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Brainstorming More IPC Components


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Boring Prelude for Boring People:

Right, so like most people who've touched Robotics, I'm absolutely bored by how simple IPC's are to deal with after they've been damaged. A few dents, maybe some burns, and out they go into the world once more. Things only really get spicy when something important, like the micro-battery, has been damaged. IPCs shoot sparks, heat up, and generally look and feel a lot more damaged when that happens. When their positronic has been scuffed, there's a lot more pressure to get the machine fixed, or to at least salvage the positronic. But, this rarely happens. Generally, IPC's just get smashed to bits, since that's realistically one of the only ways to stop one, putting aside fire and EMP, due to the lack of critical states. So, once more, we're back to just ripping out the positronic, or patching the dents and burnt wires before sending our robro back on their merry way.

So, I've been thinking: why not add some new ways for them to be damaged, through the component system? Admittedly, this would take coding and spriting work that I'm frankly not capable of, and lack the time to figure out. I'm also going to admit I have no idea how hard to implement any of these are. So, I'm tossing what my idle brainstorming has come up with into the open. Maybe someone will pick up some of it, all of it, none of it. It should also be noted that since these are just brainstorming, I haven't thought much about balance. The idea behind most of these is just to make being injured as an IPC and fighting one more interesting.

Last thing: this is mostly to get them more on par with their organic crew mates, since I took some inspiration from the organ system. I tossed out any ideas that were basically "organ, but metal," to help IPC's keep their mechanical feel.

Raw Component Ideas:


Micro-Coolant Pump: If damaged, new higher temp equilibrium, with minor being warm (near danger for shells), moderate being near danger (HOT for Shells), and severe being HOT for all synths. Destroyed would basically be the same as being in a vacuum environment for a baseline. Could be located in either lower or upper body, depending on how vulnerable you want IPCs to be to chest destruction, since their micro-battery is already in the chest too.

Motor Control Cluster: If damaged moderately or more, similar effect to being drunk on movement, minor damage might cause random item drops or add a percentage modifier to completing tasks. Located in Lower Body

Vocalization Simulator: Basically synthetic vocal chords, causing muteness when destroyed, or could behave like damaged borgs and scramble speech slightly, with severity depending on damage. Located in the Head.

Then, just a random IPC-specific aug, because why not:

Vocalization Centre: Enables the user to change their accent at will, but if damaged, will randomly assign a new accent every so often. Given its potential use, probably a 2-3 point cost.

Right, thats yer glimpse into my thought processes. Use, discuss, or ignore as much as you want.

16 minutes ago, Pedantic said:

Raw Component Ideas:

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Micro-Coolant Pump: If damaged, new higher temp equilibrium, with minor being warm (near danger for shells), moderate being near danger (HOT for Shells), and severe being HOT for all synths. Destroyed would basically be the same as being in a vacuum environment for a baseline. Could be located in either lower or upper body, depending on how vulnerable you want IPCs to be to chest destruction, since their micro-battery is already in the chest too.

Motor Control Cluster: If damaged moderately or more, similar effect to being drunk on movement, minor damage might cause random item drops or add a percentage modifier to completing tasks. Located in Lower Body

Vocalization Simulator: Basically synthetic vocal chords, causing muteness when destroyed, or could behave like damaged borgs and scramble speech slightly, with severity depending on damage. Located in the Head.

Then, just a random IPC-specific aug, because why not:

Vocalization Centre: Enables the user to change their accent at will, but if damaged, will randomly assign a new accent every so often. Given its potential use, probably a 2-3 point cost.

Right, thats yer glimpse into my thought processes. Use, discuss, or ignore as much as you want.

I adore all of these!
I use a custom-made head augment and am interpreting it as a social module to help my IPC develop its social skills with the much more unpredictable crewmembers.
Massive +1, especially for the Vocalization Simulator (which I would rename into Voice Synthesizer)


High Speed Gyroscope:

An ancient piece of technology required to keep any synthetic upright. Located in the center oft its movement mechanism (read lower body).

If damaged it would make one stumble over their own feet from time to time.


Thought of another one: Charge Management System. If damaged increases charge use for all actions, reducing the overall life of the battery. Doesn't affect recharge rate, could be lower or upper.

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