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Staff Complaint - ReadThisNamePlz (Cancelled)

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Sputnik5927
Staff BYOND Key: ReadThisNamePlz
Game ID: I was unable to save the logs properly, so the Game ID was lost. The round was about seventeen hours ago, at the time of writing.

Reason for complaint: Contesting the decision to strip my AI Whitelist following a round of mercenary. This appears to have been done either out of a misunderstanding during our conversation, or based on a false assumption. I was accused of validhunting, but I did not do that.


The misunderstanding being the answer to "whats up with you being so security heavy?" - where I mentioned that my AI personality was "ship security-focused" - what is meant by this, is that I used the command and security radio channels frequently. This is mostly a symptom of the fact that medical, engineering and other departments didn't get much to do during rounds like this mercenary one, but whatever. My AI personality was concerned with crew and vessel safety. I advised, inquired and talked to these departments alot. This does *not* mean "validhunting securitron".

As for the round in question, I did not in fact follow around the mercs with the camera. I said I was going to "supervise our visitors" to the bridge crewman, because I was present earlier at the docks, in person (hologram) and witnessed the merc behaviour. They were already behaving in a confrontational manner and were to be escorted by security during their inspection. My watching them occasionally on cameras made literally no difference at all, save for me getting to witness the happenings of the round, given they were in the presence of security.

They confiscated a grenade crate from the pharmacy, which was brought up and talked about in the command channel.

[19:35] [Command] Mako Wu (Chief Medical Officer (SCC)) says, "Just letting you know they're confiscating our grenade crate."

It was also clearly, publicly said that they will be confiscating things. When I looked over at the left-behind-the-bar-area, I witnessed them (to the best of my memory, in the presence of a security officer?) opening their stolen grenade crate, showing the bar shotgun, which was therefore missing. I noted that they were confiscating our weapons over the command radio, which is not exactly validhunting... Considering that they already confiscated the grenade crate, most likely with the reasoning that it's weapons. I did not use the word "steal", I used "confiscate", implying that this is part of the normal procedure, which it apparently was. I did advise at one point, however, that we should "draw a line" to make our boundaries clear. Am I not allowed to at least advise such a passive action?

Another part I want to note is that two of the mercenaries, in the security lobby, with my hologram standing right next to them, decided to start discussing in plain Elyran how they are armed with "wads of C4" and are ready to "bunker bust"

Holopad received, PO3. Pelin Akyurek says, "Brought so much shit with me. I'm prepped for bunker busting with wads of C4."

I mentioned this to Security. They were in the middle of the security lobby, with Security members already present, with my hologram standing right next to them. It was their decision to start discussing their battle plan in front of an activated holopad and with Security all around them. I was being little more than a translator at the time. It would've been almost comical to not mention this, and I was actually concerned I would get in trouble if I didn't. They did not whisper, they did not make any effort to hide it.

Even then, I softened the blow of this, honestly, necessary mention.

[20:13] [Security] T-0 (AI) states, "Possibly humorous in nature."


Later on, they got in a shootout with Security.


[20:20] [Security] Mara-Lucius Volvalaad (Head of Security (SCC)) says, "They are actively incurring into the brig."

I then recommended raising the security level, because the brig is under attack and the level was not raised yet. I did not constantly spy on the mercenaries, I did not bolt or electrify any doors the entire round, I didn't even open or close any doors, save for one opening of a door when security was escorting the Elyrans in their inspection.


Yes, I have been talked to as AI before, and I did not repeat those mistakes. I took them to heart and I made 100% sure this round that I did everything by the book. Getting acknowledgements, requesting orders, waiting for authorization to do as little as say something to the Elyrans, etcetera and etcetera. I don't play AI to validhunt, because it's not fun. I want my Whitelist back because I was enjoying playing T-0 and I was beginning to develop him into a real character. I don't want to make a huge forum thread out of this, but I do think this was an unfair removal. Especially the part where you said you wouldn't hear me out anymore, because I am pretty sure I could have resolved it in-round if you had given me the chance to make my case. What you said basically told me, you're shutting me out, bye.


While it is my responsibility to ensure that gimmicks don't just die by my theoretically all-seeing eye, it is not my responsibility to be ignorant to blatantly suspicious behaviour two hours into the round, in the middle of the security lobby, in a language that I was programmed to understand, while being in the clear view of the antagonists. The round had, if I remember right, two and a half hours of escalation, up to the confrontation with Security, which I neither began nor even really witnessed. I was busy roleplaying with BORE GM-9 when the fight began. It was after the mercenaries were defeated, that I received the Admin PM.

I might be forgetting to mention something, or some kind of concern, so I might edit/amend this post or send a reply.


Copy pasted from the round - The Admin PM.


Additional remarks: I would like to note that if I had been contacted earlier about the concern/accusation that I am validhunting, I could have clarified or amended my behaviour. But at the end of the round, what's done is done, and I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I also know that this is a huge novel, but I think it's necessary to explain what happened.

Edited by Sputnik5927

I'll handle this complaint since this is about AI whitelists and regarding the decisions of one of the people of the whitelist team.



As far as I can see you have been talked to twice before regarding your behaviour as AI.

