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[ACCEPTED] sperky7933 skrell application

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BYOND Key: sperky7933
Character Names: Michael Greenberg, Bartholomew, Zim C'thur, Kern Zo'ra, Flick Bernagen, to name a couple 
Species you are applying to play: Skrell, Xiialt
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Light green
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: SIR YERS SIR OORAH

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Apart from my goal to collect every single xeno species, I have played with Skrell on board the ship and have enjoyed it a plenty. I have always had a desire to play as a non-discriminated xeno, as most of them I play as are extremely discriminated and oppressed - That's not to say the Skrell aren't, but definitely not literally barred from certain jobs and restricted. They are one of the only xenos to have psionic abilities, have complex familial systems, and due to their age have a *very* distinct outtake on life. Their history is incredibly interesting and I would like to create a character that truly expresses the tenants of their recent history, as well as express their long age and interesting government.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Skrell obviously look different and are seen as being emotionless to humans - Conveying emotions requires the use of headtails and passive psionic stuff. So, when another alien speaks to a skrell, they're seen as an emotionless frog waving headtails around. But, to another skrell, it is entirely understandable.
Their psionic abilities extend to both a Nlom effect that happens when a bunch of Skrell receivers are together and collectively share similar ideals. They also perform Srom when they sleep, which is an important part of skrell culture where they can commune in their dreams - Some tenacious skrell even use this to their advantage to train or work in their dreams!
Now the biggest key difference is their age. They mature incredibly slowly and, with proper medical treatment, can live up to almost half a millennium! This longevity is expressed in everything skrell - Their slow, cautious and methodical nature (compared to humans), their extreme obsession with future-planning (as they're gonna live long so why not), and culture. This doesn't necessarily mean that a skrell is going to be more wise than a human - They mature at different ages. A fourty year old human is going to definitely be more mature, educated and wise than a forty year old skrell. I usually encounter this a lot when I'm playing my older human characters. There are skrell thirty years older that respect me as a human.
Character Name: Quw'Qim Sit'Tap'Xri-Salla
Please provide a short backstory for this character:


I am Qum'Qim Tap'Xri-Salla, born as Qum'Qim Tap'Xri during the reign of Glorsh on Qerrbalak. I have lived through the pain, misery and fear of the era, and have judged traitors to our kind after the Glorsh-Omega, and have fought against their tyranny. This is my story... Well, let's make it short - I do not have all day to write all three hundred and fifty one years of my history.

Being born during the height of the Glorsh-Omega sterilization, I have been completely sterlized by them. I have been completely, even with medical treatment, unable to have any children. From birth, I was born to despise synthetics and what they have done to us. I must, though, give a thank to my Qrri'Myaq, who was also my Qraa'Myaq, for teaching me at an early age what Glorsh used to be to them. They instilled beliefs of me in passive disobedience - To work with Glorsh, and then undermine them when they show weakness. I cannot go without saying... The black spots that dotted their body and head... Horrifying sight to see and feel the presence of one in such a state of misery to be betrayed as they were. I have taken their namesake - Salla - In my official name after their death as respect.

After my Uyi’vesi in piloting, I set out to pilot freighter ships. Naturally this is an incredibly dangerous occupation. Working for the government and pro-Glorsh workers, my ship was boarded by what we called "Freedom Fighters" during a trip to... Some mining station, I forgot. After being boarded, by coincidence of the Stars, my Qrra'Myaqq who was also my Lu'Poxii from childhood was there. My rival pilot brother. If it were not for them, Stars bless them, I would have never become the great pilot I was. Had we not shared familial ties or knew eachother, they would have had us put on a trial. Only the great sympathizers left, the rest, joined them.

At this point in my life, I have joined the Lyukal, "The Resistance", at perhaps the peak time. My piloting expertise has allowed me a position to luckily be in the final attack on Glorsh - I will not go into details, as my brother died during this period - Let us say, we were considered heros to all skrell, and, to the traitors, we were seen as their demise. I can say proudly my flying abilities have made it possible that day.

Likewise with my brother I will not speak much about the rebuilding of our society. It was a time of great stress, hard labour and sadness. However, I will speak about my position at the time. I was still young, not tadpole, but nevertheless young. I was lucky to have the ability to be a judge during the trials of these traitors. During these times, I joined the Qukala navy as a junior officer, and then a captain in my later life, mostly to hunt down bandits. It was an enjoyable experience to work for a government I have assisted in restoring, and to witness the recovery of my great kin.

Nowadays, I am not the courageous and young hero I once was. I am, to most young skrells now, just another collapse era skrell that they show respect to, without knowing why or what we did. What issues we faced. They know nothing of what we done for them and what gratitude they owe us. I am simply, nowadays, a captain that is looking to enjoy the rest of their days of their life exploring the Spur. I am happy to see my fellow kind enjoy their lives, enjoy the Federation we built for them, and especially to work with sparks.

tl;dr They fought against the Glorsh-Omega and are now looking to explore the Spur in their final years of their life as a captain on board various ships.

What do you like about this character?
I wanted to play as a skrell captain on the ship and express everything interesting about the skrell in this character. This includes the Glorsh-Omega era incident, their old age, loyalty to the federation and their psionic abilities (they are a reciever, naturally). Someone traditional, old, experienced and deadpan serious.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I'm good, but like, there are some guys who play this game who have *crazy* good characters and skills (hint: grumpy old janitor) and I will just never match that level of amazingness... Though I try to.


EDIT 1: Fixed the name of my skrell because the naming convention went against tradition

Edited by WhatsUpBrotendo
Fixed the name of my skrell because the naming convention went against tradition

Hello! Thank you for applying. I have some general questions for you!

