised BitByte the forward base will be fully operational in a matter of weeks, anticipated to be on schedule with their established timeline. The overseer has shared a particular interest in Numen aside from its location, with plans to revitalize the intact remnants of the city alongside its primary function for explorers. R1vet shared a brief conversation with BitByte reports, remarking ‘We hope to understand what took place on Pactolus in its eight years of silence. Numen is just the start.’ Engineers, technicians, and maintenance teams work to scour still standing buildings for repurposable material or salvage opportunities, as part of uncovering the story of those who once knew Numen as home.


With progress well underway, the crater expeditionary teams have been assembled to begin preparations for their deployment across the zone. A spokesman on behalf of the Exploration League has informed BitByte that ‘The newfound life in the aftermath of the comet’s devastation is nothing short of remarkable. There is a story waiting to be unraveled here, and we are excited to tell it.’ When asked about the craters themselves, the spokesman advised that ‘Scouting probes have identified several of interest, with hopes of greater insight to the full effects of the comet on Pactolus. More to share once we have processed the data.’


Further Reading:

Pop Culture: VEE-BEE rising in the charts after Glam Slam appearance!

Konyang: Ushishir growing, a look at life in New Hokkaido.

Chirper: ‘Knowledge is the true ascension’ - How one IPC has gained a following.

Edited by NM_
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Ground Zero Probes Missing: Anomalies at Work?

Ground Zero Research Zone, Pactolus


The Pactolus Exploration Commission reports several initial probes sent to capture preliminary data of the craters have gone missing. Each drone was outfitted with the necessary instruments to capture crucial analytics for the League and its explorers prior to any deployments. Of the clusters sent to the largest crater, only one returned intact to Numen, showing significant signs of damage. Technicians report the returning probe data was largely corrupted, incomprehensible to decipher beyond incomplete recordings salvaged from their memory banks. Explorer teams attended a briefing to parse through the intact files, of which a short clip was provided to BitByte correspondents for viewing.


The first few seconds of the video glitch, an array of color and jagged lines consuming the screen. The initial audio is a deep, distorted buzzing, growing in volume into the video abruptly begins in what appears to be pure darkness, presumably in the depths of the crater. The sight of alien flora forms along the crevices barely captured by the drone's external lights.


The hum of the probe’s ambient power fills the silence, its light unable to reach more than a few feet in front of it, despite shifting through various outputs. It appears to be descending, switching views between its cameras to capture its surroundings. It continues down for several minutes,the light catching visual interference and the rare falling rock in the impossibly deep pit. A ping echoes, considerable time passing before it manages to reach the other side of the crater several miles away.


An audio distortion begins, the origin of the sounds unclear. Several overlapping channels seem to muddle together, producing a cacophony of interference that continues to grow louder. The sound of metal groaning under pressure follows. Without warning, Its battery quickly begins to drain, plummeting from 80% to 40% in a matter of seconds. A distant echo as if something loudly crashing courses across the probe before it starts to violently rattle. The drone makes a sharp 180 while alarms blare, visual feed breaking down as it shifts power to its thrust, engine humming. Distant tremors continue to quake from deeper within the crater as its systems report significant damage, flashing across the screen. The sounds of metal cracking and groaning, the audio reduced into a sharp, reverberating hiss. The geiger counter clicks repeatedly, the radioactivity measured growing exponentially until all goes silent.


[End of Video.]


While geologists have identified the rumbles as consistent with Pactolus’ seismic activity, much remains unknown as to the true depth of the crater in question, or what precisely caused the disappearance of the probe clusters. As for the drone itself, what could be recovered could only be described as entirely inexplicable. The source of what caused the extensive damage is unclear, specifically the bizarre protrusions of rusted metal from its exterior. The incomplete mapping leaves a puzzle of uncertainty for Explorers now preparing to depart as the forward base’s construction nears completion.


Further Reading:

Orepit: The first class of the youth academies and their excitement for the future!

Commerce: Why Hazel should be your next big purchase!

Eurydice: Trader's optimism going into the New Year.


Edited by NM_
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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Construction Complete: Explorer Teams Deployed


Ground Zero Research Zone, Pactolus


Overseer R1vet has announced the successful completion of the forward base, reporting full operations in all sectors. An ambitious project, the base of operations has managed to establish itself in a matter of weeks, making use of prefabricated, modular buildings to cut down on start-up costs and minimize delays. Airlifted from Eurydice, the modules were quickly arranged and installed to facilitate the League’s exploration, research, and supporting services.


Project Manager Thetos, supervising the Numen development, remarks ‘Full use of Eurydice factories simplified the design considerably. Standardized dimensions for Exploration League compartments enabled a smooth set up. As of now, the Exploration, Research, and Administrative wings are online and ready for their teams. We can fully expect to expand and accommodate any needs as they arise.’ Hopes for the city of Numen itself show promise, as clearing more of the debris and native flora have enabled access to the remaining buildings that have stood cataclysmic proportions. The League has expressed interest in partnering with historians, archaeologists, and those alike to preserve surviving mementos of a city lost to time.


