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"Chief Security Officer" is not a good title.

Faye <3

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Per https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13650, there was apparently a maintainer decision to change "Head of Security" into "Chief Security Officer". CSO is a terrible, terrible title. It sounds like a middle management, or second-in-command role. Chief of Security is vastly superior, and if not, then I'd rather the title not be changed at all as CSO is much worse. It does not sound like the head of the department at all.


I work for the real life Central Statistics Office and the abbreviation CSO is already pain.

In all seriousness though, yeah. Chief of Security is a vastly better name in all respects. Chief Security Officer sounds like they're the Chief Officer on shift, like a Sergeant above officers or a captain above cops etc, not the actual top dog of security. Hence why they don't call the Chief of Police the Chief Police Officer. The Chief is in charge of all security, including the warden and investigators who are not officers but are security, so Chief of Security is vastly more appropriate.


Chief Security Officer has a much different vibe that doesn't really fit the role as well as "Chief of Security". As far as I remember, too, the dress regulation and expectations of the HoS is different from an Officer's. You can dress in business casual and are essentially a management role, which "Chief of Security" conveys well, where as "Chief Security Officer" assumes that you operate the same as an Officer does, but just also being in charge.

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