1. What is Quw'QIm's favorite food?

2. How has being a survivor of the Glorsh Era affected their view on human synthetics and AI as a whole?

3. How do you think you could represent the above on ship?

4. How does Quw'Qlm feel about the SCC or human megacorporations as a whole? Your skrell would've been around for first contact, so perhaps they have an interesting perspective.

5. What is Quw'Qlm's SCS score and outlook on the Federation?

5 hours ago, Butterrobber202 said:

Hello! Thank you for applying. I have some general questions for you!

1. What is Quw'QIm's favorite food?

2. How has being a survivor of the Glorsh Era affected their view on human synthetics and AI as a whole?

3. How do you think you could represent the above on ship?

4. How does Quw'Qlm feel about the SCC or human megacorporations as a whole? Your skrell would've been around for first contact, so perhaps they have an interesting perspective.

5. What is Quw'Qlm's SCS score and outlook on the Federation?

1. Qum'Qim like molluscs of all sorts, especially the Aqoliz that remind them of their home world. During their time as a revolutionary and during the rebuild, they generally came to despise cheaper foods due to them overeating them all the time. Like, they would rather starve to death than eat vending machine garbage. Their recent time in human space has allowed them to become fascinated with their culture and splurge out on their new types of cuisine like hotdogs and such. They generally prefer to eat human food now as they try to explore different things in life.

2. Their view on human synthetics has been this: They will try their best to educate humans on the issues with synthetics and how dangerous they are, but will not outright tell them what or what not to do. They simply do not want to see their kind ever relying on synthetics again. They do not care if the sparks use AI or not, as long as they understand the consequences of their actions. They are extremely cautious around this technology and especially do not trust or rely on stationbounds, especially AI. They will respect and work with an IPC but will never treat them with the same trust and respect as another organic. They are completely unsympathetic to synthetics and really do not care about their suffering as they see it as being fake and emulated.

3. Qum'QIm will work with a synthetic, as per their job, but will be extremely skeptical of them and educate humans as to why they are dangerous to work with. It is, after all, human space and they are a guest amongst foreigners. They would prefer to interact with organics, but won't outright refuse to interact with an synthetic if it is unavoidable.

4. Since first contact and learning about and understanding humans, they have been deeply disappointed that humans have allowed megacorporations such autonomy and control over their lives. They do not really see them as parasitical or evil, they just see them as just being unregulated and thus do not act in their best interests. This is an opinion that they have always kept of the humans since the start - They should keep a tighter leash on companies.

5. Qum'Qim sees the federation as a part of *their* own creation - That they were single-handedly responsible in the design of the government. Obviously this is a bit overkill, but to them they feel that way. They are very loyal to the government, their programs, the meritocracy, etc... Their social credit score has maintained Iqi status since the Glorsh-Omega incident, and, up until recent years, they have kept it as high as possible. Nowadays they have become more relaxed and lenient (for their standards) and have kept a score of around 9.3, though it has been higher in the past.

12 hours ago, sperky7933 said:

Nowadays they have become more relaxed and lenient (for their standards) and have kept a score of around 9.3, though it has been higher in the past.

This too high. The only Skrell with a score near 9 would be Consulars. Generally, loyal Skrell who have left the Federation for their own reasons would sit somewhere between a 7 or 8. Remember, you've chosen to leave it all behind and ally yourself with the SCC (even if you are still loyal to Nralakk), you have an outside influence on you now. Especially for a SCC Captain, who are only promoted to such prestigious and trusted positions if they have proven themselves in-line with the SCC's goals.

12 hours ago, sperky7933 said:

4. Since first contact and learning about and understanding humans, they have been deeply disappointed that humans have allowed megacorporations such autonomy and control over their lives. They do not really see them as parasitical or evil, they just see them as just being unregulated and thus do not act in their best interests. This is an opinion that they have always kept of the humans since the start - They should keep a tighter leash on companies.

Why does Qum-Qim work for them then? And how did they reach the position of Captain?


The rest of your answers are good! Brotendo and I will discuss your application and reach out with more questions or a verdict soon.


This too high. The only Skrell with a score near 9 would be Consulars. Generally, loyal Skrell who have left the Federation for their own reasons would sit somewhere between a 7 or 8. Remember, you've chosen to leave it all behind and ally yourself with the SCC (even if you are still loyal to Nralakk), you have an outside influence on you now. Especially for a SCC Captain, who are only promoted to such prestigious and trusted positions if they have proven themselves in-line with the SCC's goals.

That's a good point. I just used the C'thur queens SCC as sort of an inspiration. I'd then consider around 8.1 or 8.0 for Qum'Qim. Maybe even lower honestly, I am not good at gauging this sorta stuff.



Why does Qum-Qim work for them then? And how did they reach the position of Captain?

Qum'Qim saw the writing on the wall after witnessing the expansion, growth and influence that humans have been gathering ever since first contact. Knowing this, they began to work for Zheng-Hu to get a foot in the door in what they deemed to be the future. At the time, they planned on having a family with their Qu'Poxii, but Qum'Qim's infertility and their partners death has led to this dream being crushed. They wanted their children to grow up in human space in what they deemed to be the best place for them to find success. They now continue to work for human companies because of their hope that they might still harbor a family, the reputation they have built in the company, and most of all, they love their job.

They began with working in skrell space as an administrator on some of Zheng-Hu's smaller research stations and slowly began to integrate themself into human corporations from there, becoming a captain of a couple of Nanotrasen phoron research vessels. Most of the time they spent was with the Sol Republic.

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