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[Accepted] Equairio - Unathi Application

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Character Names:

-Ada Kimura, Pharmacist

-Melannie-Celeste Risette, Pharmacist

-Ka'Akaix'Kiiix C'thur, Pharmacist

-Sylvia Oswald, First Responder

-Nadia Rana, Chief Medical Officer

-Lorelei Latel, Head of Personnel

-Cradling A Dwindling Light Amidst Whispering Shadows, Chef

-Curiosities Buried Beneath Blood-soaked Sands, Anomalist

-Lone Lights In The Path Of An Eternal Quest, Engineering apprentice


Species you are applying to play:



What color do you plan on making your first alien character: 

Dark Greyish colour.


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:



Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I recently made a dionae wastelander, and therefore read up on unathi lore, and it is much more interesting than I initially thought. I'd like to expand on my options and I think playing an Unathi would be really enjoyable.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

The Unathi are way more spiritual, having two primary religions, the Th’akh and Sk’akh. They also still have the traditional gender roles, with the women and the men each having their own Matriarch/Warrior codes. And of course honour plays a big part, as well.

The environment the Unathi live in is, of course, really different. After the contact war, a large portion of Moghes turned into a wasteland with only a few areas (the untouched lands and oasis) remaining unharmed. Making survival for the Unathi in the wasteland much more difficult. 


Character Name:

Zhisra Kha’alzri


Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Zhisra Kha’alzri was born in the year of 2435, to a noble warrior clan. When the Contact War broke out in 2437, many of the men never returned from the war to their homes, and the Queendom established itself as the dominant entity in this region of the wasteland, reversing the gender roles. The Kha’alzri clan, especially the men, strongly disagreed with the queen’s decision, as they are highly traditional and believe women unable to occupy the roles of men. Because they openly disobeyed the queen’s wishes, a portion of the clan, including Zhisra’s parents, were exiled as Guwans. Zhirsra was given to the care of her aunt, the new face of the Kha’alzri clan, who began attempts to rekindle the honour of the Kha’alzri as a noble warrior clan.

At the age of 6, Zhisra began education. She directly studied under a queendom shaman, who taught her about the Th’akh religion. Her own clan taught her accent training as well as calligraphy. Then later at the age of 10, she began martial training under the wing of her aunt. She was taught to fight with various weapons, such as spears, maces and swords. As well as several motor skills, such as swimming and running long distances.

Among the other children she was often teased and heard remarks about her dishonourable parents. She would often get into fights with the other younger members of her clan. Her aunt often lectured her about her parent’s actions, and how Zhisra would have to make up for it by being extra honourable. She made sure to keep her away from the public eye as much as possible, as she wanted to erase the dishonourable past of the clan, and Zhisra’s parent’s disobedience. All of this upset Zhisra who felt left out of her clan and punished for the actions she had no part in.

At age 16, her aunt decided she didn’t want Zhisra to further remind the clan of its dishonourable past, and sent her to Biesel, where she would collect income for the clan. At first this disappointed Zhistra, but she understood that her aunt is working in the clan’s best interests and is trying to return the clan’s honour. Although she wouldn’t openly express that she is disappointed and upset about the change.

 In order to gain her Biesel citizenship, Zhisra joined the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, where she decided to stay for an additional four years. Becoming tired of working in the Foreign Legion and the inactivity of it, she would instead join the Mendell City Police Department for 5 years, until she received a better offer from NanoTrasen to work aboard the NSS Aurora’s security department as a security officer. 


What do you like about this character?

I look forward to developing and role playing this character, as I find it really cool that she is trying to bring back honour to her clan after her family was disloyal to the queen. 


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I believe most of my characters have been well-made, and while my roleplay could use improvement I’d still like to give myself a 7/10.




Edited by Haydizzle

After some discussion with the team:

Kha'alzri appears to have a deep care for her clan. Does she ever wish to return to them? Do you have this as a potential end goal for the character?

Queendom Unathi, besides Aut'akh and Guwan, have it worst on station, for the most part. It is a jarring change IC, and the Queendom is looked down on for its views. Do you think Kha'alzri would get into scraps or fights about this, should anyone be provocative enough?

Th'akh is a very open-ended religion. Do you have any ideas for Kha'alzri's own ideas about it, such as unique spirits she pays tribute to, any rituals or prayers she has?


Hello, thank you for your response. 

31 minutes ago, Haydizzle said:

Kha'alzri appears to have a deep care for her clan. Does she ever wish to return to them? Do you have this as a potential end goal for the character?

She definitely wants to return to her clan once she has build up honour and prestige. After serving as an officer, she may eventually push to be promoted to Head of Security which is a more prestigious role. After being a HoS for a while, she may then return to her clan. OOC-wise, I plan on playing her as officer for quite a while, then as a HoS and after being a HoS for some time she will return to her clan and I'll find a new character to play.

31 minutes ago, Haydizzle said:

Queendom Unathi, besides Aut'akh and Guwan, have it worst on station, for the most part. It is a jarring change IC, and the Queendom is looked down on for its views. Do you think Kha'alzri would get into scraps or fights about this, should anyone be provocative enough?

She recognises that she'd be the odd one out, but that doesn't mean she won't defend her values. If someone's deliberately trying to start a fight, then, given she's an officer, she'd be in a position to stop that. If another Unathi officer is trying to start a fight, then she may defend herself verbally but not physically (unless they physically attack her, of course) 

32 minutes ago, Haydizzle said:

Th'akh is a very open-ended religion. Do you have any ideas for Kha'alzri's own ideas about it, such as unique spirits she pays tribute to, any rituals or prayers she has?

The founder of her clan died in a battle hundreds of years ago, and the son was granted land, which is how they became nobles. The founder, due to his great performance in the battle, was said to have become a zo'zyola. Given this ancestor dates back to so long ago, their identity is unknown. Now that the clan lies in the queendom, some of the clan have become re-telling the story as the warrior being a female warrior in an army of male Unathi. The clan ritually offer gifts and call upon this zo'zyola to aid them in current time. The founder's sword shattered, and the fragments were recovered. Each fragment now makes up a pendant, with significant members of the clan owning one. Zhisra owns one as well, which she wears. 



My team and I enjoy your application and answers to your questions! Application accepted. Please reach out to my deputies and I on Discord if you have any questions or concerns.

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