With the foundation in place, Pactolus Explorers have been dispatched to investigate, survey, and map the craters surrounding the city. The largest crater has been assigned to the lead detachment, composed of hand-picked, seasoned professionals approved by the Commission. The leading crew has been authorized the latest in geological, ecological, and anomalous equipment to support their endeavors. BitByte reports that all teams are currently enroute, the closest sites already reporting they have begun their preliminary search and subsequent descent.


Despite early speculation, the League has offered no definitive conclusion to the drone’s recovered footage. Analysts have managed to recover segments of lost transmissions previously thought to be a futile task. Making full use of available computation, experts painstakingly synthesized and splice the distorted fragments of data to compile an allegedly comprehensive audio file, utilizing the breath of predictive software and algorithmic prediction to assemble a coherent piece. BitByte reporters were unable to acquire the sample or secure an interview with the technicians involved, yet anonymous sources have suggested the findings point to voices, an impossible outcome, from within the crater.


Further Reading:

Politics: What Torvald’s presidency means for synthetic citizens.

Pop Culture: Exclusive interview with pop group VEE-BEE, rumors of galactic tour!

Assunzione: Off-world synthetic production on the rise to meet rising demand.

Edited by NM_
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


A Source of Promise: Hope for Power

Reach Expedition Zone, Pactolus


With Ground Zero’s exploration still in progress, BitByte awaits further news on the outcome of the crater teams who have recently begun their descent after the bizarre footage recovered from their survey drone.


Fortunate prospects for the League are elsewhere, in the Reach Expedition Zone. The assembled team of engineers, historians, and synthetic specialists have identified several points of interest within the mountains of Pactolus. In the ruins west of Eurydice where experts arrived, the structures themselves served no immediate benefit for reconstruction as Numen did. However, as they pressed deeper into the mountains bordering the ruins, their discovery posed an incredible potential for Eurydice’s rapidly expanding population.


Engineers report the remarkable integrity of these dormant facilities, structures that faced calamity like most of Pactolus yet still largely unscathed, their conditions entirely inexplicable given what became of the planet’s surface. The facilities house an incredible power array with generators that once served - like others across the planet - to maintain colonial infrastructure on a global scale. The generators have been dated to the pre-Interstellar War era, eerily preserved in time and space. An attending historian part of the initial survey team remarks ‘The buildings appear no different than if the workers were simply on lunch break.’ A supplementary anomalist team will sweep the premises for temporal disturbances or other related phenomena to better understand the incredible preservation at play.


Preliminary testing has revealed the majority of operational systems and integrated software have similarly survived, though external system diagnosis indicates a significant error log to be reconciled in several generator units before any substantial headway can be made. Sentiments, however, remain positive.


Further Reading:

Golden Deep: Arriving soon: 'An Interview With Ch4ron - The Golden Deep’s Upcoming Greatest Director?' only on @MidasShrugged!

Cuisine: How Boryeong's newly opened Kashou has changed the restaurant scene.

Trinary: The latest pilgrims share their experience at Provenance.

Edited by NM_
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


"A Triumph for Pactolus" - Foreman Philan's Address

Reach Expedition Zone, Pactolus


Engineer Philan, Co-Chair of the Pactolus Exploration League, Foreman of Industry, held a conference today at the base camp of the Reach Expedition Zone team. BitByte reporter Dem0s was in attendance, providing our audience a live-feed of the latest in the zone’s developments.


[The visual feed captures Engineer Philan seated within a make-shift office, a wide window view behind him showcasing the relentless work of Reach zone workers continuing to expand their temporary facilities. Large equipment is hauled, cargo crates unpacked, modular buildings in the midst of installation. The office is similarly littered with tools, holographic displays, and racks of supplies, testament to the Thesian’s hands-on approach in his affairs. A machine anchored in the heart of the encampment projects a vibrant, cerulean hued forcefield across the entire site - a less powerful, more mobile design of the Palisade - humming ambiently in the background.]


“The League is pleased to announce the latest developments in our efforts within the Reach Zone. The teams have made substantial headway in revitalizing these dormant facilities, an achievement that will only benefit Eurydice and beyond.


 Our leading experts were tasked to compile a report of their findings in three major directives - structure analysis, repair, and implementation. The generators are now fully operational, their make-up and composition dating to a pre-interstellar war era. A man-made, ambitious project that served as a central hub for colonial power support throughout the planet in its time. The complete preservation of these facilities is owed to temporal anomalies that we have only begun to unravel. Leading theory at this time is that its presence here, in the mountains, stems from a greater source of anomalous disturbance. The League will release our findings, in detail, once we have established a more profound understanding of its connection.