This being a third time and it was escalated to a removal, though I personally can agree that it seemed a bit quick the proper justifcation and escalation was there.

1 hour ago, Shadow said:

As far as I can see you have been talked to twice before regarding your behaviour as AI.

This being a third time and it was escalated to a removal, though I personally can agree that it seemed a bit quick the proper justifcation and escalation was there.

It was “quick” because the “criteria” that I have set for a whitelist strip was all simultaneously met within a single ticket/round.

Overall, I found the player lacking the behavior we look for when it comes to our AI whitelists. It’s nothing against Sputnik or their AI, I just believe they need to stick around a bit more, watch how other AIs are played, then go from there.


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, ReadThisNamePlz said:

It was “quick” because the “criteria” that I have set for a whitelist strip was all simultaneously met within a single ticket/round.

Overall, I found the player lacking the behavior we look for when it comes to our AI whitelists. It’s nothing against Sputnik or their AI, I just believe they need to stick around a bit more, watch how other AIs are played, then go from there.


If this is the case, you did not make it clear to me in our direct messages. I don't know what your "criteria" are, or how I've ticked your boxes. From your messages to me, I understand "You have validhunted", full stop. The round went for a good length, with good escalation and ended in a confrontation following the decision from the Mercs to attack Security. My actions weren't detrimental to the game at all, as far as I can tell.

Being someone who actually considers admin messages and takes them into account for the future, (as seen by the fact I didn't lock any doors or constantly surveil the Mercs) this doesn't help me improve at all. I also don't want to wait an arbitrary amount of time and then re-apply, because my application and interview were just fine.

If you are misinterpreting the situation, or have been lied to, I want to know. Otherwise, I want to know what exactly I did wrong and how to do it better. I don't need my whitelist stripped, because I can do better if I'm told how.

If it's nothing against me, or my AI, then again, I don't need my whitelist stripped as someone who has abused it. If you want, you can send me a private Discord message where you can give me a complete rundown of any problems and I would really read it.

Edited by Sputnik5927
2 hours ago, Sputnik5927 said:

If this is the case, you did not make it clear to me in our direct messages. I don't know what your "criteria" are, or how I've ticked your boxes. From your messages to me, I understand "You have validhunted", full stop. The round went for a good length, with good escalation and ended in a confrontation following the decision from the Mercs to attack Security. My actions weren't detrimental to the game at all, as far as I can tell.

Being someone who actually considers admin messages and takes them into account for the future, (as seen by the fact I didn't lock any doors or constantly surveil the Mercs) this doesn't help me improve at all. I also don't want to wait an arbitrary amount of time and then re-apply, because my application and interview were just fine.

If you are misinterpreting the situation, or have been lied to, I want to know. Otherwise, I want to know what exactly I did wrong and how to do it better. I don't need my whitelist stripped, because I can do better if I'm told how.

If it's nothing against me, or my AI, then again, I don't need my whitelist stripped as someone who has abused it. If you want, you can send me a private Discord message where you can give me a complete rundown of any problems and I would really read it.

The "criteria" is as follows - A constructive personality that adds to the overall flow of the round, and does not attempt to fill any specific role.

You told me point blank that your AI is meant to be a "Ship security focused personality." If you want to be security focused, then go play Security. AI are tools to assist the crew and assist in the flow of the round remaining smoothly. You, as an AI, should not be attempting to make contact with antags, or even overtly monitoring them. If you're ordered to watch them? Go for it, but within reason. The logs and screenshots I was shown was more than enough to paint the picture that you were overly excited to be engaging with the antags, or eager to be involved in general. 

You were spoken to twice before about your interactions with Antagonists as an AI. From what the notes painted, and this round showed, you hadn't learned entirely. Yes, you made attempts to change the behavior, and I applaud you for it. Growth is good, but it does not always mean it is enough. You simply should not have an AI personality based on "Security". You're a tool, but you're not a glorified security camera. You're there, like command, to help the flow of the round. But you do not have the same duties as command. 

OOC Thought has to be put into how you play as well. Saying things like "They are confiscating our weapons" immediately after you leave a holopad to go look at them? That's a no-go man. You immediately outed their actions because you wanted to be a glorified camera. This behavior is exactly why we have an AI whitelist. It might seem minor to you, or even insignificant, but we have dealt with this kind of thing on the server for years, and it's because of this, that we have such a strict whitelist for it. 

Hence why I want you to observe how other AIs play, interact and overall impact the round. A good AI will fulfill the ships security, sure, but not in an overbearing way. A lot of them will see it, and ooc they'll go "well how has the round gone so far? Will outing them kill the gimmick? Will it prevent their story from being driven?" AI is not just IC. It is extremely OOC as well. You have to be able to balance it. And right now, I just do not think you have that balance. 


Upon further reflection, the AI Whitelist as it currently is, is too oppressive for me. I underestimated the amount of OOC influence and hands-offness that is expected, and I see that unfortunately, the AI is extremely scrutinized because of being overpowered in the past.

Until I have some kind of revelation or the status of AI changes, I probably won't be re-applying.

Consequently, I am retracting this staff complaint.

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