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Port the Obstruction Field Disperser from Bay


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So my suggestion is for the OFD (Obstruction Field Disperser) to be ported from Bay, and altered to use our ship gun system.

The OFD is a ship mounted tool used to clear overmap hazards, it can be loaded with different kinds of charges for affecting different hazards, for example, an EMP charge can be used to clear an electrical storm or ion cloud, and an explosive round can be used to clear a carp school or asteroid field.

Another use it has is acting as a drop pod, it can send a crate to a certain tile, though any living thing inside will be gibbed, so it cannot be used for delivering crew, only supplies.
There are also mining charges for it, which can clear out a area of rock on a mining asteroid or other area with rock when fired at it.

From what I know, the OFD is fairly ineffective at being used as a weapon (both due to short range and not being very strong against ships), and if it were implemented, I could imagine SOP/regulations against using it as such.

Here, it could be tied into using the targeting console, and be loaded by operations, giving the console a use outside of ship combat scenarios.

Edited by greenjoe

The OFD was Bay's solution to overmap hazards as they don't have ship weapons. We do though, and they already work to clear out hazards. 



Our ship weapons cannot clear all types of hazards Though, dust clouds, ion storms and electrical storms just have ship gun rounds go right through them


Imho that could and should be a thing in the form of special ammo for the Intrepid. Would give pilots something to do, we'd be clearing space dangers for the main ship and the sector we are in would become a little safer through our hard work.

Just a crate of "sci fi delivery shells" that do no damage in combat but give the intrepid stuff to do during slow rounds.

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