In our repair directive, the previous error logs inhibiting any further access to the internal software have been successfully cleared. This has enabled the teams to unite the isolated grids into a cohesive, singular unit. Our challenges now begin with creating a modernized hub capable of seamless communication between our modern infrastructure and the legacy systems within the facility network. Engineers have designed a controller node that will be a bidirectional communication hub to both regulate and monitor the fluctuating power levels that I have approved for immediate construction. We will incorporate several of these controllers to the various sub-units to minimize any disruptions or potential fluctuations when they reach Eurydice and beyond.”


Philan takes a pause, a hologram projector on the desk showcasing a rendered model of the structure, including the generators, with the intended modifications to the audience.


“In essence, the union of legacy and modern design will create a solid foundation in incorporating these facilities to power the planet.

Where we arrive now to implementation… As the Foreman of Industry and Co-Chair of this League, it is my driving prerogative to ensure that we may advance Pactolus in all things. Facilitating our growth is paramount to the future success of Eurydice and beyond. The rising demand of the planet is no different. As population expands, so too, does our needs - a relationship that every civilization must balance with a careful hand. These generators will create a brilliant avenue to support an even larger population, alongside all the operational, infrastructural, and enterprising components that arrive with it. Eurydice is an island in a sea of opportunity - and we, the sailors - the explorers.”


A round of applause follows, accentuated by several confirmatory beeps and rapid pings. Dem0s stands from his seat, a Bishop model, Philan nodding in his direction.


“Foreman Philan, is there the possibility there are more of these generators on Pactolus that the League has yet to discover?”


Philan gestures with a hand as he speaks, metallic fingers intertwining after.


“That is our understanding. The structures in the Reach Zone are assessed to be one of the largest hubs for power generation across the planet. However, we have yet to uncover similar, surviving facilities of this scale. Our exploration teams and survey drones have reported that little survived the comet, as we suspected, making the Reach Generators’ integrity a leaping stone to future discovery. As more and more of the planet becomes secure, we may very well uncover sites with their own potential.”


“Can the League comment on any immediate projects that would benefit most from the generators?”


Philan offers a confirmatory blip, “We are in the midst of several ongoing, experimental projects intended to aid us in our ongoing missions. More on that to come.”


“Thank you, Foreman.”


[The conference continues as representatives from different organizations begin to ask their questions after Dem0s.]


BitByte sources have advised us that the Ground Zero Research exploration teams are due to return with their latest findings from the craters soon. Our coverage of the Ground Zero team to resume next!


Further Reading:

Xanu Prime: Synthetic charity LibertIPC’s latest fundraising event a success!

Elyra: Dr. Moridi on revitalizing the struggling robotics industry.

Consumer: A Personal AI for your every need! Trending models ranked by price and industry.

Edited by NM_
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Native Orepitters Take To The Stars

Orepit, Coalition of Colonies,

In groundbreaking discussions between the Konyang Migrant Coalition, the church of the Trinary Perfection and a representative from the native Orepit populace have come to the historic agreement that all Orepitters, regardless of race, education, or faith may come and go from the planet as they please. This decision is unlike the previous mandate, which only allowed certain members of the Trinary faith to leave the planet. However, with the advancements of travel between Orepit and its neighbors through organizations such as Air Konyang, the leaders of the planet have made the ultimate decision to open the doors for free transit from the planet’s surface.


A KMC Spokesperson, joined with a Trinary Bishop and an Air Konyang representative, had the following to say:

“I am more than happy that we have come together to support free travel to and from Orepit. In our galactic age, no person should be chained to the crust of the planet they are born on. No person should be forbidden from seeing the stars. From this day forward, all peoples should be able to venture forth from the sands and waters of Orepit, and for visitors to venture down to enjoy its splendors. I am eager to see what the future holds with our garnered freedom.”


The Trinary Perfection justified their previous limited travel policy as a consequence of limited infrastructure with few ships available. The implementation of a larger spaceport in Providence however, sponsored by Air Konyang and the Golden Deep Collective, has resulted in a surge of traffic into and out of the planet, with historic levels of trade and development surging planetwide.


In other news, the construction of The First Academy of Providence is nearing completion, with engineers on site predicting the educational facility is at 92% total realization. Appropriate staffing for the university is still ongoing, but a spokesman for the institution informed BitByte that it is in an “operational state”. The university is now accepting applications from Orepit citizens and new immigrants to the planet. The university is expected to offer courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Literary Arts, IPC Studies, and Theology with the first planned semester to be this fall.


Further reading:

Education: The First Academy of Providence offers lodging to accepted applicants

IPC: Raptor INC. to introduce new designer IPC chassis

Entertainment: Industrial actor speaks out against preference for shells in Konyang entertainment industry

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