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Gangstafary's Command whitelist app.

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BYOND key: Gangstafary

Character names: Fatima Tadhhab, Kayne Mason, August Holloway, Friedrich Atkins, Kalima Ndongo and lastly Theodore Leopoldshohe.

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since about 2018.
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?I got a ticket with Kayne Mason at the very beginning of my stay in the server. Can't find it anymore so I think it might have expired.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

I think that the purpose of a head of staff role is primarily to make the round engaging, setting some goals and expectations to achieve and to maintain a constant pace that keeps the whole department engaged. This sounds idealistic for sure, and more so considering the chaos that typically ensues in a round, yet I think that at least a good head of staff should try to give some initial guidelines to their crew, be easily reachable for questions and doubts, be proactive and willing to engage with the work in a short-staffed shift as well as being a helping hand to those new to the role or actively in the learning role. A head of staff's OOC goal should also be to keep an eye on those roles in their department that may be less mechanics-dependant and hence may be struggling getting their special gimmick rolling or getting enough interaction and roleplay.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

I consider that a head of staff have both ICly and OOCly added responsibilities tied to their position; One has to abide to their superior responsibility as a character IC but also can't plainly ignore them from an OOC perspective given the roleplay standard that is sought in this server. Also it is remarkable how whitelisted players should try to uphold this aforementioned roleplay standard up to what is expected from someone that got the green light through an application process. With the ability to play a head of staff role comes to responsibility of being a good roleplayer and staying in character at all times. There also comes the assumed fact that your character is, to what would be a reasonable extent, knowledgeable of the fields that comprise their department and the extensions this department has in other departments, logistically, etc.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
The recent events at Tau Ceti may have been more convulsing than ever, with an entire planet being obliterated behind obscure plots by megacorporations and previous hegemons being now reduced to ashes, with new superpowers resulting from the merge of the big five exerting a monopoly never seen before in the Orion Spur. The character I intend to play as a staff position, Fatima Tadhhab, is quite concerned with the recent events, and the now seemingly calm times after such an storm gives her a relief, yet as a Scarab she still feels this issues to be of a foreign matter and not really concerning to her and her kin. She still resides in somewhat modest appartments, sending most of her wages to her fleet back at the Frontier, and although maybe being slowly assimilated into the main dominant culture, she still cares mainly about the news happening around home, the Coalition of Colonies and lives her personal life in diaspora.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
Research Director. Maybe after I burn that role enough I'll try Captain if some good character idea pops up.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Yes, also with the standard procedure and Corporate regulations.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Fatima Tadhhab, currently Roboticist, will be played as Research Director.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yes I fully understand this.

Extra notes:
Nothing else to add here from my side. After quite some time playing here, with big breaks inbetween so as to refresh my enjoyment of SS13 I have decided I may be ready to try and get my first app. I thought a Command position would be a nice one to start with.

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