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Reinstate The Antag Draft


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My fellow Aurorians, low-pop is in a state of emergency, the Antag Drought is far reaching and its effects are mildly annoying. Reinstating the Draft is matter of our Playerbase's security.

Joking aside, my suggestion is pretty simple, bring back the Antag Draft with a couple tweaks. Whatever gamemode you vote for should put you into the antag pool for that gamemode. For example if you vote for Cult you are in the cult pool, secret you are in every pool, and extended you are in none. The reason I am making this suggestion is something we have all experienced, wanting to play with antags but watching every gamemode fail because people view themselves as not good enough to play antag or simply do not want to taint their character with the dreaded Antag Main stamp.

Now I understand that the Antag Draft was a very contended topic, but this is a new year, new playerbase and all that, so at the very least it should be put to poll vote like Borgs were. As I obviously do not speak for every single player in this community I would like people who agree with the concept of the Antag Draft to suggest their tweaks to it in the comments.


not a fan. if i want to play antag i will enable the role. i don't think i should have to resign myself to voting extended because i don't feel like playing antagonist. i am more likely to only latejoin and not ready up at all. i have zero interest in some types of antags, and would sooner give up the role or cryo than force myself to play 2 hours of something i do not enjoy. 


additionally, if you're playing antagonist, you have some expectation to stay the round. if i'm looking to play half a round and i get merc, i'm going to have a bad time.

this is a bad suggestion and will worsen latepop issues. additionally, why should a latepop issue force everyone to play antag draft? we do not code or balance around latepop, so i see no reason to do it here.


i honestly feel as though this will have more of a negative effect with players not readying up at roundstart because they dont want to be drafted. Leading to an even worse problem with lower pop rounds that feed into themselves.

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Just now, ClemTheDuck said:

i honestly feel as though this will have more of a negative effect with players not readying up at roundstart because they dont want to be drafted. Leading to an even worse problem with lower pop rounds that feed into themselves.


1 minute ago, Carver said:

The first iteration of this feature instilled a permanent habit of me always voting extended.

The idea of the Antag Draft is that it only applies to voting, simply readying up and not voting will not place you into any pool you didn't select with your roles. In the best case of the Antag Draft in my opinion, You have to go out of your way to place a vote to be drafted.


Oh, I'm aware of how it works and worked. I'm merely stating a long-term result of the first iteration so newer people can make their own judgement on the feature and it's glaring faults.

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