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[Accepted] WhatsUpBrotendo's Vaurca Whitelist App

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BYOND Key: WhatsUpBrotendo

Character Names: Yeqol Xusha, Ame’kaz Szek’hakh, Ozan Mak’draz, Dayo Abioye

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB 11, 21, 0 Athvur’s brood/Zo’ra

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:


Vaurca have an interesting backstory in that they’re not from the Spur, and are truly alien when compared to other species. From being a eusocial species to their use of VR and augmentations, I think playing as a Vaurca will allow me to experience a unique playstyle. 

Playing with C’thur and K’lax as either my Skrell or Unathi characters has been an enjoyable experience. There’s common background there despite them being different species, which makes for more varied interactions, and I’d like to experience those interactions from the Vaurca perspective.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

For Vaurca, the hive and their queens are important, and they’re unwaveringly loyal to both. This is a powerful motivator for a Vaurca character and would have serious effects on how they react to situations on the station. Vaurca are also heavily discriminated against, both by their employers through exploitative contracts and wages, and by other species due to the fallout caused by the Lii’dra. For unbound Vaurca in particular, being outside of VR is distressing as they’re more sensitive to the concerns of the real world like hunger which was a non-issue for them while in virtual reality. In contrast, bound Vaurca are more like station bounds; having no real personality or desires other than to do the task they’ve been given.


Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Kog Zo’ra


Please provide a short backstory for this character

Kog is an unbound Zo’ra worker of Athvur’s brood, born in 2459. While in VR, Kog intently listened to the teachings of the Xakat’kl’atan Fiil, and taking after Athvur, became enamoured with humanity’s culture, art, and lifestyle. This fascination with humanity can be seen in their work, where they attempt to build their engineering projects in human-inspired styles. Still quite young and without much time spent in VR, Kog wanted to experience humanity outside of the idyllic landscape of Athvur’s VR realm. Seeing the real world as an opportunity to expand their knowledge of humanity more than what the VR library could offer. Currently, they are an engineering apprentice aboard the NSS Aurora, where they’re hoping the diversity of the crew will also allow Kog to learn about the various human cultures in the Spur.

Kog was already aware of the discrimination Vaurca face in the real world, and was made even more aware of it when they first came out of VR; with many of their colleagues either being disinterested in interacting with them, or showing distrust towards Kog. Kog realises that the other races are diverse, and that it would be wrong to let this interaction negatively impact their views on non-Vaurca as a whole.

Kog is one of Athvurs worker-artists, and uses their knowledge to create aesthetic works of engineering, sometimes even creating small art pieces or displays where allowed. Their art style and building techniques take heavy inspiration from well-known human architects and artists of the current century.  Since Kog is a member of the Athvurs brood, they dress in a unique blend of Vaurca and human fashion, often tacking on various accessories to their work clothes, or attaching things such as glasses, or ear and nose rings to their expression mask.

Kog follows the modern Hive Pantheon, and has a particular focus on Queens that have a more diplomatic or gregarious nature, such as Athvur Zo’ra for their attempts to integrate Vaurca into human society, Vytel C’thur due to their history in inter-hive politics, and High Queen Vaur Zo’ra for her diplomacy with humanity since the species arrival to the Spur. This amplifies their already strong aversion to conflict, and has made them more willing to attempt diplomacy with their coworkers when there are tensions rather than avoiding them. It’s also had a marked effect on their views on the other hives; they tend to be less hostile towards those from the C’thur or K’lax, but can sometimes still let tensions get the better of them.


What do you like about this character?

I like characters that have a more artsy side to them, and Athvurs brood allows me to create a character where art is the main focus of their personality. I also like the idea of playing a character that although heavily discriminated against by humanity, still appreciates their culture and art.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Good, not great. I try my best.




I love the name Kog for an engineer bugge! That's so perfect honestly. I personally know that Brotendo would do amazing as bug as they just, excel at every character ive seen them make. They are an amazing role player and I would love to see them join bugg squad.

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