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BYOND Key: LocoTokyoFunBus

Character Names:
Xioshi Koxi - Janitor

Fred Lazaar - Visitor

Kiu’Isiq Liq - Surgeon

Species you are applying to play: Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A smidge darker than the typical Hharar Taupe coloration

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I think the conflict between the three major Tajara factions is really cool, and provides a lot of ample material for making characters that have very interesting relationships with things like war, systems of government, etc. The lore is very developed, and it’s given me a few ideas for characters that I think could bring about some interesting on-station interactions.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: 

They’re hot all the time, run faster, can see in dark places, scratch instead of punching. With regards to roleplaying, a big part of what makes them unique as a species is their sub races, historical relationship with very stratified systems of government, plethora of languages, and three major factions. The Tajara are pretty unique in that they have all of these different forms of intra-species discrimination they do. While races like Vaurca and Unathi could be argued to have similar structures of hierarchy, the amount of variables that go into a Tajara character’s sense of identity is part of what makes them stand out from the rest to me.


Character Name: Fyodorov Mee’rra - Pharmacist

Please provide a short backstory for this character.

Fyodorrov Mee’rra was born in District 6, in the winter of 2437, the only son of a nurse-midwife and mining foreman. Both of his parents were formerly from rural parts of Adhomai, which were “liberated” from Noble rule during the first revolution by what is now the PRA. Having experienced the violent social upheaval and collectivization of local industry first hand, the Mee’rras left the planet to work for Nanotrasen in human space 1 year after the PRA’s creation in 2433. 

The financial struggles of living in Mendell City left Fyodorrov’s parents working almost constantly, but having moved with the rest of the first wave of Tajara immigrants enabled them to draw from a support system of former wet nurses, elders, and religious leaders from villages across the planet to help care for their child. Fyodorrov’s upbringing was exemplary of the “It takes a village” mentality towards child rearing, and his experiences here would later go on to influence his fervent support of the PRA, with its emphasis on the collective. Regardless, belonging to a family system of mostly busy, working class Tajara meant that he was alone most of the time, and he used this solitude very productively.

He rapidly picked up the hard sciences, literature, and philosophy from an early age, and found himself skipping grades and testing out of classes frequently, until he found himself applying for master’s degree programs when some of his peers still hadn’t graduated secondary school. Though he attended the Biesel Institute for his master’s in pharmacology, he spent much of his undergraduate degree studying ancient human history and philosophy, and developed a fixation on Egyptology. Fyodorov graduated from the Biesel institute at the age of 20.

After having successfully applied for PRA citizenship, he spent the next 5 years of his life volunteering on Adhomai as part of a humanitarian aid effort to uplift and modernize villages in what was now PRA territory. He was the director of a small, mostly outdoor provisional medical facility in the village of Me’erthrrava, which was a temporary measure to provide modern medicine to the rural public until it became within the interest of the PRA bureaucrats to industrialize the area more thoroughly. Fyodorov saw the village progress from a backwater of poor literacy, high childbirth mortality for mothers, and borderline famine to a respectable settlement with a unique economic export: Earth winter greens. 

Fyodorov’s experiences here nourished his faith in Hadiism to an almost radical degree, and he remains a fervent PRA patriot to this day. To him, the PRA is the sole Tajara nation interested in the progression and growth of the species, and he believes that under the PRA government, the Tajara will eventually grow a galactic presence that not only rivals that of humanity, but will eventually replace it as the dominant power in the Orion Spur. The ancient Egyptian’s mystical fixation on cats, to Fyodorov, is clearly a premonition of this inevitable reality. Similarly, he sees the practice of mummification as a kind of inept, superstitious attempt at prolonging the life and influence of the pharaoh for as long as possible, and spends much of his free time researching life support technology and privately developing his philosophy of “Biological Hadiism”. This ideology holds that the Hadii line must be preserved as much as possible through life extension technology, or possibly even made immortal, and that this is critical to the success of the Tajara as a species.

Fyodorov is currently back living in District 6, privately developing his philosophy away from the scrutiny of lower party officials who, to him, don’t have the intellect or vision to see the merit in his ideas. Through a gradual process of politicking, Fyodorov intends to eventually present his fully-formed strain of Hadiist ideology to party intellectuals, and hopefully garner some position for himself with the state. Until then, he enjoys a comfortable existence in Little Adhomai living with his now retired parents, and remains an active, if somewhat introverted and awkward, member of the community.


What do you like about this character?

I feel like a lot of the Tajara characters I see on Aurora are generally jaded exmilitary types, who have become disillusioned with war and have a more “live and let live” perspective on Adhomai’s politics. I like that Fyodorov lacks that perspective, having led a much more sheltered and comfortable life, and I think his prickly, jingoistic personality could make for some interesting interactions with other characters who have a more sober understanding of things.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

10/10. A roleplaying god.


The backstory is interesting and has a great spin on the born off-world Tajara archetype. Some small questions so I can have a better grasp on the character's motivations and ideas.

How does Fyodorov sees the DPRA and the NKA?

Why exactly did he go to Adhomai as a volunteer? What were his motivations to do that?

2 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

How does Fyodorov sees the DPRA and the NKA?

Fyodorov being born in Mendell City has shaped his view of his own species as one that is doomed to be an oppressed minority group under the heel of SCC megacorporations if they don't industrialize quickly. The entire enterprise of Tajara politics is a race against time to make sure that Tajara aren't made to be low level NT employees for the rest of their species' existence, and he sees both the DPRA and the NKA as counterproductive forms of factionalism, that are both working against the unity of the Tajara as a species. The PRA is the dominant political entity on Adhomai, and was the only government on Adhomai not too long ago, so why stop them from running things in the name of short-sighted values like personal freedom, the caste system, etc? None of this will matter if they let Humans and Skrell continue to ruin their species civilizations through their "benevolent" interventionism anyway. 

Aside from politics there are some qualities he likes and dislikes about people from either group, although these prejudices are much less strong than his political opinions. His experiences on Adhomai have led him to believe that things like the caste system, and all forms of traditional religion are regressive, and he tends to see people from the NKA who hold those values strongly in a poor light. While he likes to pretend like he's a good, conformist member of the PRA, he found some of the people there pretty dull. He tends to relate to the more free-thinking, middle and working class members of the DPRA more than he would care to admit. While he will defend the PRA's actions tooth and nail in essays, debate, etc, Fyodorov sees the expectations of the PRA for its citizens to conform to its monolithic culture as a depressing reality, and it's one that he doesn't like to consciously think about.

45 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Why exactly did he go to Adhomai as a volunteer? What were his motivations to do that?

Mostly out of a desire to experience the planet that everyone in his community talked about, after having spent 20 years in Mendell listening to other, older members of the community describe it in such a vivid and enticing way. There probably would have been a few times on Biesel where he would have thought to himself something like, "I'm writing all of this stuff about the PRA for school... But I've never actually been there. Could I be wrong about this? Maybe." He would have also gone out of a sense of duty to contribute to the technological catching-up of the Tajara that he sees as critically important. 

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