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Dekser becomes a big square stationbound [AI whitelist]

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BYOND key: Dekser
Discord name/id: Dekser#5511
Borg / AI names: S.M.I (Android)
Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yup, twice.
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I used to play a lot of AI back before it was whitelisted and before my synthban but since both of those events, I haven't played them for several months, generally out of fear of messing it up again. It was only until recently that I started messing around medical and engineering modules. It's some of the most fun that I've had on Aurora in a damn few months. I'm confident that I wont make the same mistakes that I made back in my shitter days on Aurora. For more of a reason why I want to play AI, I've noticed that since its whitelisting, it has become very rarely played on low to med population, I want to try and boost that pop, especially considering how much influence the AI has on the round and if done right, how little influence can make the round a lot more interesting.

Have you received any administrative actions?: A few, my last warning was in late 2021 but the one before that was all the way back in mid 2020. I have only been temporarily server banned once in early 2021. I've gone about 6 months without any notes or warnings.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes.

Edited by DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun
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