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[Denied]Satin/Ben's CCIA Application (Relic from the Past)

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information

Byond key: Ben Aflek's an OK Actor
Character names: Well, this is a long list...

  • Calanthia Demos
  • Poppy Wolfe
  • Borealis
  • Silas Saint Yves
  • Asclepius
  • Carolina Depthcharge
  • Kaiqi Xilqi
  • Cordia Caladius
  • Azizel Volvalaad

Age: 30
Timezone: CST
What times are you most available?: 8am CST-11pm CST



  1. How long have you played SS13?: Since 2012
  2. How long have you played on Aurora?: Four years? I think Four years is right.
  3. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Quite a bit, to be honest. Sometimes my server play can be a few days in between, but I always check the Discord and Forums.
  4. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:  Never been banned.
  5. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: OH. HAHA Well, YES. I was a Host for a ss13 server. I was a Game Master for Hypatia station. I did a Trial Mod for Aurora.
  6. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: More than I'd like to admit. I created... CCIA. Not Aurora's, mind you, but Hypatia's, and if memory servers, that one came before Aurora's. CCIA was born from a desperate need to bridge the gap in OOC punishment and IC punishment for HRP servers.



  1. Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Honestly, I miss it. I was digging through my old Google Doc's regarding CCIA and it reminded me just how much I enjoyed it.
  2. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: A little (lot) of humanity goes a long way. ICly you need a character that'll listen and judge fairly, but OOCly you ALSO need to think "Shit, this is someones character they've put a LOT of time in to." It's important to put yourself in their shoes.
  3. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?:  Answer faxes, primarily if they aren't A)In The Antag gimmick or B)On Station doing interviews. Now, the fax part is a lot more important than we play it out to be. Your fax needs to make SENSE for the situation, but also ultimately put most of the power back into the players hands. The gimmick shouldn't be shut down because Big Daddy Central put their foot down. Some gimmicks are hard to give a work-around. If it's a ling, you do sorta have to control that "outbreak" of whatever the crew's calling it (A virus, Xenobiology gone wrong, etc etc). If it's mercs, or wizard... Ultimately your response is to just reassure Command they have this, and to light the beacon if needed. CCIA shouldn't be used as a crutch of power, but more as a reassurance to the RP.
  4. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: This is where CCIA shines. They handle the trickier HR complaints one finds while browsing the darker parts of this forum at 3am. They more or less make sure complaints that don't get handled on Aurora, do get seen to in a reasonable and timely bureaucratic manner.
  5. How do you handle stress?: Extremely well. I'm a mom of 2. Stress is just my middle name, and I own it like a boss babe.
  6. How well do you work autonomously?:Better than I think I do. I always want a rigid structure, but once that's in place, I'm a lone wolf working like a well oiled machine.

Additional Notes:

Edited by The lancer

Thank you for applying.

However, I won't be accepting this because I feel you've only recently returned after a long hiatus and I would like members who I can trust they can be more or less active in the long term.

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